• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is



And you accuse me of being on a pedestal? LOL
...in the intelligence department, obviously. But not anymore, so don't feel too bad.

Tortured by! LOL, you made a funny.

But hey, God FORBID people believe in the GOODNESS of God, in the HOPE of a coming from the One who loves us and manages to fill in the blanks....that's just TORTURE, lol....get a life.
Typical fundie, "God of the gaps" might satisfy your curiosity, but not mine.

You, as an atheist, have come accross time and time again as an EXTREMIST. What will you call your movement? And what will the color of the robes be? Really.....I'm on the lookout. People like YOU scare me.
Then I suggest you take a look at this thread;


Where I outline a bit of my own personal ''atheistic philosophy'', if you had to give it a name. Advocating peace, opposing ignorance and stupidity wherever I see it... TOTAL EXTREMIST!

That's ALL you do is disrespect every LAST thing a "scary disbeliever" puts forth about their beliefs. I've never seen any person yet come across as aggressive as you. Just because you say you are being logical JUST DOESN'T MAKE IT SO.

For the record, I have NOT come back with "my Bible says this and that".....you just don't listen!!!
If what I'm saying doesn't make sense to you, then it's your responsibility to point out WHERE or WHY it doesn't. Show me. Everything I've been saying has a foundation in solid logic, I wouldn't say it if it didn't. Find me one thing you think I've said that is illogical somehow, tell me why you think that, and I'll explain it.

If saying something I think is true offends your beliefs, well, I really don't give a damn, to be quite honest, because if something a person on the internet says has the ability to threaten a belief you might hold (however the fuck that is even possible I'll never know...) then that belief is not worth holding onto in the first place. You only hold onto these basic ancient beliefs because your scared to let them go. There is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. It's NATURAL. I was scared at one point too, that's one of the KEY components of keeping a believer, a believer. Fear. Without the threat of Hell there is no way to keep people under complete control, by controlling the mind.

You are OFFENDED because SOME people choose to put their FAITH in God, ABOVE science? Oh well...whine on. After all, it's your "right".....
Absolutely. Would you not be offended if Billions of people believed something that you knew, and had data and research to prove, lowered their IQ's, or howabout if they believed in something that no other single topic in existence is responsible for more human deaths? If Billions of people believed in things based on nothing more than senses that are known to be misleading without corroberation and analyzation? Yes, I'm offended that you think you're better than me. Yes, I'm offended that you think you have more rights than me. Yes, I'm offended that you believe I deserve to spend ETERNITY being tortured.

You are MUCH more determined to disprove God than I or Braz have shown to disprove Science.
How can you even make this claim? Look, I'm sitting here, right here typing this in english, you can read english right? Do you know what conprehension is? Do I really need to resort to all CAPS? Really?... really?
How do you suggest I go about "disproving" God?... Hmm... no go ahead, think it over... I'll wait.... .... .....

Howbout when I want to start "disproving" the Easter Bunny too... What, am I gonna go get some footprints he never left... Am I going to catch an invisible Easter Bunny running through my garden one day on camera...

I do not believe a God exists. I CANNOT prove something DOES NOT EXIST with 100% certainty. You cannot grasp this concept... You saying "Prove God doesn't exist" is NO DIFFERENT than me saying "Prove Allah doesn't exist" or "Prove the flying pink unicorn doesn't exist"... YOU are the one CLAIMING something DOES EXIST. I have NEVER, NOT ONCE, NOT EVER, said "God does not exist". The fact you cannot grasp this one simple bit of informationg that I've said at least 3 different times now, tells me you either aren't reading the stuff I'm posting or not understanding it, at all.

You are incapable of showing an ounce of respect to any who believe contrary to you. There's nothing UNREASONABLE about believing in GOOD. So what if "nutty Christians" believe Christ will come from the sky and bring peace/love to the world? What's the worse thing that could happen????...that it WON'T happpen. And being you are so logical, quit worrying about something that just isn't a THREAT.......as in, AT ALL to you.
I don't believe people who blindly follow a God that would encourage such behavior as it's followers exhibit deserve respect. If you can't see the clear threat organized religion is to humanity, you need to wake up and open your eyes, pick up a goddamn history book and get with the fuckin' program.

What's the worst thing that could happen? Well, we've pretty much seen the worst of it haven't we? Take a look around you. Religion has dominated humanity for it's entire existence... I guess it's just a coincidence that humanity has been in a perpetual state of war, in one place or another, since we established societies. We've ran the experiment long enough, I really believe 12 thousand years is a good run, how many people have died as a direct result of religion over the past few thousand years? That would be a figure I'd like to take a look at!

Bottom line is, the world today is the way it is because of organized religion. Period. You ever see any organized religion in movies like Star Wars or Star Trek? Think of any futuristic movie or book... how many of them have organized religion...? aaah, again I guess that's just a coincidence among sci-fi writers huh?

No one is pushing religion in school OTHER THAN islam.



Every moment these people force their garbage down anyones throat unwillingly, they should be stopped.
I say that and I get called a racist. You, in short, are a HYPOCRITE.
You're not allowed to force shit upon me if I don't consent to it Babs, including your massiah's "good word". Till I ask you about it, keep it to yourself. I have a right to defend myself against your force. I do that by speaking up against it. You say something stupid to me that makes no sense at all, I tell you how stupid it is and why it doesn't make any sense at all, then you call me a hypocrite...? How does that make sense again?

You forget. A LOT of those scientists ARE believers.....IMAGINE THAT.
Don't kid yourself Babs. We both know the vast majority of scientists are atheists or agnostics, do I need to go get statistics for you to deny? Sure there are religious scientists, but even most of them identify with a more spiritual form of "God", and not at all any of the Abrahamic religions God. Yet another thing that's very telling about you fundie creeps... You guys give so much away without even realizing it... You try to steal the credibility of actual scientists (ironicly the exact same ones other fundies oppose, lmfao...) by claiming "they believed in God!!", I've heard accusations of Einstein believing in God by fundies, that Darwin believed in God and he "confessed on his deathbed!"... even that ID's worst nightmare, Richard fuckin' Dawkins believes in God, and he publishes book after book with nothing but evidence, research, and data pointing to the opposite to mask it... You try to bring credible scientists down to your level because you know how stupid it is to rely on faith to assess reality. Bottom line.

You know what prompted him to respond this way? Because I said WHO LOOKS FORWARD TO DEATH? That's it. That's all it takes for him to behave like that.
You immediately start off with a false premise, again. "Who looks forward to death?"... uhh... nobody. I'd like you to explain how being content with death means your eager to die. Wtf? How do you come up with that shit?

Pitiful.. NOthing you just said had any reminiscence of Truth...., So, this will be Short:

1.I didn't attack you, but said your observation was narrow minded, idiotic, & Ignorant; All True - FActs

2. Organized REligion or All Religion is Not bad; People who manipulate and Abuse are Bad; the only category they fall in is the HUMAN RACE

3. You only started observing my words and Statements over the Last 24hrs.. and thats How you were able to Come to that Concluded Observation; PITIFUL

4. Big Bang Theory Invalid because I, don't understand it...Yeah..Right...(alert, alert, alert sArCaSM)
5. Implying that I mean science is inAccurate because we Humans, Take to Long in developing Methods and Tools, that our Mind Conceive from thoughtfully processing the information, is me saying Just that.. Science is Accurate, Our mind designed every tool of Science..and will continue until infinity, the roles will never reverse.... But yeah some people are without the ability to think pass the Needed mechanical Tool..., It's not an Opinion, It's documented Fact/History/SCIENCE... Our Mind processes all and any information that is Present in this Universe before, any tool is brought forth to physically observe/confirm it... the Tool that our Mind conceives to design to allow it possible to do so.. The mind is/Was Present in the first Single Cell Organism.. Life

and I'm going to try and wrap this up quickly, I'm not wasting too much more energy with discussing this with you, because this may be a personal attack now on your mental status.. you Are Deranged ... Just an opinionated observation... but I'll continue on with a few more points..

6.Everybody on here Knows your Personal beliefs.., I may have had to Explain some Scriptures that some people FAIL to comprehend, But I never use it as A tool to win an Arguement, Matter of Fact, I always provide Scientific Information when I discuss the foundations of my Belief.., That's the only thing you people Trust.., and still, YOu all lack the ability to Understand and Comprehend it, Always clouding it with your Atheistic Beliefs.. Science Doesn't Work That Way..

and this is pointless, like I said, I know now, not to waste anymore energy on you.. You are not Competent and there is nothing I can Do to correct that.. Nature must take it's course, and Your Mind must Evolve..., That's My belief.., Say what you Want.., Your words no longer have any meaning to Me, you are of Unstable Mind, Body, & Spirit...

Carry on with Your Life, I won't comment on your Posts, Don't comment On mine.. Isn't that the Freedom you ask for, Well, You are Free from me Pushing anything on you...

1. Actually, those are all pretty much opinions. Do you know what a fact is?

2. Organized religion is evil, plain and simple. There's not a goddamn thing any organized religion has contributed to society. All of them leech off the gullible by selling a story their minds are programmed from birth to accept without question. It's like when your parents tell you not to take candy from strangers... Nobody told us about the churches candy...

3. You clearly posted comments in agreement with Babs exaggerating sciences shortcomings. I showed you exactly where you did it. It doesn't take weeks of observation to notice something so obvious.

4. "Nothing happened to nothing" - yeah, you don't understand shit if that's what you think the big bang theory states.

5. ...didn't make any sense. Smoke a bowl and retype that into something I can understand. (see, there's nothing wrong with saying you don't understand something, holy shit, you guys might wanna try it sometime!!)
"Deranged!?" bahahaha, that's a new one! That sounds pretty cool actually!

6. You guys need to take a course on the scientific method. Stuff you think is science isn't. Stuff that is, you don't accept... The problem lies with your ability to trust the things your book tells you is evil, it tells you what is evil because the people who wrote it knew certain things would come along and threaten it's credibility, like advancements in science. You're the ones with the ball and chain around your neck keeping you shackled inside the box. There's not a damn thing keeping me from unveiling anything about the universe that it decides to show me. All I care about is reality, if it's real, I can test it, if it's not, I can't. The thing you guys don't realize is that even if any sort of god was real, it wouldn't be measurable by science, yet you still sit there and claim that "science has told us so much about the creator and his creation"... Your own book says you have to take it on faith alone.

I'll comment on whatever the hell I want, thanks very much! If you or any other fundie's spit anything stupid over these public forums, you can bet your ass I'll be there to point it out. :D

They don't even KNOW WHY people have it, let alone how to find a cure. Oh, but they have a GAZILLION theories----NONE of which have brought upon anything remotely close to a cure. Instead they offer me an assortment of BULLSHIT medications that are SINFULLY priced. What do these miracle drugs do for me? NOTHING......except destroy my body.
Science says they "Might"...."possibly" help, but they just aren't sure yet. LOL...........but they also found that smoking weed DOES IN FACT ward off the progression. So instead of using it to help people like myself, they make it illegal. They've got to make sure they put a patent on God's herb.
Yeap CJ....God gave you herb.
Even more insight... While I'm sympathetic towards your condition, whatever it is, science is not responsible for it or for curing it.


Well-Known Member
...in the intelligence department, obviously. But not anymore, so don't feel too bad.

Typical fundie, "God of the gaps" might satisfy your curiosity, but not mine.

Then I suggest you take a look at this thread;


Where I outline a bit of my own personal ''atheistic philosophy'', if you had to give it a name. Advocating peace, opposing ignorance and stupidity wherever I see it... TOTAL EXTREMIST!

If what I'm saying doesn't make sense to you, then it's your responsibility to point out WHERE or WHY it doesn't. Show me. Everything I've been saying has a foundation in solid logic, I wouldn't say it if it didn't. Find me one thing you think I've said that is illogical somehow, tell me why you think that, and I'll explain it.

If saying something I think is true offends your beliefs, well, I really don't give a damn, to be quite honest, because if something a person on the internet says has the ability to threaten a belief you might hold (however the fuck that is even possible I'll never know...) then that belief is not worth holding onto in the first place. You only hold onto these basic ancient beliefs because your scared to let them go. There is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. It's NATURAL. I was scared at one point too, that's one of the KEY components of keeping a believer, a believer. Fear. Without the threat of Hell there is no way to keep people under complete control, by controlling the mind.

Absolutely. Would you not be offended if Billions of people believed something that you knew, and had data and research to prove, lowered their IQ's, or howabout if they believed in something that no other single topic in existence is responsible for more human deaths? If Billions of people believed in things based on nothing more than senses that are known to be misleading without corroberation and analyzation? Yes, I'm offended that you think you're better than me. Yes, I'm offended that you think you have more rights than me. Yes, I'm offended that you believe I deserve to spend ETERNITY being tortured.

How can you even make this claim? Look, I'm sitting here, right here typing this in english, you can read english right? Do you know what conprehension is? Do I really need to resort to all CAPS? Really?... really?
How do you suggest I go about "disproving" God?... Hmm... no go ahead, think it over... I'll wait.... .... .....

Howbout when I want to start "disproving" the Easter Bunny too... What, am I gonna go get some footprints he never left... Am I going to catch an invisible Easter Bunny running through my garden one day on camera...

I do not believe a God exists. I CANNOT prove something DOES NOT EXIST with 100% certainty. You cannot grasp this concept... You saying "Prove God doesn't exist" is NO DIFFERENT than me saying "Prove Allah doesn't exist" or "Prove the flying pink unicorn doesn't exist"... YOU are the one CLAIMING something DOES EXIST. I have NEVER, NOT ONCE, NOT EVER, said "God does not exist". The fact you cannot grasp this one simple bit of informationg that I've said at least 3 different times now, tells me you either aren't reading the stuff I'm posting or not understanding it, at all.

I don't believe people who blindly follow a God that would encourage such behavior as it's followers exhibit deserve respect. If you can't see the clear threat organized religion is to humanity, you need to wake up and open your eyes, pick up a goddamn history book and get with the fuckin' program.

What's the worst thing that could happen? Well, we've pretty much seen the worst of it haven't we? Take a look around you. Religion has dominated humanity for it's entire existence... I guess it's just a coincidence that humanity has been in a perpetual state of war, in one place or another, since we established societies. We've ran the experiment long enough, I really believe 12 thousand years is a good run, how many people have died as a direct result of religion over the past few thousand years? That would be a figure I'd like to take a look at!
Bottom line is, the world today is the way it is because of organized religion. Period. You ever see any organized religion in movies like Star Wars or Star Trek? Think of any futuristic movie or book... how many of them have organized religion...? aaah, again I guess that's just a coincidence among sci-fi writers huh?





You're not allowed to force shit upon me if I don't consent to it Babs, including your massiah's "good word". Till I ask you about it, keep it to yourself. I have a right to defend myself against your force. I do that by speaking up against it. You say something stupid to me that makes no sense at all, I tell you how stupid it is and why it doesn't make any sense at all, then you call me a hypocrite...? How does that make sense again?

Don't kid yourself Babs. We both know the vast majority of scientists are atheists or agnostics, do I need to go get statistics for you to deny? Sure there are religious scientists, but even most of them identify with a more spiritual form of "God", and not at all any of the Abrahamic religions God. Yet another thing that's very telling about you fundie creeps... You guys give so much away without even realizing it... You try to steal the credibility of actual scientists (ironicly the exact same ones other fundies oppose, lmfao...) by claiming "they believed in God!!", I've heard accusations of Einstein believing in God by fundies, that Darwin believed in God and he "confessed on his deathbed!"... even that ID's worst nightmare, Richard fuckin' Dawkins believes in God, and he publishes book after book with nothing but evidence, research, and data pointing to the opposite to mask it... You try to bring credible scientists down to your level because you know how stupid it is to rely on faith to assess reality. Bottom line.


You immediately start off with a false premise, again. "Who looks forward to death?"... uhh... nobody. I'd like you to explain how being content with death means your eager to die. Wtf? How do you come up with that shit?

[/FONT]1. Actually, those are all pretty much opinion. Do you know what a fact is?

2. Organized religion is evil, plain and simple. There's not a goddamn thing any organized religion has contributed to society. All of them leech off the gullibly by selling a story their minds are programmed from birth to accept without question. It's like when your parents tell you not to take candy from strangers... Nobody told us about the churches candy...

3. You clearly posted comments in agreement with Babs exaggerating sciences shortcomings. I showed you exactly where you did it. It doesn't take weeks of observation to notice something so obvious.

4. "Nothing happened to nothing" - yeah, you don't understand shit if that's what you think the big bang theory states.

5. ...didn't make any sense. Smoke a bowl and retype that into something I can understand. (see, there's nothing wrong with saying you don't understand something, holy shit, you guys might wanna try it sometime!!)
"Deranged!?" bahahaha, that's a new one! That sounds pretty cool actually!

6. You guys need to take a course on the scientific method. Stuff you think is science isn't. Stuff that is, you don't accept... The problem lies with your ability to trust the things your book tells you is evil, it tells you what is evil because the people who wrote it knew certain things would come along and threaten it's credibility, like advancements in science. You're the ones with the ball and chain around your neck keeping you shackled inside the box. There's not a damn thing keeping me from unveiling anything about the universe that it decides to show me. All I care about is reality, if it's real, I can test it, if it's not, I can't. The thing you guys don't realize is that even if any sort of god was real, it wouldn't be measurable by science, yet you still sit there and claim that "science has told us so much about the creator and his creation"... Your own book says you have to take it on faith alone.

I'll comment on whatever the hell I want, thanks very much! If you or any other fundie's spit anything stupid over these public forums, you can bet your ass I'll be there to point it out. :D


Even more insight... While I'm sympathetic towards your condition, whatever it is, science is not responsible for it or for curing it.

If what I'm saying doesn't make sense to you, then it's your responsibility to point out WHERE or WHY it doesn't. Show me.
Wrong, it's not my responsiblitliy, but I did so ALREADY.

Even more insight... While I'm sympathetic towards your condition, whatever it is, science is not responsible for it or for curing it.
According to EVERYTHING you have ARGUED, ya think not?
As for the rest, blah, blah blah blah blah....no commas necessary.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely. Would you not be offended if Billions of people believed something that you knew, and had data and research to prove, lowered their IQ's, or howabout if they believed in something that no other single topic in existence is responsible for more human deaths? If Billions of people believed in things based on nothing more than senses that are known to be misleading without corroberation and analyzation?
The End.....and I rest my case. Your stats are off on what the billions need to be broken down into.
My knowledge exceeded that of yours in one area--so far as "proof".....you are delusional. And I really, in TRULY wish it weren't so.


Well-Known Member
To get back on the Topic of ID bABs, I want to present some videos VIA, A Failed Atheist (i can say that b/c they can't c my posts :lol:) from the "Who's Down with God" Thread, although they were jestering at something else, I begin to click on the Videos and began (LMAO) Hysterically..

1. They kept saying Atheism & REligion all in the Same Sentence..

2. The annoying nasal Tone Voice, kept me saying " I know that Voice" which I now think is Ben Stein.. I don't really line up with the Guy on a lot of Issues, But I love his Visine Commercials (visine is a Stoners Gift from God and Science :mrgreen:)

3. It's just hilariously Funny with all the Sound effects..

anyhow, I want to post them here because they are not only Relative to the Topic, but are the Topic at Hand... These are not videos I have personally chosen to prove any kind of Faith or Belief I have, they actually go against some of my held beliefs, but nevertheless they are still on Topic of "Proof of The Existence of An intelligent Creator"

Funny, Funny, Vids.. If you need a Laugh, and some Eye CAndy.. Enjoy

Right now, I'm starting to Watch the Movie Expelled, I'm on Part 1 right now, It's very amusing as WEll, another good one I would suggest watching as it is based on the Topic As Well..





These are the Links to The Movie Expelled



As a matter of FAct, I'm going over to +++REp them on Sharing that Link.. Imagine That, God Sure does Work in Mysterious Ways, as Well as, the Mathematical Probablilities of Chance as explained through Science...would eventually lead to me given her Rep...., I only hope they can still recieve rep from somebody that doesn't Exist..., But wait!! That would actually go against the VEry Laws of Physics/Nature, and the Very notion of My rep not existing because, I do NOt exist... Wow, this is Getting to confusing...:-?


Well-Known Member
there could be a huge arguement in the case for metaphysics. that there are realms of reality unknown to us, or at least technology that affects us that is not based on any type of physics known to man. stuff like time travel, materialization from nothing, or spiritual forces that we know very little about.

i suppose we wont know until we die, but then again, those that do go can never come back to describe the "afterlife" as it were.

its hard for people to prove something that they cannot see. even now, we dont know for certain that our assumptions about the universe are accurate. look at all the assumptions that people have made in the past. flat earth, spraying ddt on children to prove its safety... etc.

mankind has yet to discover the source of our existance. as where science argues that anything is possible in time. that over billions of years elements came together to form single cells, organells, organs, and eventually, advanced life as we know now.

but how can we ponder such things when we have yet to master our own planet?

i think the human race has another millenium or so before we notice any substantial change in our physical being... just look at what we have accomplished in the last 500 years of human history.


Well-Known Member
:clap:That was very insightfully put.., We have yet to Master our On Planet, and at the very Least, Ourselves!!! hmmm, well Put KAB....

btw CJ, she has your Avatar Beat, gonna have to step the Wardrobe game Up..:lol:, ;-)


Well-Known Member
in any case, religion is the plan to kill the idea of god and reinvent it for marketing and social purposes. its a business like everything else.

anyone watch zeitgeist?


Well-Known Member
in any case, religion is the plan to kill the idea of god and reinvent it for marketing and social purposes. its a business like everything else.

anyone watch zeitgeist?
Yeah, I seen it a While Back.., Guess I'll have to view it again, for a Fresh intake.. But yeah, the People are dissecting themselves from religious establisments because of that very thing... That's what it was used for in the Beginning when it became an establishment and not a following, then a sense of an Unjust purpose began to set in with the people and they had to change the Game plan Up, NOw it's evolved into a 21st Century Business, Headed by Business as Usual Men... People are Waking up tho'.. Everything takes a little Time..


Well-Known Member
That statement indicates you're not so Krazy.

crazy is staying up 10 days blitzed out of your mind on lsd and weed.

stupid is following a bunch of idiots praising someone they never met worshiping their teaching and submitting to a cause that really is an elaborate lie.


New Member
Yeah, I seen it a While Back.., Guess I'll have to view it again, for a Fresh intake.. But yeah, the People are dissecting themselves from religious establisments because of that very thing... That's what it was used for in the Beginning when it became an establishment and not a following, then a sense of an Unjust purpose began to set in with the people and they had to change the Game plan Up, NOw it's evolved into a 21st Century Business, Headed by Business as Usual Men... People are Waking up tho'.. Everything takes a little Time..
It's nothing new in the 21st century.... religion has always been corrupt.


Well-Known Member
It's nothing new in the 21st century.... religion has always been corrupt.
That's your problem CJ, and why You people are blinded by your own Faith and belief...You see only what your Faith/Religious belief wants you to See...because you would have noticed my first sentence that proclaimed the same thang.. Ignorants blinded by Religion

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've stopped arguing in these threads, because they've degenerated into nothing more than "neener neener" posts in the past few days,and it gives me a headache.Have some delicious Jesus con carne.
So true.... but the believers cannot perceive such a concept. They need to have a pretend world.