• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is


Active Member
the only thing you need to believe in is ourselves and each other as its all we have until a so called god makes himself be know to all of us blind faith is something many have being force feed since the cradle and it takes
mental evolution to truly believe that if there is/isn't a god then you will be spared because you will have lived your life the same as if you were a follower i myself would be or act no different either as a believer or as a thinker
and if im wrong and there is a god who decides to punish me not for how i lived my life and treated/helped my brothers and sisters then i would want nothing to do with this god.
my point is what difference does it make what we do or don't believe in as long we remain the same, true to ourselves and others if god is all knowing and wise then it should be recognized if not then to oblivion with him/her/it.

My quest in life is evolution of the body mind and of the people of our world ...our only world
if we can free ourselves of dough and questions to begin the flow of answers without need the be told we are right or wrong we will have started to take the first steps to freeing our pre-programed minds
dont seek what is in the afterlife seek the here and now and the death will only become a stage of life like the turning of age (another birthday)


Well-Known Member
Nonsense.... complete nonsense.

You said: So this just shows me why and How we have intErgalactic Stars.., and yet it's Still part of A Galaxy Cluster...,

No, it does not mean that at all. They are independent of galactic forces.
It's right there if you pick up your reading comprehension a bit.
:roll:, Yes, C.J. @ the Present Time/Space they are IN, but they are saying the Gravitational Boundary in which they are held together, has a Greater influence over the nature of it's Orbit between Galaxies, than any Singular Galaxy, That is why they Say TrUeLy can Say...., Because It's a Finite Stage.. At One Time they were part of an Galaxy Right? And will Still Succumb to the Gravity of 1 Galaxy, that is amongst other Glaxaies in that cluster, that is apart of a Cluster of Clusters of Galaxies called Super Clusters, Held together by Gravitational forces, which lie hidden in Dark Matter, which is Located Primarily at the Core of All Galaxies..mmmmmmKay, Right!!!, Everything INto Oblivion...Just A Matter of When, NOt If.... Remember, mmmmkay :mrgreen:

What you aRe stating doesn't hold to the arguement you are making.. They are being Observed Presently Acting in A Independent Nature, that is All.. Plain and Simple

Come On Man!!! I'm not going to hold your hand through this, Good money went into thaT University Level Education you got,

Your Lucky, Logic tells me that is impossible for someone to recieve such Higher Learning and still be incompetent, While my instincts says, Well, We'll keep that one to Ourselves....., :lol:

Again, I'm not stating A proven Fact, but A theory, and You have put nothing forth contradictive to it.. While the Scientific evidence makes My suggested theory, very, very, Plausbile.. Science just haven't allowed Science to catch up, It's not trying 2 be Right or Wrong c.J. :-?, It's Science, the Evidence is There, Look at it,

No, don't talk to me, Look At It :roll:, then Talk..., then Look some More :roll:, :lol:

I think somebody is feeling Pretty thirsty..



Active Member
:roll:, Yes, C.J. @ the Present Time/Space they are IN, but they are saying the Gravitational Boundary in which they are held together, has a Greater influence over the nature of it's Orbit between Galaxies, than any Singular Galaxy, That is why they Say TrUeLy can Say...., Because It's a Finite Stage.. At One Time they were part of an Galaxy Right? And will Still Succumb to the Gravity of 1 Galaxy, that is amongst other Glaxaies in that cluster, that is apart of a Cluster of Clusters of Galaxies called Super Clusters, Held together by Gravitational forces, which lie hidden in Dark Matter, which is Located Primarily at the Core of All Galaxies..mmmmmmKay, Right!!!, Everything INto Oblivion...Just A Matter of When, NOt If.... Remember, mmmmkay :mrgreen:

What you aRe stating doesn't hold to the arguement you are making.. They are being Observed Presently Acting in A Independent Nature, that is All.. Plain and Simple

Come On Man!!! I'm not going to hold your hand through this, Good money went into thaT University Level Education you got,

Your Lucky, Logic tells me that is impossible for someone to recieve such Higher Learning and still be incompetent, While my instincts says, Well, We'll keep that one to Ourselves....., :lol:

Again, I'm not stating A proven Fact, but A theory, and You have put nothing forth contradictive to it.. While the Scientific evidence makes My suggested theory, very, very, Plausbile.. Science just haven't allowed Science to catch up, It's not trying 2 be Right or Wrong c.J. :-?, It's Science, the Evidence is There, Look at it,

No, don't talk to me, Look At It :roll:, then Talk..., then Look some More :roll:, :lol:

I think somebody is feeling Pretty thirsty..

Yeah, I'm finding logic is optional with his thinking. Wait till he quotes something you never said, then argues your wrong point.


Well-Known Member
It may appear sOmber, but I'm really glad he has pressed so hard, even tho' it's in error.... It has given me another Enlightening thought as Well, about String Theory and the Nature of the Two Possible 5th Dimensions, and I have yet to pick Up a Book yet, Thanks Cj...

I'll keep this one to Myself tho', don't want to push to much further Ahead,

Handicap Rulez :mrgreen:

smoker toker

Active Member
And not only that...

The Mayan calender ends on December 21st 2012. This date correlates correctly with what scientists say is a point when our poles actually reverse to correct a wobble. This is a cycle that happens every 26000 years...just so happens that is how long the Mayan calender lasts and if I am not mistaken isn't the oldest known tribe on earth the abhorigines...sorry aussies...which is about 26000 years old?
The only problem with the whole Mayan calender thing is... the Mayan's no longer exist.. lol.... it'd be like saying... for instance, if all humans on the planet died right now, and our farthest calender goes to say, year 2156, and the next intelligent speices found it and said "Well the last civilizaion's calender ended on 2156, so that's when we're all gonna die.

The calender stops because the tribe no longer exists to make more.. lol.. my personal thought anyways

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:


New Member
You guys are all over the place. You asked about black holes and if there were stars that lie outside galactic forces.

I provided you with the answers.

Now just because the only stars found so far have been "clusters", doesn't mean at all that there aren't millions of orphan stars out there unhinged from any galaxy.

The point was..... drum roll.... there are stars out there which are basically independent of galaxies.

I never intertwined it with black matter. that's a different topic.

Mauihund.... chaos..... it doesn't prevent me from thinking or forming ideas. It was chaos which built my brain.

Chaos is a positive, not a negative. Randomness rules the Universe...... no plan, unless the plan is chaos.

Evolution works on randomness and chaos. All things do (that we now of so far).

Or in other words, everything we see and sense tell us there is no plan, no orderly G*D shaping our destinies.

It's just whatever happens, happens. There is no good/evil plans...... Nature just mixes it up without judgment and sees what flies, and what crawls, and what never gets out of the starting gate.

No plan or goal to perfection..... it's actually not even in the recipe.


Well-Known Member
Cracker, I'm all over the place chasing you.. The theory I put forth was on gravity originating from super massive black holes that is primarily comprised of dark matter.. I've only had to reiterate because some people are unable to follow, that is completely just, this is a new idea/concept..which may not be new, just not released publicly because science cannot verify due to lack of sufficient data.

Once again, whether they are lone stars or clusters, its just the presently observed position they lie within relative distance between galaxies.. They are currently orbiting between many galaxies that influence its orbit but none play a more significant role then the combined gravity field they share..

Quick example, then Dad can't sit in the classroom with you any longer..

The relationship between the earth and Moon share a gravitational bond that is greater than the sun due to its present relationship, however that does not mean that the Suns gravitational force is actually less, obviously because we revolve around the sun.. The sun doesn't act upon the earth /moon individually but as a collective gravitational whole..due to its present relationship.. Ie Relativity

They are intergalactic because that is where we are presently observing their location light years away.. They can be called truly Intergalactic because they are presently situated in intergalactic space, where their gravitational bond as a whole plays a greater role in its current orbit, where as in a few light years..more or less, they will eventually be absorbed once again by another galaxy...

Whew!! I would get into free electrons and how they are released and absorbed once again by a atom.. But this happens faster than you can blink your eyes, but of course its on a wee bit tinier scale, and I don't want to confuse you any more by jumping around on topics..


Well-Known Member
Most people don't think of this, but gravity is faster than the speed of light.

If the sun were to disappear from our solar system spontaneously, the effects on Earth would be felt instantly.

Yet we wouldn't see the light from the sun go out for 8 minutes.

(cue creepy music)


New Member
Once again, whether they are lone stars or clusters, its just the presently observed position they lie within relative distance between galaxies.. They are currently orbiting between many galaxies that influence its orbit but none play a more significant role then the combined gravity field they share..
Incorrect!! There are plenty of stars out there that are not being affected by ANY Galaxy. Please don't think you can slide on the science.

I am fully educated in the sciences. Far more than most. I can read things in context too.... you should try it sometime.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Most people don't think of this, but gravity is faster than the speed of light.

If the sun were to disappear from our solar system spontaneously, the effects on Earth would be felt instantly.

Yet we wouldn't see the light from the sun go out for 8 minutes.

(cue creepy music)
Where did you get these calculations?


Most people don't think of this, but gravity is faster than the speed of light.

If the sun were to disappear from our solar system spontaneously, the effects on Earth would be felt instantly.

Yet we wouldn't see the light from the sun go out for 8 minutes.

(cue creepy music)

Hypothetically, yes I think you would be right. But what you proposed isn't possible, atleast from what we've seen, as stars can't just dissappear. Can you come up with another scenario, that could happen, where this applies?


New Member
Hypothetically, yes I think you would be right. But what you proposed isn't possible, atleast from what we've seen, as stars can't just dissappear. Can you come up with another scenario, that could happen, where this applies?
You would feel the effects IMMEDIATELY. Light be damned..... if that gravitational force of the sun were to instantly be nullified, we would all be shot into deep space PRONTO. Like a slingshot.


Active Member
anyone har the theory about how eating mushrooms developed monkeys into mankind? the ones who ate the hallucinogenic ones developed a consciousness and the ones who ate the regular ones stayed monkeys and the ones who ate the poisonous mushrooms died off, thinning the crowd
LMAO! gotta love shrooms!....and ACID!


Active Member
The only problem with the whole Mayan calender thing is... the Mayan's no longer exist.. lol.... it'd be like saying... for instance, if all humans on the planet died right now, and our farthest calender goes to say, year 2156, and the next intelligent speices found it and said "Well the last civilizaion's calender ended on 2156, so that's when we're all gonna die.

The calender stops because the tribe no longer exists to make more.. lol.. my personal thought anyways

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:

I like it. Practical, yet profound. Rep it up!

smoker toker

Active Member
You would feel the effects IMMEDIATELY. Light be damned..... if that gravitational force of the sun were to instantly be nullified, we would all be shot into deep space PRONTO. Like a slingshot.
hmmm... Now this is just an educated guess of mine, but wouldn't we all DIE instantly if the sun were to just suddenly disappear?... True the light and heat takes 8 minutes to reach our planet, but it is the main source of our heat... Wouldn't we all kind of flash freeze in an instant if it disappeared, and then start revolving around Jupiter considering it is the next biggest mass closest to us?

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:


New Member
No, since the heat and sun are still radiating outwards, we'd have 8 minutes..... except that we would instantly fly away from that last source of life. When your dead forever.... what's 8 minutes? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
:roll:, Yes, C.J. @ the Present Time/Space they are IN, but they are saying the Gravitational Boundary in which they are held together, has a Greater influence over the nature of it's Orbit between Galaxies, than any Singular Galaxy, That is why they Say TrUeLy can Say...., Because It's a Finite Stage.. At One Time they were part of an Galaxy Right? And will Still Succumb to the Gravity of 1 Galaxy, that is amongst other Glaxaies in that cluster, that is apart of a Cluster of Clusters of Galaxies called Super Clusters, Held together by Gravitational forces, which lie hidden in Dark Matter, which is Located Primarily at the Core of All Galaxies..mmmmmmKay, Right!!!, Everything INto Oblivion...Just A Matter of When, NOt If.... Remember, mmmmkay :mrgreen:

What you aRe stating doesn't hold to the arguement you are making.. They are being Observed Presently Acting in A Independent Nature, that is All.. Plain and Simple

Come On Man!!! I'm not going to hold your hand through this, Good money went into thaT University Level Education you got,

Your Lucky, Logic tells me that is impossible for someone to recieve such Higher Learning and still be incompetent, While my instincts says, Well, We'll keep that one to Ourselves....., :lol:

Again, I'm not stating A proven Fact, but A theory, and You have put nothing forth contradictive to it.. While the Scientific evidence makes My suggested theory, very, very, Plausbile.. Science just haven't allowed Science to catch up, It's not trying 2 be Right or Wrong c.J. :-?, It's Science, the Evidence is There, Look at it,

No, don't talk to me, Look At It :roll:, then Talk..., then Look some More :roll:, :lol:

I think somebody is feeling Pretty thirsty..

:lol:, Somebody (-) Rep me for this Post, hmmmm, I'm Unable to Accuse b/C I don't have Scientific proof... but I can Assume I did get my Point Across.... Guess What?

Here's an Application for the Unknown Party...



“Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?” (the “Program”) is produced by Are You Smarter
Productions, Inc. (“Producer”). The Program is a television game show in which a contestant
has the opportunity to win cash and or prizes by answering questions taken from grade school
class materials.

This application is for casting of a television game show whose purpose is entertainment.
The following eligibility requirements must be met in order to proceed with the application
I. You must be 18 years of age or older and a legal resident of the 50 United States and/or
Washington D.C. All applicants who believe they meet this criteria, including persons with
disabilities, are welcome and encouraged to apply.
II. You must not now be a candidate for public office and must agree not to become one
until one (1) year after initial broadcast of all programs in which you appear, if selected
as a participant.
III. If selected for an interview, you must timely and fully complete an interview agreement
as well as a longer application that includes a Background Questionnaire Form and
authorization to obtain background information from third parties, among other
agreements. The Producers will provide the longer applications to potential interviewees.
IV. You must be willing to travel at your own expense to be interviewed in Los Angeles, CA.
Producer reserves the right to add additional locations at any time. All travel expenses
for the interview will be the applicant's sole expense. The Producer, it its sole discretion,
will determine who among the people interviewed will be placed into the pool of potential
contestants for the final selection process.
V. You must be willing to travel to Los Angeles, CA, for up to 8 days for the final selection
process. Preapproved
economy air travel (roundtrip to and from Los Angeles, CA, and
your home in the United States) and food & lodging to be provided and paid for by the
Producer. Selection of contestants shall be made by Producer based on such criteria as
the Producer shall determine in its sole discretion, which may be subjective. The
Producer is not obligated to select anyone, even if someone meets all eligibility
requirements and all criteria for selection. The Producer’s decisions regarding the
selection of contestants is final and not subject to challenge or appeal. The Producer is
not obligated to have any contestant appear on the Program and the Producer shall have
the right at all times and in its sole discretion to remove or replace any contestant for
any reason or no reason. Even if a contestant appears in the Program or any part
thereof, the Producer is not obligated to broadcast or otherwise use or exploit the
Program, contestant’s participation therein or any part thereof.
VI. Neither you nor any of your immediate family members or anyone living in your
household may be or have been within the past two (2) years employees, officers,
directors or agents of any of the following: (a) Are You Smarter Productions, Inc., Mark
Burnett Productions, Inc., Zoo Productions, the FOX Broadcasting Company ("FOX") or
any television station owned and operated by FOX; (b) any person or entity involved in
the development, production, distribution or other exploitation of the "Program" or any
variation thereof; (c) any sponsor of the Program or its advertising agency; or (d) any
person or entity supplying services or prizes to the Program. In addition, Producer
reserves the right to render ineligible any person who Producer determines, in its sole
discretion, is sufficiently connected with the production, administration, judging, or
distribution of the Program such that his or her participation in the Program could create
the appearance of impropriety.
VII. Any person who has ever been a contestant on the Program is not eligible to participate
again, provided, however, Producer reserves the right to invite back any contestant(s)
for special or additional episodes of the Program.
VIII. Contestants will need to be available for at least one (1) full day for the production of the
Program, as well as any promotional appearances required by the Producers or FOX, and
be willing to travel to one or more locations designated by the Producer.

Please read, sign and date the following statement:

I hereby acknowledge that (i) I have read, and I meet and agree to be bound by, the Program
eligibility requirements; (ii) I have answered all questions asked in connection with my
application for the Program honestly and accurately; (iii) if any of the information I provide in
connection with my application for the Program is found to be false, I understand that this will
be grounds for my dismissal from the Program player selection process and/or from the
Program, if selected; (iv) even if I meet the eligibility requirements, the Producer has no
obligation to interview me and/or select me as a player; (v) all decisions by the Producer
concerning the selection of the contestants is final and not subject to challenge or appeal; (vi)
I agree to keep strictly confidential all information about the Program that I acquire during the
selection process and/or my participation in the Program; (vii) my voice, actions, and likeness
may be recorded as a part of this application and selection process, and I understand that
Producer may, but is in no way obligated to, actually use such recordings within the Program;
(viii) all decisions by Producer concerning selection of the contestants is final and not subject
to challenge or appeal; and (ix) Producer has no obligation to return any materials submitted
by me as part of the selection process whether or not I am selected as a contestant, and
Producer may, but is in no way obligated to, use any such materials in and in connection with
the Program.


It's All Good People, Let's Keep It Feng Shui, :mrgreen: It's already enough Negativity around HEre...

the Streak is Over :cry:,
