It's actually true, believe it or not. Composting is amazing, honestly.
Laughed my arse off a while back here on RIU in the organic section. A grower fully composted a dead woodchuck in his heap.

Bone is nothing if there's enough carbon and rich organic matter for the microbes. About 30 - 1 carbon / nitrogen and you're away.

Anyway peace, have a good day. I'll check in again tomorrow.
Pics or it didn't happen, lol.
Pics or it didn't happen, lol.

The RIU saying lol. I get it.
But I definitely took their word for it.

Funnily enough I found the company in the article I linked in this thread.
Here's a link to their site and a brief explanation of the cycle.

Notice there's no specific time between phase 1 and 2. But from phase 2 it only takes 30 days to completely decompose into soil. Also it's strictly decomposition / composting all the way.

Fascinating af! :lol:
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The RIU saying lol. I get it.
But I definitely took their word for it.

Funnily enough I found the company in the article I linked in this thread.
Here's a link to their site and a brief explanation of the cycle.

Notice there's no specific time between phase 1 and 2. But from phase 2 it only takes 30 days to completely decompose into soil. Also it's strictly decomposition / composting all the way.

Fascinating af! :lol:
I know it's crazy what the microbial world can do. But there's no way in hell a big piece of bone is decomposed in a few weeks. It will happen in really good rich soil, but not that fast at all. I do like the idea of being buried in a rich compost filled hole and putting a tree on top of me though. Maybe plant a Crabapple tree over me since I can be a little crabby, lol
I know it's crazy what the microbial world can do. But there's no way in hell a big piece of bone is decomposed in a few weeks. It will happen in really good rich soil, but not that fast at all. I do like the idea of being buried in a rich compost filled hole and putting a tree on top of me though. Maybe plant a Crabapple tree over me since I can be a little crabby, lol

Lol yeah, I reckon it'd be an awesome way to go.

Better believe it lol.
"Natural organic reduction creates an environment in which beneficial microbes thrive, with a specific moisture content and ratio of carbon and nitrogen materials. This allows for the transformation of a body in about thirty days. The molecular processes that take place in a Recompose vessel are the same processes that break down a body during green burial. However, these processes typically take much longer in a green burial context. This is partly because not as much oxygen reaches a body that has been buried underground."

Most home compost piles aren't hot or active enough. They generally lack brown material and aren't maintained.
But man I can totally believe a small animal being decomposed in a good compost pile.
I certainly wouldn't expect it to be composted in 30 days either. But months for sure. Absolutely possible.

I'm fairly certain the difference between conventional composting and that of "Natural Organic Reduction" is NOR would be contained within a controlled environment. Wouldn't doubt it for a second.

Amazing man! Seriously. XD
Corpse to soil in 30 days is their claim. Starting November 2020 at a store near you lol.
Lol yeah, I reckon it'd be an awesome way to go.

Better believe it lol.
"Natural organic reduction creates an environment in which beneficial microbes thrive, with a specific moisture content and ratio of carbon and nitrogen materials. This allows for the transformation of a body in about thirty days. The molecular processes that take place in a Recompose vessel are the same processes that break down a body during green burial. However, these processes typically take much longer in a green burial context. This is partly because not as much oxygen reaches a body that has been buried underground."

Most home compost piles aren't hot or active enough. They generally lack brown material and aren't maintained.
But man I can totally believe a small animal being decomposed in a good compost pile.
I certainly wouldn't expect it to be composted in 30 days either. But months for sure. Absolutely possible.

I'm fairly certain the difference between conventional composting and that of "Natural Organic Reduction" is NOR would be contained within a controlled environment. Wouldn't doubt it for a second.

Amazing man! Seriously. XD
Corpse to soil in 30 days is their claim. Starting November 2020 at a store near you lol.
I'm sure @Yadam wants to hear more on composting humans, lol.
Isn’t this
Yep lol!

There's a great takeaway from it all though. And that's just how important good aeration is.
Without enough oxygen and "aerobic activity" a rich, healthy soil is cactus.

Peace. Much love. Have a good one.
Haha this is almost the premise of the movie “how high”. Method man’s friend dies and they put his ashes in soil. Then every time he smokes from that plant his friend shows up and helps him out.
Well at least we know you can follow directions that’s One of the most important attributes a good grower can have!!! I would say where you went wrong was not transplanting into new soil before you flipped your lights , you probably burned through your amendments. that’s a long stretch in a small container your roots gotta be all bond up as well. If caligreen recommends the same amendments through out the life cycle Of the plant then continue to do so when you mix your dirt for transplant. Do not I repeat do not deviate from your amendments or feed unless other wise instructed by caligreen or who evers formula your following. Remember to keep an eye on your micro nutrients when using r/o water. Also in this situation simple enough you can a test on the ppms in your soil run off. To see if your running hot and causing lock out. And broski never be afraid to transplant what you have down bottom is what you’ll get up top.
have you ever seen a weed plant before?
I know it's crazy what the microbial world can do. But there's no way in hell a big piece of bone is decomposed in a few weeks. It will happen in really good rich soil, but not that fast at all. I do like the idea of being buried in a rich compost filled hole and putting a tree on top of me though. Maybe plant a Crabapple tree over me since I can be a little crabby, lol
as you can tell from my last post i didnt fully read the thread and im sorry for bein a dick to the dick.

That being said , i didnt read the article yet either but i know EM can break down big bones in a matter of weeks. (bokashi, EM-1, ect.....) I played with it a little....its a mean bacteria.