Purple Flo , Pineapple Express , and Blueberry ! Grow 2.0 Simple Organics !


Active Member
Nice growth! I just went back to the first page and looked at the pics from a month ago - what a difference! I also like your method of taping yarn to the sides of the pot to LST - simple and efficient. I drilled holes in my pot rim, but having to untie and tie all those knots to adjust things gets to be a pain.


Active Member
Oh yeah, and with seven feet of vertical space to work in, I'd let those plants veg longer. Flower when they're about a foot and a half high and they should be around 3 feet finished.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! Yeah the yarn and tape works great no messing with knots just loop around a branch and you can twist the yarn if it needs to be tighter closer to the branch , saves a butt load of time . I got some kind of deficiantcy going on I,m noticing dark green leaves with lighter green to yellow . Think I can clear it up with foilar feeding . I'm almost positive it's magnesium . Here's a couple pics first one is mine 2nd is an example pic I found .



Well-Known Member
And these are some random pics I took also . Check out the node spacing and the purple on the trunk . Oh I wanted to mention that after the above pics I tied them all back down .Also defiantly going to wait to veg a bit more .



Active Member
Yeah, yellowing between the leaf veins is a sign of Mg deficiency. I had the same problem, but now I use Cal-Mag with every feeding and all is good. I've heard you can use Epsom salt as well but I just stick to the hydro store stuff, even though it costs way more it is easier for me to trust as a relatively new grower.


Well-Known Member
Right on man , I should known using RO water = no cal , mag even though I used extra dolomite lime . But I,m thinking since I transplanted they have been soaked from the heavy watering and haven't been able to take up much nutrient . I,ll go to using molassas to supplement cal mag .Trips me out how ppl think molassas is a miracle additive or somthing ,it's an cheap organic cal mag source and the sugars feed microbes in the soil which broaden the ph levels certain nutrients are availible at.

In the meantime I,m foliar feeding them since I,ve had nothing but good effects from testing it on my Blueberry plants.


Well-Known Member
I'm giving cloning a go today . I'm using rapid rooters, seeding flat ,matching pod flat and humidity dome . Water is plain RO ph'd down to 6 in the flat just enough to fill bottoms of pod holders. I used cloning gel and a little peat to pack around the stem , I dont like how loose the holes are in rapid rooters . So I took 4 clones 2 Pineapple express and 2 Purple Flo. I have my heating pad under the flat set on high , plugged into a timer 15 on 15 off .I,m shining one 27 watt cfl on the dome . Wish me luck !



Well-Known Member
I'm giving cloning a go today . I'm using rapid rooters, seeding flat ,matching pod flat and humidity dome . Water is plain RO ph'd down to 6 in the flat just enough to fill bottoms of pod holders. I used cloning gel and a little peat to pack around the stem , I dont like how loose the holes are in rapid rooters . So I took 4 clones 2 Pineapple express and 2 Purple Flo. I have my heating pad under the flat set on high , plugged into a timer 15 on 15 off .I,m shining one 27 watt cfl on the dome . Wish me luck !

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How'd they do? They standing? I know what you mean about the holes too big. Same with Rockwool, I just make my own hole, doesn't need to be perfectly centered either....


Well-Known Member
They look about like they did last night ,the purp flos stand straight up , the p ex kinda droops over the stalk i mean but the leaves are perky.


Well-Known Member
Yeah once you have roots dome off. Mine look good i swear but no sign of roots at 3 days ,I know its early yet .Hope you see some soon 303 .


Well-Known Member
Plants are progressing well . They reacted well to 12/12 , all my heads are shooting up .Cannot wait for the Blueberry to show sex I need the extra space bad.

I guess the 2 major things I learned from my first grow that I applied to this one was drainage and watering .On my first gro I had a 5-7 day dry time in a 3 gallon pot , the bottoms always stayed soggy. For this grow on my 3 gallon pots i drilled exta holes in the bottom and sides of the pots.I also mixed #4 perlite at 4 to 1 soil/perlite ratio . I,m looking at 2 to 3 days now much better.

Then for watering I've learned the importance of flushing no matter what you wanna call it Make it Rain seems popular nowadays thanks to Riddleme and his thoughtful knowlage and research. I'm not being that aggresive though hard to flush that much water through that many pots . I,m going with the dunking method . You just fill a container with water thats bigger than your pot and at least half as deep as your pot is tall dunk your pot in slowly till you see water saturated at the top . Pull the pot out slowly too to prevent compaction.Water should drain out clear ,if not just repeat till it is . At this time I give them a heavy spraying with plain water .
Walla you just had a torrential downpour indoors ! I haven't done this enough yet to try it with a lower PH 5.5 as some suggest I dont understand the benefits of doing that other than it more simulates rain water but whats the benefits of flushing with low ph water?

My frequency so far has been feed,feed,feed,flush.