Proving "God" is real..

That is your choice. I choose to pursue discovery and happily, I am relieved that I do not know.

Science fills me with knowledge, life fills me with happiness, honesty fills me with freedom. Life- just trying to find different cool ways to occupy our time before it runs out, as soon as you're born you start dying, so you might as well have a good time and do your best to help others enjoy it just as much! :D

I want to know, but i don't pretend to know things that i don't, not anymore at least. Good post Conflict.
i started noticing that you were wasting your time when that guy responds with one sentence answers to like 3 paragraph arguments. some people on riu just arent worth typing, most are thick headed as fuck.

Dude, I love your avatar. I'm currently using using its motto on my personal emails, people find it hilarious and a little more classy than Fuck Bitches, Get Money ;)

P.S. Spaghetti...
Dude, I love your avatar. I'm currently using using its motto on my personal emails, people find it hilarious and a little more classy than Fuck Bitches, Get Money ;)

P.S. Spaghetti...

hahah i expect it was benjamin franklins motto back in those days. +rep, spaghetti clan for life! hahaha