Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
went to the grocery store to find a chocolate bar, to which no luck all contained milk but didnt feel like making my own, so i decided to read the list of LACTOSE FREE chocolate icecream...."contains dairy"

i almost chucked it at the wall and left the place in tears all i wanted was a fucking chocolate bar i spent over 1 hour and 45 minutes reading labels.
They don't sell dark chocolate in Canada? And I was almost about to move there. That was close.


Staff member
Then I'll have to find another reason not to move to Canada. Total lack of funds might do it - that is often a reason to not do something.
find random junk food that is like tostinos pizza rolls that you really love, we dont have those here they didnt pass our fda LOL

Total Head

Well-Known Member
so apparently my mother works with some lady who has a sister that works at the local state mental hospital. she's gonna try to pull some strings and get me in there as a mental health worker. the job's not even posted and there's a ton of openings.

i would kill to have a state job. i'd have to shoot the place up for them to even float the idea of firing me. it's unionized, awesome benefits, a million holidays off a year, new facility, and if a patient beats my ass i get paid leave.

this lady gave me a sheet of all the fake ways i know her and what to say to sound qualified. yay nepotism. (for once. maybe. i hope.)


Well-Known Member
FWIW not many houses here have basements either.Most have a crawl space
same in arizona, and it makes no sense to me. would be a nice cool place during the hot months.

someone explained to me the reason why they don't build a lot of basements and it made sense, but i forgot what they told me for some odd, unexplainable reason :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
same in arizona, and it makes no sense to me. would be a nice cool place during the hot months.

someone explained to me the reason why they don't build a lot of basements and it made sense, but i forgot what they told me for some odd, unexplainable reason :eyesmoke:
You have no idea what my basement is callable of.


Well-Known Member
same in arizona, and it makes no sense to me. would be a nice cool place during the hot months.

someone explained to me the reason why they don't build a lot of basements and it made sense, but i forgot what they told me for some odd, unexplainable reason :eyesmoke:
North of the Arctic Circle - that part where they get 24 hour days and nights - they tend to build on stilts or gravel pads. The heat from buildings can melt the underlying permafrost unevenly and damage the structure.

On the North Slope oil fields, some of the buildings had polar bear cages. That's where you walk out the door, down the stairs to ground level, and are in a cage so you can look for polar bears before you head out to your truck. I never saw one.

Come to think of it, they are white and the snow was white and it was kind of dark. Let's just say I was never eaten by one.


Well-Known Member
polar bears are amazing! it would be a fucking shame if people drive them further to extinction..


Well-Known Member
polar bears are amazing! it would be a fucking shame if people drive them further to extinction..
Would you like them enough to put only a few inches of Perspex between the two of you? The way it was shaking the shit outta it idk... And apparently the polar bear 'investigated' the cage to its limits for a full 45 mins.

P.s funny profile pic can see it in all it's beauty on ipod


Well-Known Member
my lady is starting to smell up nicely :hump:

haven't toked any green since my last crop which was mid November now.
this OG kush from reserva privada is 4.5 weeks into flower so halfway. hurry up march!
anyone tried or grown this strain from the same bank?

