Well-Known Member
ok so my plants one by one are wilting and dying. i went from 12 to about 8 and one more seems to be wilting. i am going tonight to get a ph meter, but like i said, its happening one by one. i still have 7 plants that one of which has yellow tips, two the leaves are slightly pointing really straight up - like, and curling if you will. and a few i culled out because they wilted the point of no return. is this a ph problem? is it to much nutes? i have a high nutrient mix, but not to much i didnt think. but like i said, 6 of them are completely healthy, and i think that this culling is actually somewhat helpful, because it is proving to me who is strongest and who i should clone. i only have a 3x3x3' growroom with a 400W HPS. here is some pics of a healthy one, and 2 unhealthy ones that might go next. have to restart comp to load webcam will post in 5 min...could this be a ph prob? to much nutes? why are they wilting and dying? i do not overwater except for i think thats why one of them died. let me get these pics...