Real Organics

Yes @greasemonkeymann is the shit he truly is. He has helped me and inspired me in alot of ways. He is a true blessing to this site. No offense grease but you can't piss him off either lol he is a great person.
that's some real nice stuff you said man, and I appreciate it.
I just try to help, and i'm here at my shop, and if I don't have work?
well here we are.
But I would beg to differ on the "pissing off"...
It's just reaaally hard to.
Speaking of organics.....

So today I decided to work on my compost barrel. I have been saving some of my urine in canning jars via the basement fridge. I mixed up a 2:1 ratio of urine to water in a 2gal pump sprayer.
Layed out the compost in the driveway, flat and even. Coated the surface with more sand and empties the sprayer.
I grabbed some leaves from the curb side and mixed that in too. I checked on that 5gal of bokashi I started last week and low and behold, it's done already. I guess keeping it in the grow room @70F+ speeds things up.
Dumped it in, and it's final volume is about 3gallons. Final moisture and texture were ideal. There's still some straw to decompose yet but I added leaves to increase the browns and even out the greens. All that's needed now is the hemp ammended soiless mix I have been cooking.
Ahhhhhhh (sigh), I just love organics.20151105_092111.jpg20151102_054908.jpg
i bet you've grown 10,000 aloe plants... i have a pot my mom gave me filled with small ones, all clustered up. what are some good tips for transplanting the damn things... i know they don't require much watering. should i just leave the whole pot full of them? its like 10" diameter just filled with medium/small sized plants.
i bet you've grown 10,000 aloe plants... i have a pot my mom gave me filled with small ones, all clustered up. what are some good tips for transplanting the damn things... i know they don't require much watering. should i just leave the whole pot full of them? its like 10" diameter just filled with medium/small sized plants.
Cut off at base transplant ;)
i bet you've grown 10,000 aloe plants... i have a pot my mom gave me filled with small ones, all clustered up. what are some good tips for transplanting the damn things... i know they don't require much watering. should i just leave the whole pot full of them? its like 10" diameter just filled with medium/small sized plants.

Aloe is a succulant and their is 2 ways to do it.
1. carefully make root/plant divisions and repot. They are not so sensitive to shock so thats the route i have always gone.
2. you can take a cutting. The idea here is to cut a decent piece of aloe (say 2-3" long) and let the cut end seal itself in open air. Once it has, you can bury the sealed cut end and eventually it will root. I have not had and success with this method on aloe or christmas cactus's.

Id go for the first, just remember that aloe hates heavy wet soils. A cactus mix is idea, otherwise they will rot. Also since yours are med to small they will be easier to divide since the roots systems wont be so intertwined. Despite the aloe plant being able to withstand shock that would kill most other plants, any plant that experiences a tramatic root zone beating will show it, so be gental as possible.
I have a bunch of aloe always going. Wife walks up in garden other day and starts hacking the aloe down, so I say, Whats going on with my plants? I am getting these for drink. Ok, I say, take from all. She goes, I know wtf I need to do here, all the while hacking; wife is Viet. Anyway, all of 3 grocery bags of aloe been cleaned and blended to drink. Next day I took a bit and foliared garden
I love aloe. I get cold sores and aloe is the ONLY thing that stops them from forming. Dead in their tracks. It speeds the healing time and make my skin very healthy. Its the 1 plant i always have no matter what.
The aloe here got put into same containers from the first weed I ever grew. Promix and compost which has been reammended and topped up a few times since