Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
i've masturbated at work many times.
That's why your plastic sheeting wasn't the clear variety when you were gaurding the greenhouse. A little stealth rough house with the ol' weenis, you probably moved your wifi port closer to the back of the house huh?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
That guy totally stuck a finger up his bum. LMAO. They should of had a wireless feed going, and walked in right after his finger went there.

OMG just watched the ending. I love how he attacks the guy over it. "dude wtf! that's disgusting!" LMAO


Well-Known Member
Pics or gtfo!
I really wish I could. But to be honest, at the time when my ding-a-ling was deep in this girl's butthole, the last thing I was thinking about was taking out my phone (pre-iPhone) and trying to snap some crappy ass camera phone image. I was interested in one thing, busting a nut as fast as possible, before other people started showing up for work.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a truly retarded cat?

My dumbass cat acts like she is starving when I wake up. She scarfs her food down so fast, that it makes her tummy upset and she vomits.

She only vomits on the mornings where she eats like a rabid wolf. I have taken her to the vet to be checked for parasites, worms, etc. She is completely healthy.

She is just retarded and throws up all her food every couple mornings.

my cat has awful fear anxiety and gets into a psychotic state for hours or even days if something startles him enough. he put me in the ER last year because i caused too much commotion when i fell. he seems to literally not know who i am during these fits and i've had him for over 5 years (since he was a kitten).

he also wipes his paws for 10 minutes after taking a shit or piss in his box and it's annoying as fuck. he makes all sorts of scraping noises. then he'll STEP BACK INTO THE FUCKING BOX and start the whole process over again. he never tracks litter, though.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If my cat attacked me, like seriously hurt me and fucked me up, it would be in a world of hurt.

Scruff, bite ears, spank. GTFO

One time my cat freaked the fuck out and caught her claws and teeth in me. She never did it again.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Wow, what a slut. Calls attention to herself right before doing it.

Although I did it with a popsicle at school once...but I was 13, wasnt even sure what the big deal was lol.


Well-Known Member
ok see4 so you really think were going to buy that you had anal sex with your bosses girlfriend while getting paid for it by being at work?


Well-Known Member
ok see4 so you really think were going to buy that you had anal sex with your bosses girlfriend while getting paid for it by being at work?
well, the anal part was an exaggeration, more to get the point across. but my penis was certainly inserted inside of her vagina.