Prison Stories

There were 2 escapes from Folsom during my 25 years.
Inmate Godwin had someone help him by cutting their way into Folsom prison thru the storm drains that dump out into the American river that runs from Folsom Dam past the prison. The guy cut all the bars & fencing from the river to a manhole in the main yard & marked the way out. The guy who help him & Godwins wife were eventually caught & both served 3 year bid's.
Despite that his "official" status is "at large". We have corroborating stories that Godwin never made the second escape from the Mexican prison, but the escape was arranged by the Mexican Mafia so they could kill him in retribution, & he is buried in a shallow grave in Mexico..and I believe it...
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wow that is INTENSE> and that was the lead crip? he put it all on the line for you, you must have been really liked.. . I wonder if it was the same lead crip that Michael Santos was cellies with . He calls him CripTank in his book as alias. CripTank ended up in a wheelchair due to some weird illness. u should read the book Doublejj its really really good.
He's still up in Folsom today. He's an old man now in his 70's. Doing double life for driveby murders. He is a minister now & married to a minister in LA & they lead the scared straight program in Folsom. I have much respect for this man
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I was in jail and called my then girlfriend, some guy answered the phone and said something smart, I lost the plot and was put into solitary. When I got out I discovered this person had been driving my car, had cooked the head so then he ripped the stereo out, he had stolen all my clothes as well as fucking my girlfriend in my house. I went back to jail later that day.
The other inmate (Wilson) escaped in one of my Prison Industries trucks. He had other inmates stage a forklift accident in the whse where we loaded the trucks while he hid inside the truckload. This one got personal, because I caught some shit for it. And He was a cocky mother & sent the warden a Christmas card!....they finally caught him. He's in Pelican Bay now, he will never see the sun...
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getting some plastic surgery after escaping seems like a necessary step to securing freedom, just like Humphrey Bogart did after he escaped from Alcatraz in the Movie Dark Passages.
Rick James (the Rock star) got a Lieutenant fired while he was at Folsom. But she eventually go her job back as a co......soon after he arrived at Folsom to serve his 5 year sentence for aggravated assault & rape, the night time cell block Lt heard that Rick James was in her building. She went to his cell & asked are you the real Rick James?...will you sing me a song?.....his response = "I don't sing for free, I'm a pro"...well how much for a song?...."I haven't had any pizza for a long time"....
So a few nights later, after chow, she went to the band room & got a guitar & had a pizza delivered to the front gate. (Staff have food delivered all the time). and just like a scene from a movie with 100's of inmates hanging from the tier railings Rick James did a set from his show, to a standing ovation. By all accounts, he nailed it!.....but another inmate that didn't get any pizza, turned her in & she was fired...
I saw her at another institution a year later as a CO....that's life in Folsom, that's the code
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Rick James (the Rock star) got a Lieutenant fired while he was at Folsom. But she eventually go her job back as a co......soon after he arrived at Folsom to serve his 5 year sentence for aggravated assault & rape, the night time cell block Lt heard that Rick James was in her building. She went to his cell & asked are you the real Rick James?...will you sing me a song?.....his response = "I don't sing for free, I'm a pro"...well how much for a song?...."I haven't had any pizza for a long time"....
So a few nights later, after chow, she went to the band room & got a guitar & had a pizza delivered to the front gate. (Staff have food delivered all the time). and just like a scene from a movie with 100's of inmates hanging from the tier railings Rick James did a set from his show, to a standing ovation. By all accounts, he nailed it!.....but another inmate that didn't get any pizza, turned her in & she was fired...
I saw her at another institution a year later as a CO....that's life in Folsom, that's the code

Somebody had to have served a beating to the dick that snitched on the co , normally convicts try n get co's to do special shit for them & if they do its classified shit , nobody wants to fuck up a good thing , did he get a beat down or was it anonymous?
Captive customers are the new road to riches, bro!

Beyond the obvious moral bankruptcy of this sort of thing, it really effects us on the world stage. The rest of the world is fully aware of this sort of crap. So when we go playing Special Ops Cop or Drone Commander, it often has a different reaction than we think it might. Our moral high ground has really been whittled away these days.
Beyond the obvious moral bankruptcy of this sort of thing, it really effects us on the world stage. The rest of the world is fully aware of this sort of crap. So when we go playing Special Ops Cop or Drone Commander, it often has a different reaction than we think it might. Our moral high ground has really been whittled away these days.

You're exactly correct. The term in the CIA for unintended negative consequences of such activities is called 'blowback'.

And we are lining ourselves up for plenty of it.
Yeah, the inmates found out who told....they handled it....

I figured as much , i dont think Danny Trejo was famous yet while he was in folsom was he ? you shoulda got manson on your crew & put his head in a vice , or welded him into an iron helmet .
Only weeks after the release of American Me..... A gang counselor & well-known person from East LA and paid consultant to the film, 49 year old grandmother Ana Lizarraga commonly known as "The Gang Lady", was murdered when she was gunned down in her driveway unloading groceries. A federal indictment accused La Eme of ordering the 1992 murder of Ana Lizarraga because they didn't like the way they were portrayed in the film..
The inmate that saved me, could not interfere with what was happening, that would have violated the code. Nobody knows the leadman inmate hit the alarm, I only know because the staff member told me. He would have been dead meat if the others found out he told. But I know.
That's exactly what my cl husband would have done for his CO. He was that way. He had friends on both sides, of course, this was federal prison in Beaumont, Texas.
Only weeks after the release of American Me..... A gang counselor & well-known person from East LA and paid consultant to the film, 49 year old grandmother Ana Lizarraga commonly known as "The Gang Lady", was murdered when she was gunned down in her driveway unloading groceries. A federal indictment accused La Eme of ordering the 1992 murder of Ana Lizarraga because they didn't like the way they were portrayed in the film..
That's some serious shit! Gangs don't play.
first day I hit the supermax all the black guys ran at me asking "you bring anyting in, drugs smokes, what ya holdin bud" I said nothin man

thought it would be bad when cells opened in the morning but I realized a few old gangbangers from my neighborhood and a few HA that rode with my uncle.

had a minor spat in the showers but fight didn't last long. kicked the shit out of the guy over shoving me. uncles friend jumped on him too. monday I had to go to court and they wouldn't allow us out at the same time.

got an extra month for assault causing bodily harm

wouldn't of happened but the guards disliked me and put me on the most violent block. they actually told me as I was being walked over "hope you like fighting" fucking pricks
I could share more, but it would only be to show off. Which I won't do. The truth is, prison is a depressing place, filled with anxious- angry- sad people. Every person has their own story to tell, but you will find so many similarities to our story's. Some people will see the similarities and shrug them off, as coincidence. Society is designed, unfortunately and some people don't realise untill too late, ......... I wont embellish. I am risking prison doing what im doing now, but im limited for options for how to get my family out of this shit.

I dont think its possible for us to show off , aint nothing cool about getting caught up , or the consequences that follow , there especially aint nothing cool about the people we hurt or the worry & burden we put on our familys , aint nothing cool about being in a set inside or banging outside, i could of said much more too but its not what people want to know , i dont think your bragging its just part of your life & its a real life that most cant imagine when you lay it down for them to read , its beyond what television can capture .

To this day most people dont believe my constant problems with the police arent my own fault because they dont get the arm put on them by leo out of the blue , a cop runs your plate & your pulled over immediately & fucked with , i know the drill all too well where no matter how hard you try the government has the cards stacked to make you fail & for silly shit nobody else gets fucked with for , ive never stopped paying for what i did cause they set the system up to keep us down once out & that is fact .

Your last statement about your family hit me especially hard & thats why i didnt respond till now , family is my weak spot & i feel for ya because i know , ive been where your at & had to make the same choices & weigh the same odds you are but getting my family out of Detroit & to a safe place came 1st , as long as family is the focul point you'll do well bro .