the co2 has arrived!! im excited to see the results.
Good stuff man. Can't wait to see a bit of added growth rate on those plants..already growing pretty damn fast.
So check this out man, I went and dropped of my payment for my JillyBean seeds yesterday. Money order in the mail.
Anyway, later on I am at the grow pad when I get a call from my wife. She says: "Uhm, our mail box got stolen."
Me: "WTF?! Stolen? You mean it's GONE?"
Wife: "Yep, looks like the came by and ripped it off...literally."
Sure you get how the rest of that convo went. So I get home last night and decide to take a walk down the road to see if I can spot any clues...tossed mail etc.
I went down one side of the street and found nothing, so crossed the street and walked back towards my house. I got about 100 feet or so and there was my Forbes...another letter...a bill....and then my actual mail box.
They tore it off the Security fence, ripped it open...and scattered my mail all in about a 35 foot walk. Damn punk teenagers...
Just glad it happened now and not two weeks from now. I would have been knocking on some doors....
You ever get those pics of your room?