I wanted to pass this On to you, this is from "3 Roads to Quantum Gravity" by Lee Smolin; it covers the basic prinicples of what I was trying to explain, however, I don't think in written formulas, but more so in Formulated Imagery., where as, I'm not making shit Up, but Have studied formulas and scientific principles..., then apply them in real time, with the accumulated knowledge I have gained, which I further translate into a real time Working Knowledge, which is further interpeted and used to decipher that which is unknown..., A method used by All Great Minds, and No, I'm not insinuating Anything.... Maybe

, but this information is not the actual info I used to come to this conclusion, actually I cannot tell you where I came across the information, so much I have acquired, I just find it easier to connect the Image vs. connecting the 4 chalk boards of (3) formulas

, None the less, It was something that I formulated into my present day working Knowledge....Furthermore, it can not be put into a infallible formula, b cause our tools are still Primitive and in the Words of the Author.."We know the principles of the theory and we can deduce from them the basic equations that define the theory. But we cannot actually solve these equations, or even prove that they are mathematically consistent......, the Procedure used is Called Perturbation Theory" In this instance they are using"quantum electrodynamics" aka QED as the basis..,
Luckily Our mind can Forego this Handicap as Well...
Here Goes
"Quantum theory says that for every wave there is an associated particle. For electromagnetic waves there is the Photon. For electrons there is the electron Wave (the wave-function). The wave doesn't even have to be something fundamental. When I strike a tuning fork I set up waves that travel up and down it: these are sound waves travelling in metal. Quantum theory associates a particle with such sound Waves; it is called a phonon. Suppose I disturb the empty space around us by making a gravitational wave.. THis can be done by waving around anything with mass -- one of my arms will do, or a giant pair of nuetron stars. A gravitational wave can be understood as a tiny ripple moving against a background, which is the empty space.."
an early stumbled upon observation and method used to discover the rest of our outer laying planets, and so on..
"The particle associated with gravitational waves is called the graviton. No one has ever observed a graviton. It is hard enough even to detect a gravitational wave, as they interact only very weakly with matter. But as long as quantum theory applies to gravitational waves, gravitons must exist. We know that gravitons must interact with matter, for when anything massive oscillates it produces gravitational waves. Quantum theory says that, just as there are photons associated with light, there must be gravitons associated with gravitational waves.
We know that two gravitons will interact with each other. This is because gravitons interact with anything that has energy, and gravitons themselves carry energy. As with the photon, the energy of a graviton is proportional to its frequency, so the higher the frequency of a graviton, the more strongly it will interact with another graviton. We can then ask what happens when two gravitons interact. We know that they will scatter from each other, changing the trajectories.."
they further use QED to explain this interaction, and to further note that they do not really fully understand QED... and only assumptions about the nature of the solutions leads to a procedure of calculating approximately what happens... Perturbation Theory..
Right now this is about as Written formula I can give You, but did so because, I had a hint of that you earnestly wished to know..
note: you all may continue with your selfish Ignorance now..
Ahh Mee 2 Some Booteeee