Well-Known Member
i dont think this case would go to the supreme court and if it did it would literally take years and most likley brought up for maybe 5 minutes tops, federal law trumps ALL LOCAL LAW, RELIGIOUS LAW,or whatever the fuck law you think holds, it does not matter why youhad the marijuana, all that matters is you were caught in possession of it, regardless of whether you were on your own property, any cop can say he saw probable cause looking into your window and smell reefer so he did a knock and talk, aka probably cause to search and detain, under ANY circumstances, period, end of story. now before you say no that isnt what happened let me remind you this, it doesnt really matter WHAT happened, the only thing that really matters is what you can prove, and if its your word against a police officer or multiple police officers, who do you think the judge will beleive? some 19 year old kid that just got arrested for smoking buds or the civil servant who has been loyal to his dept. for years and years?? i will give you a hint, the person isnt 19 yrs old...im not trying to be an asshole or anything but its really un realistic to consider you actually winning this case. maybe if you had multiple CREDIBLE witnesses, not 'ur x gf and 2 buddys' im talking REAL crediblle people, and a camera to record the incident when it happened then maybe i would say you have a decent cold chance in hell, without these things, your defense does not hold any water friend, trust me i know the law decently well and you will most likley be laughed at and maybe infuriate the judge by coming into his courtroom with bs.
have you ever heard the old saying '' ignorance of the law is NOT an excuse '' as an American citizen, it is YOUR sole job to find out the laws in your state or local govt and how those laws pertain to you as a citizen of this country. marijuana is illegal at the federal level, therefore trumping all state laws (which is unconstitutional to begin with, but thats a whole other topic) therefore no matter where you are in the united states it is crime to possess and consume marijuana regardless of state laws. therefore you will be prosecuted for it, theres nothing you can do. warrant or not, if a police officer said he he had probable cause to do it, thats it end of story all the evidence found can and at that point will be used against you. as i said your only way would be to prove the cop is lieing by recording the event and show it in court, otherwise your up shits creek bro. no matter how many times you say no warrant it will not matter, if a police officer has probable cause to search you, your person, vehicle or car then there is no warrant needed. good luck dude, im not being an asshole just trying to be real with you. pz
have you ever heard the old saying '' ignorance of the law is NOT an excuse '' as an American citizen, it is YOUR sole job to find out the laws in your state or local govt and how those laws pertain to you as a citizen of this country. marijuana is illegal at the federal level, therefore trumping all state laws (which is unconstitutional to begin with, but thats a whole other topic) therefore no matter where you are in the united states it is crime to possess and consume marijuana regardless of state laws. therefore you will be prosecuted for it, theres nothing you can do. warrant or not, if a police officer said he he had probable cause to do it, thats it end of story all the evidence found can and at that point will be used against you. as i said your only way would be to prove the cop is lieing by recording the event and show it in court, otherwise your up shits creek bro. no matter how many times you say no warrant it will not matter, if a police officer has probable cause to search you, your person, vehicle or car then there is no warrant needed. good luck dude, im not being an asshole just trying to be real with you. pz