Ready.. Steady.... GROW ! .... Vento's First Grow journal 18/06/10


Well-Known Member
hey Vento.

can i make a suggestion spend a few quid (around 40) and get yourself an EC meter .

Best purchase i ever made.

Good luck



Well-Known Member
Hi ya Jon :)

Yeah i have seen you say this a few times here now , I had no idea what it was untill i just googled it eheheh , I will look out for one as soon as the pennys are there ... Im on a crazy budget atm but i do intend to get as much kit as i can over the period of this first grow ready for my next one , Im kind of classing this as an experimental stage befor i go at it , Im learning more and more by the day and im loving it , I will Add the EC meter to my wishlist above and slot it in when i get some spendies :P

Thanks for comming over and thank you for your advice ... Hope you can stay a while :)

V :peace:

EDIT : ...oh i can't edit older posts ... weird :) ... EC Meter added to the wishlist in my head then :)


Well-Known Member
Day 25

Hi Guys :)

Hope your all looking forward to a great weekend :)

Just thought i would give a quick update while i have time :)

Got my self a light , 600w with vented Ballest and a 600w bulb for £50 from a buddy , Its only done one crop and is in great condition ... saving money is great eh ? :))

I will however be getting myself a new lamp for my grow and keep the old one as a spare incase i have problems in the grow period .

I checked my plants just and i see signs of roots at the bottom so i intend to go go and get some bigger pots to Xplant them into in the morning , Just somethign a bit bigger befor the go into the 7 ltr pots for flower stage .

Other than that ... All is going well ... My young girls really are picking up now and look a lot less battered than they did when i got them , I have eased up on visiting them so much to look at them and im feeling nice and relaxed about the whole thing now that i have settled in :)

Next step is to get a few things i still need ... Like Carbon filtter and Contactor for the ballest ...Gonna get myself set up ready for cloneing to ... still undecided about where and how im gonna set that up but it will be a nice little project for me to get into befor my babys are ready for flower stage :)

I will update with some pics when i repot ...Any tips about repotting that i should think about would be appriciated !! :)

Hope you all have a great weekend and lots of fun !! :)

V :peace:


Well-Known Member
Nice set up sir, i will be following this to.
Hi ya RS :)) Thanks for chooning in !!

Welcome to my J .... Hope you have had some fun reading and can stick around and maybe get some worthwhile tips and maybe throw a few in to :) , We are both at the very early stages so it will be fun to chart progress together and give eachother a helping hand and support on our new adventure :)

I have a update later today ....hope it works out well ....

Thanks again :)



Well-Known Member
Day 36 The Transplant .

Hi Guys :)

Wow what a week , Sorry the updates are few and far between at this point, But i'm sure you guys know how it is :)

Lot's has happend in such a short space of time ... where do i start ?

Been Shopping to buy in the bits and bobs i still needed , Found an AWESOME new Hydro Shop , Just starting out .... Low prices ... Great Staff ... Shame i never found this place till now ...oh well :)

We have had the world cup ....Grand Prix ... and a weather system that must have got lost on its way the africa !! ... damn its been hot :)... But as ever with the british weather ... Normal service is resumed ... Back to cold dark damp cloudy pissing it down .... I LOVE this country .... But i fkn hate the weather :)

Ok enough small talk ... Lets look at some big things :).... Ok Biggish ....

Got some nice new homes for my girls , And as you can see ... they LOVE THEM !
Oh how they have grown in a week :)


Transplanted them Thursday morning , Into the new AiroPots after a feed so the Coco was slightly moist ,
Feeding pattern was every 2 days like clockwork with 1/2 mil of Canna A and 1/2 mil Canna B With 1/2 mil Rizotonic per liter of Water that had been left standing overnight to de-clorinate and then PHed to 5.8 , I allso placed in the water bucket my new Bubbler and
Ionizer / Mist Maker / Humidifier Gear For about 2 hours befor adding nuterents to give it some bubble :)

( i need to ask about this , I PH water befor i add nutes as thats how i was told to do it , Im starting to question this now and i would appricate any input , Thank you )

So , I fed them ,I built and prepped the pots with Coco ,the AiroPot's are very easy to work with and fill , With all the holes you would think it was a tricky job but i found it pretty easy and not to messy . I placed some Coco in the bottom to fill the gaps in the plastic mesh then half filled with more loose Coco , Placed in an empty pot to make the right size space needed and filled the rest of the airopot with more Coco till it was allmost full , Tamped down the edges and removed the pot leaving a nice pot shaped hole :)

I took my first plant and turned her upsidedown and tapped the pot ( NOT squeeze ) and gentley removed the pot to show some wonderful root growth that was JUST starting to cuircle the bottom of the pot.

I did this in a darkend room , Just for my own peace of mind regarding letting light to the root's , Many people have many opinions on this topic .... But for me lots of things point to light not being good for roots ( i know tiny exposure durin repotting may not have any effect ... but still ....i wanted to do it that way ! ) I wanted to limit any stress caused durin this process ... if it pays off we might never know ... But it is what it is .

I quickly placed her into the new prepped Airopot ... just slightly below the leavle of the new coco ... and gently backfilled around her and covering up to the stem with new Coco , I watered the pot around the edge with enough water to just meet the area where the old soil was and then did the exact same with the other three .

I then misted them with bubbled PHed water and left them to soak it up in a well lit room befor placing them back under the CLF on 24/0 at a hight of about 6 inches then down to about 2 inches 12 hours later .

ZERO ... nadda ... NOTHING ...Not one bit of wilting ! , Its allmost like they never noticed , I was both very pleased and very relived at this point coz i was totaly expecting it all to go very wrong and for it to be my first major fuck up ...Was a tence moment ...But my girls just got on with it and i was very impressed :)

Since the move to the new pots they really have started to show some healthy growth ... slighty up ( good ) and slighty out :)

I decided that after the weekend ( 4 days after transplant ) that now would be a good time to reduce the light cycle to 18/6 , Im not sure why , Im not acting on advice ( and could be wrong ) but something is telling me that i need to give them a little break from the light for a few hours to sleep a little ... Any thoughts on this would be appriciated :)

At this point ( yesterday ) they are just starting on 18 /6 Light reduced from 24/0
Weather here has cooled down a fair bit so temps are nice and stable thru the day at about 79 F / 26 c to 80 F 27c with a modrate breeze from a fan .

As you can see ... they love it :)





I will add more to this after dinner maybe .

Thanks for checking me out , Look forward to any comments or advice and i hope you have enjoyed my Transplant experience as much as i did :)

V :peace:


Active Member
Been looking forward to an update, all is looking well mate. Know what you mean about the weather, good old England lol at least my garden is getting a watering. Oh and those pots look like something you'd buy in a sex shop lol. Never seen any of those before, what are they supposed to do?


Well-Known Member
read all the way up to the first pic im way to stoned to read the rest all those spaces I think might make it look like even more but great pics they are coming along nice


Hey nice set up! It looks very clean. Is that a Mylar blanket on the floor? Is that material waterproof and does it rip easy?


Well-Known Member
Been looking forward to an update, all is looking well mate. Know what you mean about the weather, good old England lol at least my garden is getting a watering. Oh and those pots look like something you'd buy in a sex shop lol. Never seen any of those before, what are they supposed to do?
Yeah been mad busy and hardly had time to update ... But i will add another over the weekend :) .... Its very telling as to what type of sex shops you visit :) lol ... The pots are awesome ... The idea is to promote root Growth , A very simple but very clever idea ... and i can tell you first hand ... my babys LOVE them , Since i re-potted into them they have gotten a lot bigger really quick ... I had no wilting when i re-potted , I got them as an experiment really ... and after using them now i think they will be ideal just to drop a clone into after its first rooted and let them take advantage of the pot very early on and just bypass the standard little pot all together .

By the time they are ready to be repotted i will have some clones in Jiffy Coco Pellets and i can just drop them into the AiroPots and just keep that cycle going ... Heres a vid for the pots ... take a look :)


Glad the weather here is a bit better ....worse ..... as its gonna be time for me to change up to HPS in my room and i dont fancy the hot days :)

Keep watching :)


Well-Known Member
read all the way up to the first pic im way to stoned to read the rest all those spaces I think might make it look like even more but great pics they are coming along nice

haha I hope you come back when your less baked .... i maybe need to add some pic's in to break up all that writing crap .....maybe some hot chicks ?

Heres my girl :) yummymummy.jpg

Yeah they really are loveing it here now .... and im loving giving them a good life :)

Thanks for stopping by :)


Well-Known Member
Hey nice set up! It looks very clean. Is that a Mylar blanket on the floor? Is that material waterproof and does it rip easy?
Hi ya :) Thanks :) ...It's getting there now :)

The stuff i have used is called ThermaWrap ... Its a reflective insulation.... pretty good stuff .... I was on a budget when building so i seen it as a cheap alternative ... Easy to clean .. It keeps the room warm in the winter and cool in the summer ... heat resistent .... CFC Free and has a good safety rateing .... Its pretty tough .... but sharp edges do cut into the floor a little .... I dont move to much about so i dont see it as a problem , Its VERY refelctive ... but not intence so dont harm plants :)..oh and its cheap :)

Thanks for comming over ... im looking forward to seeing your grow comming along :)


Active Member
Yeah been mad busy and hardly had time to update ... But i will add another over the weekend :) .... Its very telling as to what type of sex shops you visit :) lol ... The pots are awesome ... The idea is to promote root Growth , A very simple but very clever idea ... and i can tell you first hand ... my babys LOVE them , Since i re-potted into them they have gotten a lot bigger really quick ... I had no wilting when i re-potted , I got them as an experiment really ... and after using them now i think they will be ideal just to drop a clone into after its first rooted and let them take advantage of the pot very early on and just bypass the standard little pot all together .

By the time they are ready to be repotted i will have some clones in Jiffy Coco Pellets and i can just drop them into the AiroPots and just keep that cycle going ... Heres a vid for the pots ... take a look :)


Glad the weather here is a bit better ....worse ..... as its gonna be time for me to change up to HPS in my room and i dont fancy the hot days :)

Keep watching :)
Ah, cool stuff. They air prune the roots as well, didn't realise that, and your plants love em, sounds good. I might have to look into buying a few of them, or i'll just see if i can make some of my own with bits and bobs in my S&M cupboard lol.

Keep up the good work mate! Oh and btw, sorry if this is inappropriate but, your missus, if she is your missus, is fit lol


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys :)

Sorry for the delay in an update ....I'm Battleing with temps ... Gone from the CLF to the 600 w HPS ...and added my carbon filter ... so now i'm working to get the room closed ( had the door open most of the time with the CLF )

It's a room within a room ... pretty small so it heats up quick ... was up to 95 F at one stage ....the outside temps have dopped a fair bit in the UK over the last two days so thats made it a bit better .... Today i made a loft hatch vent and hooked it up to some ducting now im drawing nice cool air in from just outside the grow room ( within the small room ) ... seems to be comming down now ... last look was 90 F .... But i have a O- fan blowing between the tops of the girls and the lamp .... so allthough the room is saying 90 .... its a lot cooler at plant hight ....I'm altering stuff here and there to bring it down ..... Thinking about switching time on and off from ON at 6am OFF at Midnight .... To ON at 6 PM and off at Noon ....this will mean i miss out the hottest part of the day and they can sleep then .

Not sure about how to go about switching times coz my mind has been focused on reducing temps ...But i will get there :)

Hope to have some time tomorrow to post some pics and maybe show some of the new adjustments i made to lower temps :)

Hope your all haveing a great weekend so far ...wish me luck ! :)

V :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey Vento

Something which my grow guru told me about these AIR POTS that you are using which may come in handy before you transplant.

I was told that these airpots have been currently used to restrict the growth of trees roots before they get planted outside in the wild.

DId you read that properly RESTRICT the growth of the roots. He mentioned that because the roots are constantly air pruned the main root ball generally stays smaller. I did mention to him that i would have to do a side by side comparison to prove or disprove his words.

Something else he mentioned to me was the possibility of double potting using these air pots. He said to me "NOW THAT JON COULD BE VERY INTERESTING"

He said about when you are ready to transplant simply remove the cage out of the bottom of the airpot and then sink that air pot around 1-2inches down into your next air pot.


Something you may want to consider bro.

I know you are like me and like to try every possibility.




Well-Known Member
ohhhh i like the look of this !! .... and yes .... that could be very interesting indeed , Has a lot of adavantages to it i can see allready .. 1 being no transplant stress ...and another .... A chance for a bigger root mass in the second pot ..and as we know ... bigger IS better :)

I will give this some thought Jon thank you ....With it being my first grow i will be unsure if it has any possitive effect as i have nothing to compair it with . One of my babys is slighty small than the others .... so maybe i can match the hight by doing this with her ( this will allow me to experiment with it AND keep her at about the same hight as the others so they all get the light from the same hight )

hmmmmm ... i like this Jon ... it may have good results ...and as you said willing to try diffrent methods :)... For sure it will be the first documented trial :)

Thank you Jon :)