R00T Pr0n

I am running a sterile rez DTW.

In the older HPA setup, I was using Mega Crop and Advenced Nutes PH Perfect line. I had nothing but trouble with PH issues and algae, and rotten smells in the rez. That forced me to use hi concentrations of chlorine and even copper, but nothing worked. The roots went from pure white to mixed with brown, to almost white again. It was a constant battle with the fuzzy hairs coming and going.

In the current AAA system, the chlorine concentration is less than 1 PPM, so very low. I forget exactly but it was close to 1/10th the "normal" chlorine concentration for a sterile rez, which is usually 2 to 4 PPM range

However, I think the main reason the AAA roots look so much better is Im using pure salt based nutes - absolutely positively NOTHING even vaguely organically based in origin. No seaweed, no worm castings, etc etc. Pure salts only. This includes the calmag portions. Im running Jacks 321 hydro.

That allows me to control the PH instead of the dam bacteria/algae doing it for me.

The nasty bacteria LOVE organically based stuff for food, but dont seem to like the salt based nutes as a food, so they have a really hard time getting established. Thats why I can get by with far less chlorine than you would normally have to use to keep a sterile rez sterile.

Plus, the fuzzy hairs that you can only get with very small droplets - around 50 micron - are pure white naturally, and make for a really hi contrast. Its very easy for me to spot anything bad going on because you instantly loose the fuzzy hairs and that pure white color. That makes any infestation of bad bacteria really stand out against all that bright white background. Actually its any bacteria at all that darken the roots. Ive tried "beneficial bacteria" and all they did was discolor the roots and kill off the fuzzy hairs - which is exactly what the bad ones do.

Its kind of a pain to get the environment in the root chamber just right, but roots like this give me a thrill, so its worth it.

Ahh.. yeah those look amazing.. and i try to avoid organic stuff as much as possible myself and usually go sterile but i'm trying tribus on my current grow. so far so good.. BUT my roots are always lightly tan colored due to my nutes (jacks) being tan when you mix them with water :( Wish they were clear..

P.S. do you keep a grow log anywhere?
I have had exactly zero luck with any beneficial bacteria, but never tried tribus. Hope if works for you!

I mostly hang on OverGrow. Same user name.

Here are a couple of cose up shots from my current AAA auto grow.

Honestly... i'm not impressed at all with tribus.. i kind of wish i had a microscopt to see if it's even active or just tan water... i figured bennies were pretty much BS.. wasted $70 or whatever.. not the first time or last.
Honestly... i'm not impressed at all with tribus.. i kind of wish i had a microscopt to see if it's even active or just tan water... i figured bennies were pretty much BS.. wasted $70 or whatever.. not the first time or last.

Just a little update.. i used Tribus for 2 months and saw no change at all in roots or root growth.. I bought a bottle of $16 Southern AG which has the same active bacteria as Tribus in the same concentration and my roots have gone nuts... they are whiter and growing in faster than i have ever seen before.. So.. fuck tribus in it's ear..