Ursus marijanus
The original "shut up already Asshole" thread. cn
Supposedly there is now an ever hotter pepper than the ghost chilli and it's called a Scorpion pepper.The hottest pepper on the scoval scale is the bhut jalpia or somthing like that. Also known as the ghost pepper. That shit can kill a child, no joke cardiac arrest. And yes peppers are good for you, and also slightly uphoric, this is the fascination people have. And its bomb!
Also a table spoon or two will neutralize the heat. I find dairy works really well, but it kinda traps some residual heat in. Sugar is best. But that still won't help the butt burn lol!tip.... any ammount of hot can be beat with half and half and up quality fat product like light cream works great just need a spoon full swish and spit
Oh come on gimme the whole joke! Lol one of the engineers I work with was tellin me something a lot like that punch line this morning when I told him my plight. He laghs and says I should eat some ice cream so the last thing leaving me was cold. Haha I wish it worked that way!This threads reminds of a joke in Spanish. The punch line is, "Come on ice cream!!!!"
Did not know this. Yea after experiencing the bhut jolokia I already think that shit was execive for sure. I can't imagine anything hotter! Absolutely rediculous.Supposedly there is now an ever hotter pepper than the ghost chilli and it's called a Scorpion pepper.
Edit: as of June 4 2011 the Trinidad scorpion pepper has been named the Worlds hottest pepper. I don't know why anyone would a pepper that hot. I like spicy foods but damn that's just crazy.
Already taken care of by my he-who-must-not-be-named relative from a neighboring undisclosed medical state.Maybe she can put in a good word with the devil's cousin so, next time he sends a horned minion up on a chili run (oh infelicitous phrase), he leaves a bag of devil dank on your doorstep. cn
not really stories but theres a supermarket near me and they have these spicy sausages and they are called ''bum burners'' lolSo my friend makes the hottest fuckin sauce and puts it on the wings and its delicious! The first time he made it was the hottest, we named it Firey Butthole Sauce. And justly so, my ass was on firewhen I took one this morning.
Any similar stories? Lol
ha ha good storyLet me tell you a little story...
I love hot boiled peanuts. They're awesome, as I'm sure 99% of the people here know. I however unlike most, if any people I know, eat them shells and all. I chew them up well. That's where all the flavor ends up anyways and they break down pretty well. I used to also eat flavored sunflower seeds shell and all too. However, sunflower seeds aren't all nice and boiled down like boiled peanut shells are, so it's possible to get undigested slivers coming out in your poop.
But, this thread is about super hot sauce and chicken, not poop, so let's get to the spicy goodness of this story.
You see, I didn't know about sunflower seed slivers until one morning after having General Taos chicken for dinner the night before and sunflower seeds earlier in that day. One of those slivers somehow got situated with a pointy end sticking out the side of a turd and decided it was going to scrape the inside of my asshole on the way out. The spicy sauce from the General Taos chicken coming out at the same time definitely didn't make it any better. The longer I took trying to ease it all out, the more it started to burn. It turned into some sort of fucked up race against the clock to minimize how torn up my asshole was going to be, and how long the spicy turd was going to be rubbing against it. Eventually I stood up screaming and stuck my finger in my ass trying to re-situate the sunflower sliver so it would quit fucking me up, which worked.
Unfortunately, the chick I had over the night before didn't stick around long enough to hear that story when she burst in to see what the screaming was about and found me with my pants around my ankles and my finger wiggling around in my ass.