QUICK question about feeding plants organic teas


100 gallon magic grow cloth bags ... just now getting to watering/feeding them about 8-9 gallons a peice ... plants are in organic soil but have used some non organic food such as ff grow big and fish emulsion which will stop when flowering begins.... eveythhing else will be organic... when administering or feeding your plants the areated organic tea should i give each plant the same as if i was originally or give it some water first(about half) then the last half the tea??? tried to find this answer but have been lookin for almost an hour.... thanks RIU


Well-Known Member
i have actually done just that, half water, then half tea
i believe that i was somewhat under feeding with this schedule, though my tea's weren't the strongest
i will say that i did get reasonably good plants, just not as nice as they could have been


cool well i am a first time grower and the only person that i have talked to in person that claims to know said he always did that but he is one of those , " im the best, there are no other way" kind of guys. i will be using earth juice bloom original formula as well as topdressing with earth juice rainbow mix boom w/ mycorrhizae & humic acid. still havent bought all my other flowering nutes but will prolly pick up some kelp, molasses and maybe bone meal and glacial rock dust. the reason i ask tho is cause im broke and having to use a 25 gallon trash can to mix nutes or brew teas. its fine with other nutes cause i can just make a couple batches on spot but with the tea i have to prep it obvliously... and i have 12 girls.... so i will def not rely on jjust only that tea and thanks for the response. it is greatly apprciated


Well-Known Member
just to put some perspective, my teas were as simple as you get
1 tsp MG Organic bone meal(6-9-0), and 1 tsp molasses per half gallon water
MG bone meal does have a nice dose of nitrogen, but this is not a strong tea so your feed sounds considerably stronger


mg as in miricle grow organic bone meal?... yeah i have only made it twice and was shown by a guy.... he went crazy with amounts lol... did you use this for veg as well as flowering or switch?


Well-Known Member
i mixed in a good amount in the soil, so that fed during veg, and likely a good deal of flower since it does take some time to break down
tea would be started aft a few weeks of flower, and for about a total of 6 weeks
my feeding schedule is a work in progress, been adding alfalfa tea to the mix for current grow, more N

edit - MG is miracle grow, understand not everyone much likes the name, some of their products are good, others not so much


yeah haha the name haunts it, actually had an owner of a hydro store recommend me use the tomato food once every 2 weeks for veg to catch me up since i got a late start... i was actually gonna give them one more but they are so close to flower i am gonna wait and they have already met my expectations as it looks if i will have a years meds :) and i feel ya on the work in progress... anyways happy growin