Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

I'm sure cootz has a reason for it being more involved....maximum enzyme yield.

if i'm not mistaken, cootz got the new recipe from reading articles about brewing - brewers are obsessed w/ getting maximum enzyme yield from grain - their jobs depend on it to an extent - so i'm sure there is a lot of science behind the new recipe. just look at the little blurb I c/p'ed a page or so ago...the tip of the iceberg

a bit more involved is a pain in the ass...we'll see if the results are different for regular enzyme teas vs the updated recipe...
You beta testing Cann? Cause I'm taking a break from sprout teas this week, lol. Too much going on right now. Looks like a fuckin lab haha.
These are spread on this thread but he is a nice compilation of products that WORK!

Products I use often for IPM, nutes, etc:





I used to party with coco libre too but with all these powders I like them for storage purposes. Powder coconut is great too.
lol i have almost every single one of those things in my house....

do you foliar w/ the karanja oil? i have been having issues getting the ahimsa neem oil to emulsify you use dr. bronners or potassium silicate as your emulsifier?
Yep always with those 3. I switch off and even mix them up. Emulsify with the silicate. I do 5ml Karanja and then 5 ml protekt and mix those 2 first in glass. It makes like a hollandaise sauce (that's when you know you got it right). Then you add your yellow sauce (karanja and silica) lol to 1 gal of cold water 68-75f ish. That should do you just fine. Silica makes for a better emulsifier imo but it won't hurt to add a little Dr. Bonners if you wanted to. I've been doing those Neem IPM methods for over a year now and just added those Dr. Bonners prob 8 months back for diversity. No pests ever.
I use the Dr Bronners at 5 ml per gal to if using alone. You can see my crap writing on the bottles lol. I don't use more than 5 ml a gal of any of those oils but you could if you had an outbreak. I would double up personally but don't take my advice without researching first.
That would be really cool if this thread be came a sticky but I'm not sure how it works on RIU if someone wants to enlighten me.
That would be really cool if this thread be came a sticky but I'm not sure how it works on RIU if someone wants to enlighten me.

i can see if it qualify's and than i can do it if it does just dont appreciate being demanded like that
Yep always with those 3. I switch off and even mix them up. Emulsify with the silicate. I do 5ml Karanja and then 5 ml protekt and mix those 2 first in glass. It makes like a hollandaise sauce (that's when you know you got it right). Then you add your yellow sauce (karanja and silica) lol to 1 gal of cold water 68-75f ish. That should do you just fine. Silica makes for a better emulsifier imo but it won't hurt to add a little Dr. Bonners if you wanted to. I've been doing those Neem IPM methods for over a year now and just added those Dr. Bonners prob 8 months back for diversity. No pests ever.

Excellent info...wasn't sure how well my neem oil sprays were emulsifying either..never thought about mixing the neem and silica in its own glass then adding it...I might add some bronners too since I have some already..I have eucalyptus bronners, would that work?
I'm not sure how eucalyptus reacts to plants so I would explore that one. Personally I'd stick with the neem alone for now but that's up to you. Maybe you can teach us. I use the mint and lavender. I like the hemp for shampoo hehe.
Eucalyptus kills insects. I wanted to kill cockroaches without using a poisonous spray (because of a baby in the house) so i mixed some pure oil up with a little water and sprayed it straight on them and some died immediately, others died shortly afterwards.
Another time I had some kind of infestation on a small Grevilea tree I had potted in my back yard. It was covered in tiny white dots and had little flying dots around it. I actually don't know what they were but they were growing by the day and were going to smother the whole thing so I made a mix of eucalyptus and water and sprayed it on a couple days in a row and by the end of the week they were gone. The tips of the leaves curled a little bit and went a bit brittle but it pulled through and I still have the tree.

So from what I know it will fight bugs but will also burn some plants- each to their own extent i'm assuming. I don't know what dose is useful but I did it really strong like maybe 1 to 20.
^^^^ Roaches hate neem oil spray. Works better than raid. Since it biodegrades in a day, you have to spray neem more often. They don't like simple green either but that stains. What ever Suffocates them.

For plants all bad bugs hate good compost ( no poop). I don't have a single bug in my grow except for maybe predatory mites.
, thanks for the demand, you could ask nicer next time

:) I sent a few very cordial PM's to a few of the organic mods (malignant, potroast, budnugbong) a couple weeks ago and haven't heard back...shoulda PM'ed you lol.

this would be an awesome sticky, along w/ the official vermicomposters thread. VC is an integral part of most folks' organic soil recipes, so it deserves its spot at the top of the page.

IMO we could lose a few of the tea and veganic stickies....but thats just my 2 cents. then again matt rize is a mod so that probably won't happen any time soon lol

please, please sunni - make this a sticky kiss-ass

how's that for asking nicely? ;)

edit: "
  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to sunni again."
Gonna stick with the neem and hit the kitchen with it some roaches that hitched a ride with me when I moved from Long Beach...thought maybe they would die out, but they're still around.

I posted this in the VC thread, but anyone here using bokashi want to give a lithe rundown of how you made your bucket? I know its a simple setup but I'm just looking for better ideas.
Also, just got Teaming with Nurtients and Worms eat my garbage from shipping on orders over $25, which these 2 together is like $25.9something. Good deal considering most book stores have Teaming with Nurtients at $25.