you guys, must be kidding Me, I'll add Bold and Bigger Words whem I want to Exemplify it in it's context, But now all of a Sudden, Religious People go around Bashing ATheists, Religious Types go around not expressing ideas that don't get turned into a let's make this person Belief of 3 ring Circus Side Show because they are not Human, and We can do it because we are more Logical and REasonable Humans... Let's Just scratch each other's back, demean , degrade, and berate people who are not on Our side, because We don't like Them.. You can say whatever you Want, It Doesn't mean Shit to me, not because you as People don't mean Shit to me, It's that your Logic of What's being said is Full Of Shit, You can't make a RAcist like a person of another Race because you are Logical and REasonable with Them.. and No I don't think any of you are racist... but I think it helps to put in context the meaning of my Thought.., If sensible conversation was possible, it would Happen.., Atheists start all the Bashing in any and every Spiritual / Religious Thread,.. Show me Where a Religious person on here started bashing somebody without having to defend themselves and I'll Show you 10 Atheists to that 1.,, and We can do it all Night, The figures will Add up.. but no they get bashed because 19,000yrs ago, and somebody on T.v., and you saw on the News where somebody did this, but No Religious person ever comes on here trying to Bash you because of your beliefs, We all have one Joint common on here and guess What? It brings Us All together peacefully to discuss.., But it's makes no difference to a personal Grudge and Agenda... This was my last Post addressing any Stupidity for just the Sake of Ignorant Stupidity...
Religious people Bash us ON Threads for no Apparent Reason....,

That wasn't Sarcasm Was it,
Sounded More like a Joke....

You all Go Find Holy Moses to Argue/ discuss anything with, You will win that debate everytime..