Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is


Well-Known Member
wow, you went back pretty far for that one.....

hey, it still looks like a good post!
Amazing that I just wasted 30 plus minutes to see that not a one "proved" NOR disproved a damn thing.....always entertaining though to see that those who are so determined to DEMAND proof....receive less of it.

...Yet, expend so much energy "proving" it.


New Member
Exactly babs..... the religious just can't let go of the myth. I never expected for them to see the logic fallacies. Religion is devoid of logic.


Well-Known Member
I believe in God forgot. :wink: It's ok......I won't try to sway you to the sane side of this all, LOL.


Well-Known Member
You both need to come out of FAntasy World, and Stop being a Dick Rider, the Evidence is There, You're both FULL of Shit..


Well-Known Member
You both need to come out of FAntasy World, and Stop being a Dick Rider, the Evidence is There, You're both FULL of Shit..
"Dude".......have you been drinking? Smoking never makes me that aggressive.
Did you seriously get so lost in your "proofs" that you lost sight?
"Hello" :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Amazing that I just wasted 30 plus minutes to see that not a one "proved" NOR disproved a damn thing.....always entertaining though to see that those who are so determined to DEMAND proof....receive less of it.

...Yet, expend so much energy "proving" it.
Disprove? Disprove what?
Are we expected to start disproving unicorns, leprechauns, and the tooth fairy next?

If you claim that Reese's Pieces fall from the sky on the first Monday after the Autumnal Equinox, it's up to you to prove it.

There's no need to disprove god, because despite the claims of such a being existed nobody ever shows any proof.

Circular reasoning is a favorite, and it's still not proof:

"God is real. Because the bible says so. The bible is true because it's the word of god."

Additionally the common claim of "Well, we don't know how the universe started, therefore GOD DID IT!" is used as "proof".

Well, people used to believe that demons and sin made people sick. Now it's known that it's infectious agents, toxins, and genetic defects.

The competition between religions, or "My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend." is made moot by the fact that none have shown that their imaginary friend is any more real than the others.

If the blurry silhouette of Jesus on a grilled cheese sandwich is enough to sway someone over to religion, you can keep 'em.


Well-Known Member
"Dude".......have you been drinking? Smoking never makes me that aggressive.
Did you seriously get so lost in your "proofs" that you lost sight?
"Hello" :blsmoke:
No, Drinking is too Hard, takes a toll on the body and too much effort to get where you need to be... I'm aggressive by Nature, that's one reason I meditate, I try to focus that energy, but as you can see, I focus it pretty good, Sorry you got caught in the Cross Fire..

I've been Sober for the last 3 days (smoking that is) that's probably the problem too..



Well-Known Member
No, Drinking is too Hard, takes a toll on the body and too much effort to get where you need to be... I'm aggressive by Nature, that's one reason I meditate, I try to focus that energy, but as you can see, I focus it pretty good, Sorry you got caught in the Cross Fire..

I've been Sober for the last 3 days (smoking that is) that's probably the problem too..

:)...I was truthfully being a smartass.....playfully of course.
The truth is that life is too short to play scientist to oneanother.
How can any one person pose their or "their" reality as justified or REAL?
It's impossible.....and it's really just that simple. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Disprove? Disprove what?
Are we expected to start disproving unicorns, leprechauns, and the tooth fairy next?

If you claim that Reese's Pieces fall from the sky on the first Monday after the Autumnal Equinox, it's up to you to prove it.

There's no need to disprove god, because despite the claims of such a being existed nobody ever shows any proof.

Circular reasoning is a favorite, and it's still not proof:

"God is real. Because the bible says so. The bible is true because it's the word of god."

Additionally the common claim of "Well, we don't know how the universe started, therefore GOD DID IT!" is used as "proof".

Well, people used to believe that demons and sin made people sick. Now it's known that it's infectious agents, toxins, and genetic defects.

The competition between religions, or "My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend." is made moot by the fact that none have shown that their imaginary friend is any more real than the others.

If the blurry silhouette of Jesus on a grilled cheese sandwich is enough to sway someone over to religion, you can keep 'em.
Again....why all the negative energy expended to "prove" NOTHING?
Let me tell you bud....if Reeces come falling from the sky....I'm grabbing them!!! I have NO "need" to prove to you that they did IN FACT come pouring down, yanno?
No, you don't....apparently.
What don't you get? That I'm normal for being a believer in something much more omnipontent than myself?
The tooth fairy isn't real. :wink: Sorry...hate to enligthen you with that fact. I KNOW.....I have laid enough bills under those pillows and have the saved teeth to prove it. :roll:
Negative energy.....that's all you are offering me here babe.
I could go on tangent after tangent via the Bible, but yanno....why bother?
You know EVERYTHING. bongsmilie
That "Jesus on a grilled cheese".....priceless. :roll:....ingenious even. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
:)...I was truthfully being a smartass.....playfully of course.
The truth is that life is too short to play scientist to oneanother.
How can any one person pose their or "their" reality as justified or REAL?
It's impossible.....and it's really just that simple. :peace:
That's the point, I wasn't playing scientist, I felt like sharing an insight, it was a show of ignorant disrespect and any who agreed alike, simply basing their opinion to be spiteful in regards that "this person is a believer" refute it and disregard it as was a hot topic as long as they felt they were on the right side of the argument, but all of a sudden it was pointless in discussion when the possibility that they might be wrong... Its called principles.. I sat there and listened to their points of view and never and never made a slight at their probable ignorance.. I didn't judge them based on their belief and the convo was never about me trying to prove God.. But he kept imposing his belief system on me.. Judging my position, based on nothing, as well as me stating it was just me following the scientific evidence, he always talks of a moral high ground, well that's a joke.

I wasn't imposing anything, he was trying to impose his. And it is possible to share a individual reality, when a person is open and willing to listen without holding contempt bias..I can understand anybody's reality..

And whether I knew you being a smartass or not.. I knew the motives behind your posts, hence you got hit as well.. I said I knew how to focus it didn't I


New Member
In that razor like focus of yours... tell me something.. :lol:

You start out saying... "it was a hot topic as long as they felt they were on the right side of the argument, but all of a sudden it was pointless in discussion when the possibility that they might be wrong..."

And this...
"I sat there and listened to their points of view and never and never made a slight at their probable ignorance.. I didn't judge them based on their belief and the convo was never about me trying to prove God."

Then you switch to ... "But he kept imposing his belief system on me.. Judging my position, based on nothing, as well as me stating it was just me following the scientific evidence, he always talks of a moral high ground, well that's a joke.

Huh???? I must be out of focus.... which is correct? Who's them? Who's he?


Well-Known Member
:peace:"Them"......"they" are naysayers. They exist on all sides of any realm...imagine that.
There lies the problem. "They" intend to do nothing more than impose "their" beliefs.
My theory is simple....who or what are any of us attempting to prove "to"............why do we invest so much in what "others" may or may not believe?
It's fruitless I tell fruit, no life. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Again....why all the negative energy expended to "prove" NOTHING?
Why oppose dogmatic faith? Because it's a poison that keeps trying to insinuate itself into government and schools.

Look at the Texas school board system. It's a constant battle for people who actually want their children to be educated and not indoctrinated.

But of course those who want religion in school and government only want it to be *their* religion.

If George Sr. would have had his way, non-Christians wouldn't even have the right to be citizens of the US.

We don't have it nearly as bad in Canada yet, but the evangelicals are running more recruitment drives here every year.

Yet, for some reason, it's considered bad manners to challenge religion. If someone has a ridiculous political belief, or thinks that rubbing their head will make money come their way, you can challenge or ridicule it. But try that with religion, and you've stepped over a line.

Oddly though, the religious can stand around telling others that they're going to hell for not believing in sky-god and zombie-jesus, but that's okay.

To imaginary-hell with that. :twisted: