rare darkness, con cheese, Exodus cheese


Well-Known Member
About to smoke a joint of the rare darkness. Is been curing some 7/4. The smell is just amazing its grape fuel with a strong skunkyness when squeezed or broken. It has an almost vapor like smell when you sniff it you really feel it like when you smell vicks. This is quickly becoming one of my favorites20150804_232245.jpg20150804_232518.jpg


Well-Known Member
So i smoked the j the flavor wad just as good as the smell and it came through to the last hit and lingered. Just excellent taste it reminds me why i love that purple weed taste so much grapy and floral like lavender super smooth and soft but not faint. I don't think i coughed once. The effect is body heavy it gives you that nice warm tingly body buzz and makes you smile. It started with that familiar watering burning eye sensation them worked is way through my body. When i was almost done with the j i found myself staring off mouth open for a minute lol is a real nice indica body buzz but real uplifting and happy at the same time not tired and couch locked i could deff see myself breaking out into laughter onthis that's the kind of buzz i love


Well-Known Member
The clones are doing there thing staying to show some new growth. I picked up some silica blast to add to the schedule. Any scrog tips or tricks you can let me in on would be appreciated.I'm uppoting the last clone (the white) now then ill put the screen in place. What's a good distance for a 600 watter i usally run the 1000s



Well-Known Member
Got everything potted and set in place now the fun can begin. It will be house and garden cocoa a&b, calmag, silica blast, roots excelerator, drip clean, and multi zen for veg. I'm still debating if i should grab another bottle of amino treatment but that shit is pricy anyone have anything to say about it is it wroth it. It's the only sup that effects ppm what's in this stuff?
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Well-Known Member
I got 11.9 gs off the same 3tubes with the con cheese that i used for the exodus and got 7.4 so im pretty happy with that return. I didn't weigh the trim before but it has to be about the same amount. Each tube holds about an ounce20150808_114124.jpg20150808_115140.jpg 20150808_114452.jpg


Well-Known Member
loving the updates i have aways wanted to get one of them watering sprayers i just use a garden hose

and plug it in to my water pump think its a 500 g/h pump and it works great but might pick up one of them next time i go to the hardware store


Well-Known Member
loving the updates i have aways wanted to get one of them watering sprayers i just use a garden hose

and plug it in to my water pump think its a 500 g/h pump and it works great but might pick up one of them next time i go to the hardware store
It was only 10 bucks not bad. Did you get your pump from a grow shop or a hard ware store? I notice they have a 400 gph for 25 at the hydro shop at home depot a 360 gph is $80. That's a huge difference i wonder why


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ I was looking at those pumps the difference is the home depot had a 45ft head and the hydro shop one only had a 8 ft head meaning it can only handle 8ft of hose before it loses to much power to pump. Do you know what the head on yours is dirty