Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

I am going to chime in on a few things that really all pertain to one thing and that is the brix of your plant. Someone was saying that when they flush with molasses it gives better taste, the reason this is happening in my opinion is because you are adding easily broken down/available minerals at the end and you are raising the brix of your plant. Also the chem vs organic debate on flavor has to do with the same thing, how high the brix of your plant is. All plants will taste, smell and be healthier the higher the brix of that plant is regardless if it is organic or not. If you have tried an orange with a brix level of 8 and the same type of orange with a brix level 22 you would know that the one with 22 brix level was far superior whether it was grow organically or not . The same holds true with all plants, if you were to try two of the same type of apples or smell two of the same type of roses and one tastes/smells noticeably better you know that the brix is higher in one that tastes/smells better without ever even testing the brix. People think brix just measures dissolved sugars and while it can True Brix measures a combination of sugar, amino acids, oils, proteins, flavonoids, minerals and other goodies. Some people also think that organic tastes better but this is not necessarily true. You can use chemical components and have better tasting stuff then your organic counterpart and you can use chemical components and still have a very healthy soil food web and possibly even healthier if things are done right. It is all a matter of what you use and how you use it. Now I tend to grow mostly organic because I find it the easiest way for me to get the most out of my plants and keep a healthy soil and the easiest way to take care of a plant plus I don't like to use chemical pesticides. But just because you use chemical components does not mean you have to use bad chemical components or chemical components that will hurt your soil life. Anyways sorry for the rant but I just thought I would give people some food for thought. BTW I do believe that dead soil or a sterile medium like water will never produce as good of product as a diverse living soil will it's just you do not have to be completely organic to have a diverse living soil.
while the like button is broken,, guess I will have to like it his way.. I agree,, I agree ,I agree

Good to see other perspectives on the matter. Its really hard for me to accept hydro being just as good organic. Thinking about that makes me get chills in my spine.

Im blessed enough to have the choice of food i eat, and i am also blessed enough to choose what herbs i inhale. Alot of people dont have this option, i can see why some people would choose swag or cheap hydro weed over the more expensive organic quality, its simple capitalist economics, most people struggle to gget by and therefore hydro crap and dollar menu is simply more convenient, sadly.

I stck to what i said earlier, i have yet to try a hydro weed that can come close to rols.

yo red where is this thread u speak of with the hydro dude? Ima take my whip out and regulate
I think the Brix subject is very interesting (when it comes to wine lol) JK. Comparable or better tasting buds grown with chems there a thread for this? What about higher brix foods in worm bins? I gotta look into this Nick...little skeptical on your taste claims.
I'm old and I earned every wrinkle because I learn from my experiences, and I'll say this, with food, when I returned to real food (organic) the first thing that hit me was the taste. Milk, eggs, meat, it was like getting in a time machine to my childhood

The same thing with organic weed. :)
@ Wait What - I totally agree. Everybody who tries my organic food is amazed at it's flavor.

@Nick Nasty - With oranges, adding a little copper to the water makes the oranges sweeter. Each plant has it's own process of producing better fruit. I am not sure whether brix in Canna will give you the same outcome as brix in grapes. Have you ever burned sugar? It is an awful stinky mess!

I do know one thing for sure. Growing in a well rounded compost pile (egg shells, banana peels, dandelions, grass, canna, kelp, minerals, bone ,blood...) produced the happiest bug free plant I have ever grown!

This one ought to drive you guys straight pissed, lol. I'm surprised this is still on Youtube b/c every P & T episode shows conez!

I think I am having a hard time explaining this properly so I am just going to put this in very simple terms. Most growers of anything do not add enough minerals whether they grow organically or not. Those who do will typically have better results then those who don't whether they grow organically or not. In my opinion this is where the biggest disparity in health, flavor and smell of a plant comes from because these are essential to certain plant processes. Most of us here add tons of minerals compared to most growers which I believe is a major factor in why our product is better. Of course there are other factors but I believe this to be one of the most important ones.
It was a well trained mainlined plant for about a minute. Then it hit the compost goodies and took off! I did some bending and staking trying to keep things even and then the rain just bent everything over. Fortunately a 2 foot difference in distance from the sun is pretty negligible :)

It was close to being even here:

Y'ever think about a greenhouse Mo? That rain would drive me do you combat rot? I had an outdoor grow that was demolished by gophers and deer. Imagine hiking 45 min for nothing. I had a tarp to catch rain water and a wick. Fun stuff. You're blessed to have the space, and the best FREE lighting! Now invite me over damn it.
Back in the day a buddy and I smoked blonde hash in a closed up Mazda RX3-SP and tried to make it so smokey we couldn't see out of the window. I was so high and my mouth started tasting bitter. I looked over at my buddy and he had black stuff dripping down his lower lip. Oil was dripping out of the end of the little wooden pipe we were using. We smoked so much hash and we never got sick or ODed.