Preferred bud washing method


Well-Known Member
So i will be washing my harvest in a couple days due to some spider mites later in flower. I did a test bud a week ago to see if this would be viable, and it came out great. My question is, what is your preferred method of bud washing? The three buckets/containers seems to be universal, but the ingredients in the buckets seems to change with every person that posts online. Ingredients usually water, baking soda, lemon juice, and peroxide. Not always all the ingredients, and often in different orders combinations. I was thinking of going with a 4 bucket, first baking soda and lemon juice water, second peroxide water, last 2 plain water. I only grow for personal use, so the few left after the wash I will just have to live with. Thoughts?
I'd skip the lemon juice. Usually outdoors with no other issues, I do one with peroxide and one with water. If any fungus issues were present or you're worried about budrot, then I'd add a baking soda bath in the middle. The water gets so nasty!!
Instead of baking soda and lemon in the first bin, I use potassium bicarbonate. The second is hydrogen peroxide and water. The third (and fourth if you want it) are just water. The potassium bicarbonate will kill any mold or mildew you may have missed while harvesting.
Also if you are washing a large amount and have bubble bags , pour your waste water through them. In the 220 and 190 bags you will see why it is a good idea to wash them. There's often a large number of tiny, once living things in the first two bags. And in the lower bags you may find a nice little surprise.
After washing two plants that amounted to several pounds I poured the wash bins through my bags and ended up with around three grams of trichomes in the bottom. It's not a significant amount (especially considering the amounts we washed) but it was still there and would have just been dumped out.
Good luck friend!
My best guess for amount being washed is about 2 lbs. I do have bags, both 5 gal and 1 gal, we’ll see what comes out