• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is


Well-Known Member
Why oppose dogmatic faith? Because it's a poison that keeps trying to insinuate itself into government and schools.

Look at the Texas school board system. It's a constant battle for people who actually want their children to be educated and not indoctrinated.

But of course those who want religion in school and government only want it to be *their* religion.

If George Sr. would have had his way, non-Christians wouldn't even have the right to be citizens of the US.

We don't have it nearly as bad in Canada yet, but the evangelicals are running more recruitment drives here every year.

Yet, for some reason, it's considered bad manners to challenge religion. If someone has a ridiculous political belief, or thinks that rubbing their head will make money come their way, you can challenge or ridicule it. But try that with religion, and you've stepped over a line.

Oddly though, the religious can stand around telling others that they're going to hell for not believing in sky-god and zombie-jesus, but that's okay.

To imaginary-hell with that. :twisted:
A possible Jevohovah's witness knocking on your door isn't your problem.
Look at what is happening in London.......coming to your neck of the woods soon.
Rightfully gripe then.......and only then.
No need to imagine hell if you wait too long.


New Member
Yes.... let's just go with buddhism as a national religion. It's about the only religion that is well thought out.


Well-Known Member
LOL CJ.......who's talking national religion.....other than islam?
I dig Buddhists.....they pose NO threat to my lifestyle WHATSOEVER......their beliefs----pure and simple.
Do I follow the faith? Nope.
Let's face reality folks......Christians are not a threat to your beliefs/lifestyle. Awaken to what IS.


Well-Known Member
right wing christian fundamentalists are preventing my state from even considering legalization... tell me that doesnt affect my lifestyle


Well-Known Member
In that razor like focus of yours... tell me something.. :lol:

You start out saying... "it was a hot topic as long as they felt they were on the right side of the argument, but all of a sudden it was pointless in discussion when the possibility that they might be wrong..."

And this... "I sat there and listened to their points of view and never and never made a slight at their probable ignorance.. I didn't judge them based on their belief and the convo was never about me trying to prove God."

Then you switch to ... "But he kept imposing his belief system on me.. Judging my position, based on nothing, as well as me stating it was just me following the scientific evidence, he always talks of a moral high ground, well that's a joke.

Huh???? I must be out of focus.... which is correct? Who's them? Who's he?
Use your biased opinion to figure it out. He and They know who I'm talking too.... Don't play retarded Now.. Just act like you Normally do :lol:

It's all Good CJ, it's not like Grudge.. I want keep coming back for you.. Unless you call on Me. :mrgreen:

here, let me put Pac' away


Well-Known Member
A possible Jevohovah's witness knocking on your door isn't your problem.
Look at what is happening in London.......coming to your neck of the woods soon.
Rightfully gripe then.......and only then.
No need to imagine hell if you wait too long.
Have I missed something ??? Whats going on in London ?????


LOL CJ.......who's talking national religion.....other than islam?
I dig Buddhists.....they pose NO threat to my lifestyle WHATSOEVER......their beliefs----pure and simple.
Do I follow the faith? Nope.
Let's face reality folks......Christians are not a threat to your beliefs/lifestyle. Awaken to what IS.

lol, try again buddy!

Islam is clearly to any rational thinking person who has taken a look at it's followers dangerous. Dangerous to the point of being examined to the core by every single non believer. Us in the west pretty much know that via propaganda from our governments. There's a lot of peaceful muslims, but there is also a lot of extremism in Islam. Christianity is different. It's like a spy. Those that can see through the front, those of us that are atheists, know why it's dangerous. You can't see it because you believe it, much like a peaceful muslim would argue for Islam... yet there you sit, believing it's this huge threat to your way of life...

You can see it about Islam, I can see it about Christianity. A muslim can't see it about Islam because they believe Islam, you can't see it about Christianity because you belive Christianity. See how that works?

Trust me, Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, Scientology, all of them are a threat to mankinds progress and future.

The Christians like to forget about the centuries of bloodshed in the name of Jesus these days... Crusades ring a bell? Burning witches at the stake.. Dark ages..

You guys had your day too... Don't forget where you came from.


Well-Known Member
lol, try again buddy!

Islam is clearly to any rational thinking person who has taken a look at it's followers dangerous. Dangerous to the point of being examined to the core by every single non believer. Us in the west pretty much know that via propaganda from our governments. There's a lot of peaceful muslims, but there is also a lot of extremism in Islam. Christianity is different. It's like a spy. Those that can see through the front, those of us that are atheists, know why it's dangerous. You can't see it because you believe it, much like a peaceful muslim would argue for Islam... yet there you sit, believing it's this huge threat to your way of life...

You can see it about Islam, I can see it about Christianity. A muslim can't see it about Islam because they believe Islam, you can't see it about Christianity because you belive Christianity. See how that works?

Trust me, Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, Scientology, all of them are a threat to mankinds progress and future.

The Christians like to forget about the centuries of bloodshed in the name of Jesus these days... Crusades ring a bell? Burning witches at the stake.. Dark ages..

You guys had your day too... Don't forget where you came from.
And lets not forget the roughly 1000 years of repression of knowledge, the imprisonment of galileo, the inquisition, friday the 13th, the tithe (thats where you give a percentage of your earnings to the church, out of all of your earnings.. holding back is a sin) the holy catholic church is the single most wealthy entity out side of nation-states, and its the single largest property owner in the world... and its all tax free. And before you think im bashing, i will have you know i am a baptized roman catholic, i went to catholic school up untill jr high, and come from a devout irish catholic family.

And then theres the whole deep south bible belt... honestly, in my entire life, i have never seen such a large group of hypocrites gathered under one roof during some of the services i have had the unpleasant misfortune to witness..... the denomination is irrelevant...

dont even get me started about scientology...makes me sick just thinking about it... recently i had the opportunity to work closely withthe church of scientology during its recent expansion into TN, me being the curious type, decided to do a little research... and after a few nights staring at the monitor heres the skinny:
i keep expecting to turn on the news one day to a report (keeping my fingers crossed on this one) where they all drink the koolaid... i mean shit, all they do is literally take every last penny they can extort from there members. it gets better... see they work n the premise that a 'donation' gets you the materials to get to the next level, however the materials are priced to the point of rediculous; BUT theres a loophole, they say its for you but in reality it is a financial mechanism designed to either bankrupt you or keep you in the church for life.. each packet of material you purchase gains you the 'knowledge' to advance to the next spiritual level... at the cost of tens of thousands of dollars per level, however this cost is 'defered' to members of the church; on the premise that if you decide to leave the church, the cost is no longer deferred, and the lump sum is now due in full. they will seek legal action and take everything you own.... because in order to become a member you must first sign a contract enabling the church to hold you liable for all materials used. its a fucking pyramid scam using religion as a pretense, people...open your eyes!

religion has, and always will be a form of mass population control. think about it... if your all busy debating religion than you dont have time to criticize the establishment do you? think of the hours youve wasted on this thread!

the roman emperor constantine was the first to really capitalize on this... literally switching state religions from roman paganism to early christianity, in the middle of a major war, not because of any major spiritual breakthrough, but because it was easier for him to sanction the religion than attempt to fight a revolt and a two front war at the same time... Once that sanction was made known... well you know the rest of the story. a council of nicea or 2 later and now we have an official bible, as approved by the emporer constatine. then king james gets his hands on it a thousand years later... and we have our bible, gospel written by the disciples of jesus christ...

my ass.

the whole thing goes to show that people are dumber in numbers...

*shakes head sadly and walks away*

ps yeah im aware of my poor grammar, worse spelling, and improper usage of sentence structure. ask me if i give a shit ;)


New Member
Use your biased opinion to figure it out. He and They know who I'm talking too.... Don't play retarded Now.. Just act like you Normally do :lol:

It's all Good CJ, it's not like Grudge.. I want keep coming back for you.. Unless you call on Me. :mrgreen:

here, let me put Pac' away
it's just that you started out with "they, them and their", and finished with "he, him".

I couldn't figure out what or who you meant... :peace:


Well-Known Member
right wing christian fundamentalists are preventing my state from even considering legalization... tell me that doesnt affect my lifestyle
.....to smoke? LOL.
Look, I am a professed Christian. I smoke....and I live in "the"Bible belt of America.
Sure there are Christian organizations probably speaking against it, but you know what? Ask yourself this...what are YOU doing to stand up for YOUR rights?
Standing on the sidelines while others (like myself) put themselves right out there on the front line to fight for your rights will never earn you the right to gripe about it.
The whole problem with our society is that we allow ourselves to be lead LIKE SHEEP........yeap, I, as a Christian, just said that.
The government will pass or not pass that bill as that particular state deems fit.
Although I live in a conservative state, I KNOW there is a much larger percentage that IS for legalizing......they just won't get off their ass's and make it recognized.
"We" are the people. People forget this time and time and time again. :peace:


Well-Known Member
lol, try again buddy!

Islam is clearly to any rational thinking person who has taken a look at it's followers dangerous. Dangerous to the point of being examined to the core by every single non believer. Us in the west pretty much know that via propaganda from our governments. There's a lot of peaceful muslims, but there is also a lot of extremism in Islam. Christianity is different. It's like a spy. Those that can see through the front, those of us that are atheists, know why it's dangerous. You can't see it because you believe it, much like a peaceful muslim would argue for Islam... yet there you sit, believing it's this huge threat to your way of life...

You can see it about Islam, I can see it about Christianity. A muslim can't see it about Islam because they believe Islam, you can't see it about Christianity because you belive Christianity. See how that works?

Trust me, Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, Scientology, all of them are a threat to mankinds progress and future.

The Christians like to forget about the centuries of bloodshed in the name of Jesus these days... Crusades ring a bell? Burning witches at the stake.. Dark ages..

You guys had your day too... Don't forget where you came from.
"You guys?" LOL........as if you know for a fact that not even a one of your ancestors was possibly a Christian. :shock:
Leave the dark ages where they are....in the PAST.
Rational thinkers, eh? OF COURSE islam is DANGEROUS.....and of course there are "peaceful" muslims. Understand that those muslims who are peaceful are also clueless to their own religion. (allah states in the quran they are hypocrites--not 'true' muslims) They rely HEAVILY on the imams to translate the quran to them. Muslims will tell you that in order to "get" the quran, you simply MUST know arabic.........BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not going to take this in depth........there is NO comparing ANY religion to islam...........IMPOSSIBLE.
Despite what you believe about Christianity, Jesus Christ is HISTORY.......I don't care if you believe "in" Jesus or what you or others believe "about" the possible fallacies recorded. The fact is Jesus was GOOD. Mo ham mad was an evil despicable SOB. The teachings of that pig lead to the fastest growing religion on earth.
Islam prophecy is to RID of ALL others who do not/will not believe as they do. Over and OVER AND OVER, the quran teaches that the goal is to kill off society as we know it. In case you hadn't noticed, they are pretty damned determined to accomplish this too.
Look at Ahmadinejad. This joker should have been removed long ago. Yet, here he still sits to this day, proclaiming he will wipe Israel off the map. Let's not even mention what his wishes are for America. This IS MAINSTREAM MENTALITY IN ISLAM. "allah" demands they prove themselves not to be munafiq.......hypocrites to the religion. He ordains that they LIE for their cause. Jesus and mo ham mad are two total EXTREME OPPOSITES.
You know what? Americans don't know shit about what their 'cause' even is......they're too busy crying about Christians, LOL.........no, but seriously, it surpasses sad.......surpasses pathetic.
Islam, all by itself, IS EXTREME.....islam brings new meaning to EXTREME.
Dangerous to the point of being examined to the core by every single non believer........oh yes, and we are ALL doing that, right?
In order to even delve into the meaning of Islam, you had better have a much better knowledge of every other faith/religion. There's no way to embark upon learning about it any other way.
Christians today are not going to give you an option to either be their slave and subservient to them........while paying the jizya----or DIE.
Muslims will do this. Muslims ARE doing this. Muslims HAVE BEEN doing this for a LONG, LONG time. It's amazing that so many years AFTER 911 that the majority are still suckers about the facts.
Please don't ever attempt to compare Christians.....there just is no comparison. Sorry.
LOL @Christianity being a spy. You have the choice to ignore Christianity. You will not have a choice to ignore islam in the near future.....but by then, it will be too late.


Well-Known Member
babs, do you stand up on sunday and declare the church should help legalize weed?
:mrgreen: CJ, you do stay busy on this forum, don't ya?
I'm going to tell you just as it is. I rarely attend church. This is not to demean Christianity, but the numerous churchs scattered here, there and everywhere....just don't have it together.
Do I bust through church doors and demand I get the podium to preach about MJ being legalized? GAWD no CJ!!! Have I professed it as a good alternative to man's chemicals 'to' Christians.......OF COURSE. (btw, the majority of them agree)
CJ, you have to be kidding by asking me that....hahaha. You don't know me.
I'm actually kind of worried that I may end up on the news in the near future for being the advocate. (I don't like drawing that kind of attention to myself......it's controversial) Will I? Do I? YOU BET.


New Member
I'm just saying.... in todays atmosphere, standing up publicly for weed can be mighty risky. Only those who can insulate themselves from the repercussions, or folks who have NOTHING to lose, have a chance of getting away with it.

Ask Tommy Chong..... :wink:


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying.... in todays atmosphere, standing up publicly for weed can be mighty risky. Only those who can insulate themselves from the repercussions, or folks who have NOTHING to lose, have a chance of getting away with it.

Ask Tommy Chong..... :wink:
Trust me...I hear you on that note LOUD AND CLEAR.
I am SO outraged that I MUST "insulate" myself while attempting to be BOLD......that's not an easy task.
Being an advocate is not a crime, partaking is.
Put yourself in the light as one or the other, you have everything to lose.
The point I would like to clarify is that if even 1/4 of "the people" who DO wish to see it legalized would just do something......anything, we'd be harder to account for, know what I mean?
The reality is that MOST of us hide in the shadows, living in fear.
I refuse to live that way forever. It's all about balance.
I can choose to hide in my little corner of the world and accept the ridiculous laws imposed...."or" I could just bit by bit, gnaw away at the few who are unrightfully speaking for "the people."
I still can't get used to the fact that I live in a country whereas it's legal in states so near, yet a felony only miles away.
This is America?


Well-Known Member
"You guys?" LOL........as if you know for a fact that not even a one of your ancestors was possibly a Christian.
I've yet to see any evidence that Christianity is a heritable genetic condition.



New Member
Heck, I was raised a Christian. The whole enchilada.....but my parents were never of the belief that the Bible was the actual "word" of G*D, much to their credit.

Once I became an adult, I really studied theology and found it was built on a cracked foundation.

It takes a certain discipline to see through the fog of religion and come out the other side into the light of real freedom, real bliss.


Well-Known Member
Heck, I was raised a Christian. The whole enchilada.....but my parents were never of the belief that the Bible was the actual "word" of G*D, much to their credit.

Once I became an adult, I really studied theology and found it was built on a cracked foundation.

It takes a certain discipline to see through the fog of religion and come out the other side into the light of real freedom, real bliss.
:lol:CJ....if that's what works for you, more power to you. I certainly don't think it my right to impose my personal beliefs on others. My motto has always been "Live and let live."---so long as you're not a devout muslim, LOL....seriously though---we're not spying on you. :wink: At least, I'm not.
Let's just say I don't get that conspiracy that was thrown out. :roll:
....or the one where I supposedly said being a Christian was somehow genetic.....yikes.
Time to go back to the growing threads......sheesh.