Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

teaming with nutrients is in my cart on amazon right now :)

my bokashi setup consists of a 5 gallon bucket w/ holes drilled in the bottom, placed inside of a 6 gallon bucket w/ spigot (can purchase at a homebrew store for around $10). then there is your typical 5 gallon bucket lid to assure proper anaerobic scraps get collected in a smaller bin (repurposed kitchen pot w/ lid) and then once the pot is full I dump it into the bokashi bucket and add the bokashi grain. this keeps me from having to open the bokashi lid every time I have a few food scraps to get rid of..those 5 gallon lids can be a pain in the ass!

after the bucket is full i let it sit in the sun for a few weeks and then start digging around and feeding the goodies to my worms/incorporating into my thermal compost pile. i dilute the runoff juice w/ lots of h2o (i forget the proper dilution rate) and apply it to my veggies/raised beds outdoors. pretty nice setup overall..and smells much better than you would imagine an anaerobic bucket of food would smell...
Smells like pickles. I used some juice from that and my worm bin the other day without dilution only to find very very happy plants. I would think it gets diluted anyhow with those blumats always dripping fresh water.

Blumats Cann, thank me later! much do you think it would cost to setup blumats for 2 flower tents - one that is 8x8 and another 4x8....usually around 30 or 40 pots, 90+ plants...

how does the water pressure work also...i haven't even looked into them honestly...just another thing to layer on top of all the shit i have going lol... much do you think it would cost to setup blumats for 2 flower tents - one that is 8x8 and another 4x8....usually around 30 or 40 pots, 90+ plants...

how does the water pressure work also...i haven't even looked into them honestly...just another thing to layer on top of all the shit i have going lol...

Yeah Cann I have a few chips invested in them and feel they are something that I wouldn't even start a garden without again, ever. I use 5 gal buckets. They are stupid simple and you can hook them up to hoses or whatever holds water. They use gravity only.

They give your plants the ideal amount of water (more yield imo) and those on hot days they allow your plants to survive with no issues since they are getting water constantly.

Shoot me an email if you ever want to know cost etc for something your size.
Awesome, thanks for the info Cann... I have a homebrew store down the street so I check for the 6 gallon.

I need to look into the blumats too...constant water is a necessity in the desert...had a lil issue with the AC today and my tent got up to 95...its back on now so i back to the mid 80s, but damn scared me for a minute.
Awesome, thanks for the info Cann... I have a homebrew store down the street so I check for the 6 gallon.

I need to look into the blumats too...constant water is a necessity in the desert...had a lil issue with the AC today and my tent got up to 95...its back on now so i back to the mid 80s, but damn scared me for a minute.

Exactly, I lost my AC for 3 days during the start of triple digits and all plants/seedlings were fine (lights off temps 94F). If you ever have a power outage or heat issues you can leave your lights off for several days with no ill effects and prob up to a week with water. I just start back up with normal light cycle time.
lol its okay my AC exhaust vent came loose yesterday and it was reading 99.7 in the room :) back to normal now though...thank god. canopy temps are going to be consistently in the mid 80s from here on out (except at night i guess)
lol its okay my AC exhaust vent came loose yesterday and it was reading 99.7 in the room :) back to normal now though...thank god. canopy temps are going to be consistently in the mid 80s from here on out (except at night i guess)

Mine ranges from 82-86F and they are healthy :)
My local small hydro shop has one of those towers going. They hook me up with a couple of water bottles filled with worm tea when ever I go in there. They mostly feed them greens though. Each time the quality varies. I would just use it in veg and my veggie garden outside.
Per cuft of base:

4-5 cups rock dust mix (4x glacial, 1x bentonite, 1x powdered oyster shell, 1x basalt dust) AFAIK the glacial and basalt are relatively interchangeable ..just use whatever is local (this goes for just about anything in ROLS...local is often best).

Do you think aragonite powder could be used instead of the oyster shell powder? I can get it locally cheaper. And Im having trouble sourcing the bentonite. Have you ever heard of or used Redmonds Conditioner? It has a type of clay in it along with a lot of other stuff. Also sourced locally. A local organic farm supply store carries a lot of Fertrell products including these
Pretty please with sugar and creme and a big IWE hash dab make this great thread for real organics a Sticky. Please Matt and Sunni and other mods I am asking very nicely and this thread is a very fine resource! Its organic resin concentrated by only ice, pure water, and love!

I will bribe them with this little Chimera plant.
whoooo thats a nice shot sir....beautiful purple hues showing...that shit should be a magazine cover....
Bueno or no beuno? They were growing out of some no-till pots that I just harvested and left the stump. After I harvested I soil drenched with lactobacillus. Then found these guys.
Bueno. The fungi are happy. The fruit of your and their labor so to say. I would take it as a sign of a stabilizing ecosystem in the pot.

I have a no till tomato trough with 3 different fungi creating shrooms. It has caused no issues for two reuse seasons, this year will be 3.
I get those from time to time. That is a great sign. I leave mine be, at least the ones that grow from the side of my fabric pots. Real cool to see!
Blumat is a brand of auto watering device. Any res can be elevated and used as a gravity feed. The blumat emitter is a ceramic cone that opens a valve and waters for you based on the moisture level of the cone itself inserted into the soil. They also offer an attachment that hooks directly to a RO filter line as well.