Real jobs suck..


Well-Known Member
My real job is alright and shit.. My boss is a dick but he also cool as fuck.

How do you feel about your real job compared to growing?

My biggest fuck up as a grower was not working a full time job.


Scratch and sniff your balls. Does it smell like ass?



I love my real job too I work for myself and my wife and daughter help. :bigjoint:

But a real real J O B fuck that bullshit!! I almost beat the shit out of the manager of Jiffylube but other than the boss it was OK then I worked at yet another restaurant but the Thai restaurant was alright I worked there for over a year I even got offered 10 grand for a green card marriage too but my wife girlfriend at the time wasn't having that. Lol, And just sweating my ass off every day got pretty fucking old as well as working the worst hours restaurants suck even in the middle of winter it's fucking hot!! No thanks I will build a house and sell it before I get another job and I know a few people who will work for weed. :bigjoint:

Basically why I ain't moving I could do whatever I want and right now dogs sell for way too much I don't charge people that much and still make out good as fuck meanwhile all the expensive breeders have the nerve to call me a backyard breeder when every so called real breeders I met had kennels in their backyards. :bigjoint: Completely untrained outdoor dogs except for one scumbag bitch who kept them all in crates inside the apartment!! Them dogs where fucked like they just wanted me to kill them. Lol They would have ran into a car and ended it all if they didn't get brought out on a leash. :bigjoint: Snobby bitch too none of the dogs would even bark my dogs won't shut the fuck up but I guess in an apartment you would have to be a real piece of shit to stop them from barking cause a full grown Doberman afraid of it's own shadow?? They beat that fucking dog and the man was a douche bag drove a big ass truck with a tiny little dick could have bought a house with the payments for his truck and he was just a little guy but he actually thought his dog was bad ass I could have killed them both and the dog would have ran. Lol

I love it when I get hate emails I just let them have it like you got to be a dick to let a dog die a virgin reproduction is the purpose of life especially for a dog they fuck like animals on the rag. :bigjoint: Can't stop it by beating them with a stick. Lol, I always try to fuck my wife on the rag like " come on the dogs do it." :bigjoint: "Good than I won't fuck you unless I'm bleeding!!" :cry: Fucking women, always got to make sense and shit...:bigjoint:
I don't consider any where I work a 'job' currently I'm happy where I'm at. I have had experiences with these jobs you speak of... Food industry everywhere from dietary aid to waiting to tending.. Not going back
I don't consider any where I work a 'job' currently I'm happy where I'm at. I have had experiences with these jobs you speak of... Food industry everywhere from dietary aid to waiting to tending.. Not going back
Do you just grow?
My real job is alright and shit.. My boss is a dick but he also cool as fuck.

How do you feel about your real job compared to growing?

My biggest fuck up as a grower was not working a full time job.


Scratch and sniff your balls. Does it smell like ass?



You just want to be free...
Hey, Dank. You say the biggest mistake you made as a grower is not having a full time job, but then you say soon you won't need to work a job, just grow. Why is that a mistake???
Hey, Dank. You say the biggest mistake you made as a grower is not having a full time job, but then you say soon you won't need to work a job, just grow. Why is that a mistake???
Yes, but I'll be on a larger scale then I have ever been. We are getting another house asap. Hopefully I'll be busy enough and make enough money where I will be growing full time.

I was referring to when I had smaller then 8K gardens. 14K is full time. 2K not so much lol
I don't consider any where I work a 'job' currently I'm happy where I'm at. I have had experiences with these jobs you speak of... Food industry everywhere from dietary aid to waiting to tending.. Not going back

Anything customer service related can suck it

I had an 85 yr old threaten my life once ...that was funny

My real job is alright and shit.. My boss is a dick but he also cool as fuck.

How do you feel about your real job compared to growing?

My biggest fuck up as a grower was not working a full time job.


Scratch and sniff your balls. Does it smell like ass?



Im tired of my real job. Bosses are great, workers are great its just getting old. Oh yea and Ill be 40 in 2 years and super heavy lifting is not that fun any more. Going to keep it for now cuz of W2's and medical for my wife and I. Have to have W2's of some sort just to satisfy the federal government. Cool thing is though there is no work in the rain so during winter i have a lot more time off work unless theres a emergency. The bad thing is work can get so busy for some that the garden slips. Sometimes just too tired to shit (thats where sour d does help). Been pipe dreaming of getting misc. metals contractors licence and float and see how that goes, but for now thats just a pipe dream.
I don't know, I hear that oil is about to skyrocket up 200 a barrel really soon. And my little Asian girl says Saudi Arabia is about to go to war with Syria so I think I might go back to oil field for a couple months to save up some cash. But I fucking hate oil field work. It's real work, and it sucks balls. But 1,200 a week..