Amazing that I just wasted 30 plus minutes to see that not a one "proved" NOR disproved a damn thing.....always entertaining though to see that those who are so determined to DEMAND proof....receive less of it.
...Yet, expend so much energy "proving" it.

Disprove? Disprove what?
Are we expected to start disproving unicorns, leprechauns, and the tooth fairy next?
If you claim that Reese's Pieces fall from the sky on the first Monday after the Autumnal Equinox, it's up to you to prove it.
There's no need to disprove god, because despite the claims of such a being existed nobody ever shows any proof.
Circular reasoning is a favorite, and it's still not proof:
"God is real. Because the bible says so. The bible is true because it's the word of god."
Additionally the common claim of "Well, we don't know how the universe started, therefore GOD DID IT!" is used as "proof".
Well, people used to believe that demons and sin made people sick. Now it's known that it's infectious agents, toxins, and genetic defects.
The competition between religions, or "My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend." is made moot by the fact that none have shown that their imaginary friend is any more real than the others.
If the blurry silhouette of Jesus on a grilled cheese sandwich is enough to sway someone over to religion, you can keep 'em.