Rare dankness/rd genetics

the silly drama and people "trolling" is why i left this site for a long time i've found many others with far better overall tone and less immature behavior Rare Dankness is the only reason i came back to RIU so if Mrs RD is out i guess i am too.
"Official" explanation from mods as posted by moderator of MI forum stumpjumper. Believe what you want. I take this with a grain of salt.

Mrs. Rare Dankness was banned on accident, or during a multiple spammer deletion, unknowingly. She will be unbanned.

Well hold up now, I've stuck up for you all in this and I am going to stick up for Rolli too.. On top of his full time job he logs in here and if faced with nothing but reported posts. This site has been inundated BIG TIME lately with spam. He doesn't even read shit he just deletes shit and bans the spammer.

He said he isn't sure how She was banned and that he would've noticed she had a bunch of posts and wouldn't have banned her. That is why he immediately un-banned her. I believe this is true because we are full of spam every day. There is only a couple people that can delete and ban all the spammers and I'm sure it gets very monotonous.

We should've waited for an explanation from him before getting all riled up and crazy. It's all good though, Mrs D knows that people are looking out for her, and RIU knows that you guys mean business lol.

She's unbanned, lets give it a chance ey?
Stump is right it was a mass spam delete and somehow she got caught up on it. And i hope rd can followers can
give riu another chance.
Can a moderator explain how this can possibly happen? How does the name mrs. Raredankness get put on a spammer list along with unintelligible combination of letters and numbers like most spammers use? And how does a non spammer who hasn't done anything get onto that list?

Why hasn't anyone with these actual powers said anything? No explanation or apology from anyone with power. The damage has been done RIU. People that loved this site won't look at it the same anymore, and people like me who always thought this site was a joke, have been proven right.
Can a moderator explain how this can possibly happen? How does the name mrs. Raredankness get put on a spammer list along with unintelligible combination of letters and numbers like most spammers use? And how does a non spammer who hasn't done anything get onto that list?

Why hasn't anyone with these actual powers said anything? No explanation or apology from anyone with power. The damage has been done RIU. People that loved this site won't look at it the same anymore, and people like me who always thought this site was a joke, have been proven right.

Fuck it shit happens....!

this wasnt even my fight even though i was fighting for yah :(
I don't buy it. I pm'd admin, and potroast days ago. Chiceh locked my shit today and said they are aware of what they did.
This didn't go down a few hours ago, and where is this explanation at? Bullshit. Bull shit.