Random life problems


Well-Known Member
Life sure dose throw up some issues when ur already ducking and diving with a grow. Last week scaffolding went up on nextdoors house and then being told they are having a new roof - luckily work won’t be starting for 2 weeks. And last night some one stole my landrover (and burnt it out) so was woken up this morning by 4 fairly serious police offices knocking at my door and asking to come in to talk grilling me and my partner on where we were the night before. The whole time we are trying to hide bottles of clonex and other little in-sites (like my MacBook sticker bombed with free stickers from the seed sites), was hoping to flip my girls at the end of next week but I might see how the week goes first
Life sure dose throw up some issues when ur already ducking and diving with a grow. Last week scaffolding went up on nextdoors house and then being told they are having a new roof - luckily work won’t be starting for 2 weeks. And last night some one stole my landrover (and burnt it out) so was woken up this morning by 4 fairly serious police offices knocking at my door and asking to come in to talk grilling me and my partner on where we were the night before. The whole time we are trying to hide bottles of clonex and other little in-sites (like my MacBook sticker bombed with free stickers from the seed sites), was hoping to flip my girls at the end of next week but I might see how the week goes first
Cops are idiots sometimes mate when they came to my friends house for a unrelated thing and they could smell weed cos she been smoking thing is at the time she had cancer they still confiscated a bit for a few joints the twats funny thing is they were meters from a grow and had no fucking clue and its not like its well hidden definitely scary times tho for sure man thank god for incompetence sounds like they grilling u case its a insurance job to them that be better means less work its harassment but cops are lazy ime they always go the easy way not the right way its easier to hassle whos there than actually do the work investigating who really did it
Cops are idiots sometimes mate when they came to my friends house for a unrelated thing and they could smell weed cos she been smoking thing is at the time she had cancer they still confiscated a bit for a few joints the twats funny thing is they were meters from a grow and had no fucking clue and its not like its well hidden definitely scary times tho for sure man thank god for incompetence sounds like they grilling u case its a insurance job to them that be better means less work its harassment but cops are lazy ime they always go the easy way not the right way its easier to hassle whos there than actually do the work investigating who really did it

me and my mate were jogging home from the gym one night and got followed by CID to his house, the rushed us as he opened his front door and pushed there way in, gave us some nonsense about just robbing a local shop and while talking to us noticed king rizla on his living room table and that then apparently gave them reason to search us and it all just got worse from there, I hate to give them any reason to come over the front door threshold
me and my mate were jogging home from the gym one night and got followed by CID to his house, the rushed us as he opened his front door and pushed there way in, gave us some nonsense about just robbing a local shop and while talking to us noticed king rizla on his living room table and that then apparently gave them reason to search us and it all just got worse from there, I hate to give them any reason to come over the front door threshold
Nah thats an illegal search man even smell of weed isnt grounds for a search
Life sure dose throw up some issues when ur already ducking and diving with a grow. Last week scaffolding went up on nextdoors house and then being told they are having a new roof - luckily work won’t be starting for 2 weeks. And last night some one stole my landrover (and burnt it out) so was woken up this morning by 4 fairly serious police offices knocking at my door and asking to come in to talk grilling me and my partner on where we were the night before. The whole time we are trying to hide bottles of clonex and other little in-sites (like my MacBook sticker bombed with free stickers from the seed sites), was hoping to flip my girls at the end of next week but I might see how the week goes first
You live outside of the US?
yeh I know, didn’t at the time tho, I was fairly young and dumb and they were pretty heavy handed, it all happened quick, I guess it was all part of the tactics
One of my friends ended up getting caught with a stun gun and a bunch of weed a while back same kinda idea cops came looking for a guy who stayed there before him wasnt even him they were after so they smelled weed he was alone he shut the door on the two cops went to get his grinder with a wee bit in it to give em that to placate them however he didnt shut the door right those two illegally force there way in and he gets busted for all that he did a few years for it moral of the story is lock doors behind you always well you know how it goes his word vs two cops your never gonna win in court are you so yeah bud the law only applys to us the cops break it and get away with it no problem.
I happen to fall in my Grow room and bust my head open on a Door Knob.

First Responders came one of them had been here before with me and said I was just messed up referring to my Tents.

His Boss chewed him out said if he had to come here every week to keep his mouth shut.

Marijuana is Legal here.

u pay for those visits tho don’t u so even less reason to ask how? But same here in the uk, u hear stories of people going into hospital with objects stuck up there arse and staff have to treat them, i suppose they like to know how u have got a ketchup bottle with a condom on stuck in u 2 weeks in a row, but they are there to help u no judge u.
Cops in Canada are more polite. About 10 years ago now had a so-called friend tell the cops I was growing after we had a huge fight. Cops came over a few days after that and said they had a report I was growing and asked if they could come in and take a look around. Front door was open but screen door was locked.

I asked if they had a warrant and they said no. I said I'm not growing anything so if you want to look around come back with a warrant.

I was polite and I'd never been on their radar for pot so they went away and never came back.

I had over 20 plants close to harvest so after they left I went and changed my skivvies then went downstairs to water the girls. :)

Over 50 years being into pot at various levels but haven't sold any since I was in my 20s so never draw attention to myself. Never even been charged with possession but have lost bags of pot to cops.

Helps being fish-belly white tho I bet.

Cops in Canada are more polite. About 10 years ago now had a so-called friend tell the cops I was growing after we had a huge fight. Cops came over a few days after that and said they had a report I was growing and asked if they could come in and take a look around. Front door was open but screen door was locked.

I asked if they had a warrant and they said no. I said I'm not growing anything so if you want to look around come back with a warrant.

I was polite and I'd never been on their radar for pot so they went away and never came back.

I had over 20 plants close to harvest so after they left I went and changed my skivvies then went downstairs to water the girls. :)

Over 50 years being into pot at various levels but haven't sold any since I was in my 20s so never draw attention to myself. Never even been charged with possession but have lost bags of pot to cops.

Helps being fish-belly white tho I bet.

Thats cos you guys could potentially shoot them i suspect lol alot of folks forget Canada has alot of guns just less bs attached vs usa i think if guns were more common and less strictly controlled here the police would think twice about barging in without a search warrant
Thats cos you guys could potentially shoot them i suspect lol alot of folks forget Canada has alot of guns just less bs attached vs usa i think if guns were more common and less strictly controlled here the police would think twice about barging in without a search warrant

I doubt very much that's why. Lot more with guns in the states and they barge right in down there.

The cops here just follow the rules like they are supposed to most of the time. I got a speeding ticket a little over a year ago and the cop was polite even tho he could have given me a ticket for excessive speed he dropped the number on the ticket from 130km/hr to 114 and then I beat the ticket so no fine or demerits on my license. I have hair half way down my back and look exactly like what I am.

An old stoner hippie. labrat.gif

My place is out in the farmlands and I got got guns too but I sure as hell wouldn't be pulling them on cops.

I'm more worried about them showing up while I'm cooking up a batch of RSO with solvents. That shit has a 14 year max sentence in the federal Greybar Hotel since they changed some laws when we 'legalized' pot here in '18. I might not even get jail if I got caught tho being a senior citizen with nothing on my criminal record other than an impaired driving conviction from '93. Last speeding ticket that went thru was in '01 so spotless driver's abstract too. They can only go back 10 years for a driver's search.

I doubt very much that's why. Lot more with guns in the states and they barge right in down there.

The cops here just follow the rules like they are supposed to most of the time. I got a speeding ticket a little over a year ago and the cop was polite even tho he could have given me a ticket for excessive speed he dropped the number on the ticket from 130km/hr to 114 and then I beat the ticket so no fine or demerits on my license. I have hair half way down my back and look exactly like what I am.

An old stoner hippie. View attachment 5368113

My place is out in the farmlands and I got got guns too but I sure as hell wouldn't be pulling them on cops.

I'm more worried about them showing up while I'm cooking up a batch of RSO with solvents. That shit has a 14 year max sentence in the federal Greybar Hotel since they changed some laws when we 'legalized' pot here in '18. I might not even get jail if I got caught tho being a senior citizen with nothing on my criminal record other than an impaired driving conviction from '93. Last speeding ticket that went thru was in '01 so spotless driver's abstract too. They can only go back 10 years for a driver's search.

Police here think there above the rules and to a point they are unless caught out blatantly and it cant be denied without a huge scandal there was a case here a while back cops had there lights on and were speeding had no right or reason to be doing so anyway they crashed into a car killing a guy his girlfriend and there unborn child those pigs got suspended with pay and pretty much got away with manslaughter as they got cleared of wrong doing by there lot the worst part was the first thing they tried to do was smear the character of the people they wrongly killed feeding bullshit to journalists who are in there influence anyway il digress sounds like where your at they have more manners and respect for sure
Police here think there above the rules and to a point they are unless caught out blatantly and it cant be denied without a huge scandal there was a case here a while back cops had there lights on and were speeding had no right or reason to be doing so anyway they crashed into a car killing a guy his girlfriend and there unborn child those pigs got suspended with pay and pretty much got away with manslaughter as they got cleared of wrong doing by there lot the worst part was the first thing they tried to do was smear the character of the people they wrongly killed feeding bullshit to journalists who are in there influence anyway il digress sounds like where your at they have more manners and respect for sure

yeh we had a thing like that last year, police were chasing 2 little youths through the estate without the lights on the van, the 2 boys were on the same Surron but going at a pace, ended up getting hit by a bus and both died, police were straight away saying that they weren't chosen the boys and they were just being a pair of clowns, about 2 days later someone posted the ring doorbell footage of the van chasing the boys down the street, the estate was rioting for about 3 days after it

I just find not letting them in is best, don't speak to them either unless u can help it and when u do be polite as can be
Told the Investigator I was clean. Don't matter.

Told the guy i shard cell with he ever let anyone in our home he would have a shorter life.

I keep misspelling words I'm going to have to quit reading my posts.
I get you man makes sense that is a messed up situation for anyone to be in especially when its not cos of you
yeh we had a thing like that last year, police were chasing 2 little youths through the estate without the lights on the van, the 2 boys were on the same Surron but going at a pace, ended up getting hit by a bus and both died, police were straight away saying that they weren't chosen the boys and they were just being a pair of clowns, about 2 days later someone posted the ring doorbell footage of the van chasing the boys down the street, the estate was rioting for about 3 days after it

I just find not letting them in is best, don't speak to them either unless u can help it and when u do be polite as can be

About 30 years ago when my #2 son was about 14 he went to go hang with his best friend and said he might stay overnight. We lived on and acreage and his buddy lived in a close by neighbourhood of houses but we all were 6 miles out from the closest town. Unknown to me they had an older friend, 26, who was taking them out to steal cars. Dude would hot wire a car and get one of them to drive it then do another car for the other one then they would follow him to a rural property to drop the cars off then drive them back to to our area.

Anyway his BF got in a mini van and while he was driving off a cop flipped on the gumballs and started to pull him over. He took off with the cop in pursuit and after a short chase thru the little town turned up a 30 mile long road that was a dead end so no where to go really. After a few miles the cop just pulled over but the kid kept flying up the road. It was winter and as he went around a sweeping curve you could take at 100 when dry the van slid across the road and hit the short snowbank then flipped on it's roof. Went sliding down a steep hill in the snow on it's roof like a toboggan for a couple hundred yards and crashed into a huge boulder killing him instantly. No seat belt so that didn't help.

That one wasn't the cop's fault tho. She gave up the chase to drive slower up the road and called for backup to help look for the vehicle but the dumb kid kept driving like a fool. She also had no idea it was a kid behind the wheel. The car was boosted from a pub parking lot and and the kid was no race driver and looked like maybe a drunk driver. It was her duty to pull over a vehicle like that. Someone coming the other way and saw the car go over but the cop didn't see the accident happen.

I know my son was doing various drugs and was getting ADHD drugs from his buddy. He was devastated to lose his best friend and turned more to drugs. By age 16 he was living on the streets and is still out there. We've tried everything so it's him that has to make the move to get cleaned up.

Two deaths really. One very quick and the other in slow motion that I hope never comes to a stop before I do.
