Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth?

See butts just gross me out.. I just.. Couldnt do it. Id probably go through some vomiting, some depression, anxiety, confusion.. If I did ANYTHING homosexual. Itd fuck with my head for the rest of my life. Thats how I know I am not gay lol

Most if not all gays that I knew when they were little, and are now old grown and gay.. You could tell something was different from very early on.

i'm not a man and mrs sunnyboy has a real nice butt :eyesmoke:
go ahead, ask me. did i chose it? hell no. why the fuck would anyone chose to be a social outcast? you are talking about apple and oranges. SOME people like to have sex with anyone, regardless if they are male or female.
i woud love to get you in a debate. you'd have no chance, ask this guy...View attachment 2224922
That's true. You wouldn't want to go through the hardships of being gay in society.

With that point in mind, I have decided that being gay isn't a choice in most cases.

What I want to know is why are you gay? What's different between me and you? Is our brain chemistry different?

I'd love to be in a debate too since I would learn something. After all, the point of a debate is to learn and not to win.
That's true. You wouldn't want to go through the hardships of being gay in society.

With that point in mind, I have decided that being gay isn't a choice in most cases.

What I want to know is why are you gay? What's different between me and you? Is our brain chemistry different?

I'd love to be in a debate too since I would learn something. After all, the point of a debate is to learn and not to win.

I don't think anybody knows that. Biology is such a young science still.

But Mysunnyboy has a point. You're better than that, dude. The mechanism doesn't matter ... what matters is treating gays as people, not mistakes either of nature or before a disapproving God. My opinion. cn

  • It's okay... This sort of thing attracts trolls... and I have been known to be one, so I can't say it wasn't fair call by you...​

Haha they were welcome :p I wanted people to not be serious, I didnt want a real debate, your okay though being a troll is fun sometimes

And heph, being gay is in the genetics I guess. I do think that it isnt a choice, you can just like sex like sonny was saying, theres the bi people.. But if you are strictly for men I mean...
Theres a line for wanting pleasure and to be gay youd either have to be wired to be so against societies ways that you bang dudes, or be wired gay. Im sure there are other alternatives but I just believe that they don't choose. I dont get a boner when I look at dudes, or when I look at woman. Now when I think about fucking them, I puke in my mind at the man, and get a boner to the woman.

The problem is that if you were blindfolded and had a man rubbing up against you, and you knew it was a man but hew was touching just right, youd probably still get a boner and itd be mega embarrassing. Ever seen kenny vs spenny? xD
I get turned on when anybody starts touching me on the inside of my thighs just above the knee... It is just a turn on... Do I appreciate it like that from guys, no... but it doesn't embarrass me cause I know it's just how my body works... Hell if a bicycle helmet gently brushed the inside of my thighs in the right spot it would turn me on but it doesn't mean that I want to have sex with it...

Not the sort of thing I'd suggest sharing with gay, bi or curious friends that love to stir shit... Fucking arseholes...
That's true. You wouldn't want to go through the hardships of being gay in society.

With that point in mind, I have decided that being gay isn't a choice in most cases.

What I want to know is why are you gay? What's different between me and you? Is our brain chemistry different?

I'd love to be in a debate too since I would learn something. After all, the point of a debate is to learn and not to win.

i think everyone would like to know the answer to that question

I'm just asking a few questions. I'm pretty confused.
imagine how the kid that feels different and is hated and bullied by society feels? confused is the least of it.

i didn't have any troubles but most do and i can't imagine what they go thru.

Isn't that Smokin Heavy..? my old RIU drinking buddy..?

it sure is :-)
I don't think anybody knows that. Biology is such a young science still.

But Mysunnyboy has a point. You're better than that, dude. The mechanism doesn't matter ... what matters is treating gays as people, not mistakes either of nature or before a disapproving Gods. My opinion. cn
Then I no longer have a stance on whether being gay is a choice or not since it can't be proven either way.

I'm better than what? I treat gays as people. My favorite uncle is gay and I love his dude "uncle" george. He gives me haircuts and I hang out with him often. I didn't call them mistakes either. And you should know I no longer care about religions views on gays.

Sorry if I offended anybody.. I like gay people as much as straight people.
Muslim, buck toothed, gay..whatever... None of these things hold a person back any longer, so who cares? You can fix buck teeth with braces... it's ok to be gay now, and you don't have to choose the muslim faith...
I am not sure what this question has to do with anything...?

I assume we are talking about who is running the nation... which also means I have to ask are you generalizing chinese people as all having bucked teeth?