Well-Known Member
Sounds like good thing r coming![]()
I have big plans that is for sure!
Sounds like good thing r coming![]()
I will show pictures soon of the Kentucky skunk when I get to my computer .
There is a chart called a psycometric chart , created by Mr carrier.
Actually genius as hell figuring there were no computers when it was invented.
Amazingly smart man.
Rh should be between 40 and 50 percent for your room.
If the Rh is to low your buds will not develop well. They will get huge resin though at low Rh. If above 50 you will invite mold and bud rot intl your room,
A little lower humidity helps keeps mites at Bay too.
70 percent humidity is ok for veg.
Air expands and contracts with heat.
Warmer air can hold more moisture.
If you change your room temps from dark to light cycles you will notice that when the temperature drops your floor and plants will get wet from the temperature drop until it hits a dew point when the air gives up it's moisture.
Garden lime pH ballances the soil, adds calcium also.
If you put garden lime , add it to the soil, top dress or mix in water and pour it into the plants you will NEVER have a pH problem .many nutrient systems drive PH down in soil and other growing mediums.
Garden lime stops all of that so if you have any problems it makes it much easier to pinpoint where the problem is coming from.
It's around 5 bucks for a 40 to 50 lb bag at Lowe's or mennards , home Depot and only takes a cup in a 4 cusqft of spoil. It will last like forever for most growers
Ive been lurking on your shit bro. Them girls are looking so much better. I look forward to seeing them bud. Good job
Yes they look alot better.
You are right though.
We know it's not the pH , we can also be pretty sure it's not a calcium problem.
I think he is on to something with some sort of gas.
I seen methane do this. Drove me nuts for a min too.
How I finally found where it was coming from I moved the co2 monitor near where the source of methane was coming from and it gave a co2 reading that was off the charts.
Even a crack in the sewer pipe under the concrete might let it seep through the concrete .highly unlikely though but just a thought.
As long as we know what it's not then we can narrow it down some to what it might be.