Well-Known Member
HigH people. Quick update on the weight and the curing. Well it's been almost a week since the Onyx went in to jars and about 5 days for the EasyRyder. I have been burping them a couple times a day. Still got a green smell to them. I hope that changes soon! I want to smell some pungent ChroniC. A few days ago I weighed each jar and had a total of 5.4 oz. I weighed them last night and have a total of 5.2 oz. Still very happy with that total and will be if it drops some more! It has been a total success to this point. After this first grow, I am realizing my ability to self sustain and save my loot! That's what I'm talking about, not paying for medicine! That's what it's all about!! I am confident in saying that this first harvest has paid for the Supernova! I will be totally in the black after my next harvest. Dam now I want a bigger space! lol I know I'm still a rookie who has a lot to learn. Don't want to get over confident. Here are a couple pics of the jars of medicine. View attachment 1282884View attachment 1282885
I must say CD i am truly impressed with that first harvest. The time and dedication really paid off for you in the end.
11 jars and 5.2 ozs thats fantastic!

Now the fun begins, your gonna want to start crossing and piddiling
now that the first grow is out of the way you will feel way more comfortable with the ones to follow
this will allow you more time to experiment and research Like mossy and the rest of us.
Remember its addicting and you are right the feeling to be able to self provide is amazing
Again job well done my friend, and you have also made me a believer in the LED tech
Im going to start looking into these for summer grows that way i can cut the A/C to a minumum
as well as the light bill......