Question about ice water hash, dry vs wet

Jimbo the Gael

Well-Known Member
I tried google and the search function, but neither helped.

When you make IWH how much weight does it lose while drying? I just did a run of hash with some Blue Cheese, and for fun I put some on a scale, and it came up 45g. I'm wondering how much weight hash typically loses while it dries? I'm not looking for an exact number, just a ballpark. Like with buds, we know they usually lose 70-80% of their weight as they dry, is there a general idea like that with freshly made hash?

If nobody knows (or just won't answer) I'll post what it weighs in a week or so, hopefully it'll help the next guy with this question.


Oh, I better get this out of the way now.

Bout a pound.
I never weighed my last batch wet but after dry/ heat/roll press I got 3 grams from one oz of larf.It was my second time.
Yeah, the 1:10 ratio was all that came up when I tried google. I'll post the weight when it's dry, see how much it changes.
You could probably run a fairly close simulation with fine sand to get an idea how much water weight is there. The weight of the sand does not matter it is the constant in your experiment.
Ou have a lot of contamination in your different piles... in all of them it looks like they got mixed . Did you plan that
No. Two different batches. One got run too long and rushed. Just my play things. Is what it is when you give up. Cold and old rhyme. Not good together otherwise. Nice eye. Never know in the end. Heat set darkens it all. And oxidation does the rest. Nothing but floral and smooth. Unless greedy. LOL.

TY and peace.
So, first day of drying 10g of water lost, 2nd, another 3g, and today another 3g, so I'm sitting at 29g now.
I think I'll start keeping track of this with my future hash runs too. See if it's consistent or not.
What's the process for drying IWH generally look like? Just chop the stuff up and set it out for a few days? I know bigger operations use some sort of equipment... freeze driers? But that's well out of my price range.
I just have mine in a cardboard box in the basement. Keeps it dark and cool. I read that you're supposed to freeze it, then grate it into a powder, they call it microplaning. But I think it's drying fine as is. I'm keeping an eye on it so it should be fine.
What's the process for drying IWH generally look like? Just chop the stuff up and set it out for a few days? I know bigger operations use some sort of equipment... freeze driers? But that's well out of my price range.
All I do is run it through bubble bags and let it sit on parchment paper until its dry.

I do press it flat to help it dry faster. Generally 24 hrs its good to go. But I also don't run ozs of it at a time. So this is for 10-15 grams.