Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth?

What is the difference between people on the internet or people that you meet on the street..? what makes the people that he interacts with here any less real or relevant than people he meets face to face? what makes the "strangers on the internet" sharing information and ideas, links to further reading material, videos, Authors names, scientific studies etc... any different than being educated in a class room..?

And as I have gotten negative responses about my postings especially in regards to you, but not from you Kaendar I will say for anybody else that this is not an attack, only questions in an attempt to understand your reasoning behind your statements...
It bugs the shit out of me when people say things like "I only smoke kush". Really? I wonder why I saw you smoking some tangerine dream last week... I hate how young ppl seem to think that "kush" is a indicator of quality. To any ppl reading that are guilty of this: "Kush" is the name of a strain of genetics. Just because you have some top shelf weed does not automatically make it kush. Read the label on your bottle/bag. Im sure it has the name of the strain you are smoking.
If I was just a stoner I would admit it. But im not. Im a Prop 215 California Medical marijuana patient. Im a very serious believer that cannabis is the answer to many of the worlds health problems.
you have got to be one of them most unlikable people here, and that's quite a feat.
may i ask how old you are? i'm 45 btw.

rep+ for the sig puff
I only found out about The League a week ago... only started watching a day and a half ago... got 7 episodes left of season 3... I don't want it to end... :(
What is the difference between people on the internet or people that you meet on the street..? what makes the people that he interacts with here any less real or relevant than people he meets face to face? what makes the "strangers on the internet" sharing information and ideas, links to further reading material, videos, Authors names, scientific studies etc... any different than being educated in a class room..?

And as I have gotten negative responses about my postings especially in regards to you, but not from you Kaendar I will say for anybody else that this is not an attack, only questions in an attempt to understand your reasoning behind your statements...
Well quite frankly, I guess what im trying to say is that people shouldnt let anyone sway their personal views so easily. Its fine to listen and note other peoples references and ideas but to be completely pushed around is crazy. Its just even worse because these are people typing on the keyboard. Wisdom is gained from living life. Not from listening to people on a forum.
What is the difference between people on the internet or people that you meet on the street..? what makes the people that he interacts with here any less real or relevant than people he meets face to face? what makes the "strangers on the internet" sharing information and ideas, links to further reading material, videos, Authors names, scientific studies etc... any different than being educated in a class room..?

And as I have gotten negative responses about my postings especially in regards to you, but not from you Kaendar I will say for anybody else that this is not an attack, only questions in an attempt to understand your reasoning behind your statements...

Extra super Like. Voices on the Net belong to people. Showing them the same hospitality and integrity you'd show people face to face seems to me to be the better choice. cn
Well quite frankly, I guess what im trying to say is that people shouldnt let anyone sway their personal views so easily. Its fine to listen and note other peoples references and ideas but to be completely pushed around is crazy. Its just even worse because these are people typing on the keyboard. Wisdom is gained from living life. Not from listening to people on a forum.

I haven't seen Heph being pushed around by anybody, I have however seen you attack his integrity with utter disregard to his post explaining his reasoning for his position...
I haven't seen Heph being pushed around by anybody, I have however seen you attack his integrity with utter disregard to his post explaining his reasoning for his position...
Go back and read his pasts posts/threads. Dont worry, im not an asshole like alot of guys here, I wouldnt make unwarranted personal attacks on people. He started off as a god loving christian who wanted trolls on here to stop budging into every theists thread. Over time he was overcome by the bullshit shower on here and subsequently became these guys rag dolls. Ive told him before that hes a smart kid, but he needs more gumption.
Go back and read his pasts posts/threads. Dont worry, im not an asshole like alot of guys here, I wouldnt make unwarranted personal attacks on people. He started off as a god loving christian who wanted trolls on here to stop budging into every theists thread. Over time he was overcome by the bullshit shower on here and subsequently became these guys rag dolls. Ive told him before that hes a smart kid, but he needs more gumption.

I'm still a loving human.. Just less gullible.
Wrong, you're an asshole.
Not too long ago I made a post asking why we should debunk religious people's beliefs that don't harm anybody. So I still believe people should not tell people that their beliefs are false if the other person minds their on buisness.
Rag doll? How so?

And I don't change my views just because other people have those same views. My take on girls now being sluts got me alot of enemies here and I still believe most girls are just overly slutty. My take on illegal immigration has ww and neer on my ass yet I still have the same views. The only thing that changes my mind is logic.
What religion my child chooses to follow doesn't effect my opinion of them. Why would it? I chose to follow the belief in atheism when I was young and was never forced into the christian beliefs of my parents. To me all religions are clumped into one because I favor neither over another. And if my kid has buckteeth, it musta been my shitty genes and partner selection that contributed to that, so who should really be embarrassed by that?

The sexuality of my child also doesn't really concern me. Of course I don't have a son and maybe that would bother me a little bit more, but it's not my life to live. I think I would be more embarrassed if my child was a whore not necessarily if it's my son or daughter giving strange men blowjobs in an alley.
Right... You tell him that he should be strong and not listen to strangers on the internet... Good look on that move right there...

I myself started off the path of Christianity a long time before I got here... And I myself don't appreciate the people that just flat out bash religion, I was involved with organized religion for many years and got to see real, pure faith help so many people. but at the same time I got to see the inner workings of one of the worlds greatest scams... you call people teaching other people to think for themselves a bullshit shower... When in my experience the bullshit showers all to often come from the mouths of preachers and the people that listen to them that don't do their own due dilligence. If you ever get the chance to work with preachers from the huge churches from all over the world you will understand exactly what I am saying with that, Pure Theologists are a different breed than preachers and more interesting and enlightening people to talk to...

If you read the old Testament which are the Holy scriptures that Jesus told his followers to study in his absence, you will find that it does not on all occasions deny the existence of other gods, Sex before marriage is not a sin, it does not make it on to the list of sexual immoralities, yet today in our culture the official Christian stance on sex before marriage is that it is a sin, where as in the bible it is stated that a young woman should not have sex before marriage because if she is not a virgin then she may not be desirable as a bride... What the Bible says and the preachers say are often at odds with each other and free thinking people with a desire to educate themselves often find themselves coming across such inconsistencies...

Anyway, back to the point, teaching people other ways to think and giving them options in life for them to choose from is not wrong, like it seems you believe...
I've got a feeling.. Maybe it's just a feeling.

I tried to think of an ass joke but was unsuccessful.

I was disagreeing with you regarding something that I feel has a moral dimension. I do realize that words can get charged on the Internet. But i was not assailing you- only asking you to consider a dissenting opinion. You have my pledge. cn
I was disagreeing with you regarding something that I feel has a moral dimension. I do realize that words can get charged on the Internet. But i was not assailing you- only asking you to consider a dissenting opinion. You have my pledge. cn

You had a cleaning party and didn't invite me Heph... I'm a little disappointed...

I was disagreeing with you regarding something that I feel has a moral dimension. I do realize that words can get charged on the Internet. But i was not assailing you- only asking you to consider a dissenting opinion. You have my pledge. cn

My apologies. I was under the impression that you would dislike me just because I went against ww. It happens alot with humans. We're very "pack" like.

I was wrong though.. :bigjoint:
Okay I gave up reading like 5 posts up, but first off, how many times do I gotta say we're all just copy cats

And girls are sluts. Til you meet a good one. Then its like :3