Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a truly retarded cat?

My dumbass cat acts like she is starving when I wake up. She scarfs her food down so fast, that it makes her tummy upset and she vomits.

She only vomits on the mornings where she eats like a rabid wolf. I have taken her to the vet to be checked for parasites, worms, etc. She is completely healthy.

She is just retarded and throws up all her food every couple mornings.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a truly retarded cat?

My dumbass cat acts like she is starving when I wake up. She scarfs her food down so fast, that it makes her tummy upset and she vomits.

She only vomits on the mornings where she eats like a rabid wolf. I have taken her to the vet to be checked for parasites, worms, etc. She is completely healthy.

She is just retarded and throws up all her food every couple mornings.

I have a Husky who does this.. (minus the puking.. ) but I found by slowly giving him food.. even one at a time.. still does not work..

he is like a vacuum not even stopping to chew..

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Yes, we had a cat that we were sure was mentally challenged, and she would do the same thing. She was the only one out of the whole litter that did that, she was "special" but she was a very sweet cat, too bad she got run over a few months ago.


Well-Known Member
2timer they look great! do you have a grow thread?
thanks! it's actually just the one plant but with 4 heads lol, one of them is hidden behind the one you see to the left.
no journal going but, another user on the site has the same strain from the same seedbank going at the exact same point my girl is at haha, me and him have been updating there every now and then... look how much better his is :( different phenotype to mine but he must have got lucky with some sort of super seed to have buds like this in 4 weeks!

View attachment 2514930

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The pain in the ass part is she won't leave me alone till dinner time. so not only do I have puke to clean up, but she won't leave me alone!!! She is very insistant!

She is such a food whore.

She will jump onto the back of my chair and lean against me, with her tail wrapped around my neck.. Fricken whore.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I also have a dog that REFUSES to shit.

I have two awesome animals. A dog that is smart with beautiful eyes and just the best dog I have ever had. A fluffy cat that cuddles up to me while I play video games and runs to me when I get upset.

Then I have two retard animals. The throwup cat and the dog who refuses to shit.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a truly retarded cat?

My dumbass cat acts like she is starving when I wake up. She scarfs her food down so fast, that it makes her tummy upset and she vomits.

She only vomits on the mornings where she eats like a rabid wolf. I have taken her to the vet to be checked for parasites, worms, etc. She is completely healthy.

She is just retarded and throws up all her food every couple mornings.
I have a Husky who does this.. (minus the puking.. ) but I found by slowly giving him food.. even one at a time.. still does not work..

he is like a vacuum not even stopping to chew..
My small dog sometimes does the exact same thing. It only ever happens after his morning meal. Often when this happens you can see that he didn't even chew his food, just swallowed it whole. It's very disgusting to clean up.


Well-Known Member
Wednessday was one of those days I would have loved to have never happened. For starters, I got into two car accidents. The first accident happened when someone backed into my car which was not moving at the time. It did some pretty extensive damage to my front end. When the second one occurred I wasn't even in a car. Someone was driving way too fast in a parking lot and just plain ran me over. That one sent me to the hospital.

While in the hospital I heard the news that my father was diagnosed to have prostrate cancer. Could this day get any worse? I was able to return home late at night and shortly after arriving my dog started acting very odd, having trouble breathing. I was able to convince my dog's vet to meet me at his office at 1:00am. It turned out that my 10 year old dog had a stroke. Some days you just can't win.


Well-Known Member
today's a good day. Tests are out of the way and losing what fat is left and gaining muscle, up to a 170 pounds :)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Wednessday was one of those days I would have loved to have never happened. For starters, I got into two car accidents. The first accident happened when someone backed into my car which was not moving at the time. It did some pretty extensive damage to my front end. When the second one occurred I wasn't even in a car. Someone was driving way too fast in a parking lot and just plain ran me over. That one sent me to the hospital.

While in the hospital I heard the news that my father was diagnosed to have prostrate cancer. Could this day get any worse? I was able to return home late at night and shortly after arriving my dog started acting very odd, having trouble breathing. I was able to convince my dog's vet to meet me at his office at 1:00am. It turned out that my 10 year old dog had a stroke. Some days you just can't win.
I hope they caught the cancer early. My grandfather got prostate cancer, but he still lived another 10 years. He only died cause the alzheimers.

I hope you and the other person had insurance.

sorry to hear about your dog.


Well-Known Member
I hope they caught the cancer early. My grandfather got prostate cancer, but he still lived another 10 years. He only died cause the alzheimers.

I hope you and the other person had insurance.

sorry to hear about your dog.
Thanks Flaming Pie.

My father gets tested every year, so I guess it was found as early as is possible. He's 80 years old and still has a very sharp mind at this point. We'll just have to move ahead with treatment and hope.

Everybody involved in my car mishaps had insurance (including me), so that was good. I won't need any surgery, just got banged, scratched, and bruised. lol It's only some flesh wounds.

My previous dog had a stroke at about the same age and lived another 4 years. My current dog survived the stroke and is now on medication. He's still ready to play.

When you look at things this way, it seems my day could have been much worse. I'm just glad to be past it.


Well-Known Member
My direct tv remote stopped working today ...
It made me think about suicide for a split second
