Removing fan leaves during flowering


Well-Known Member
only one way to know if trimming the fan leafs works better or not. I did this on a few plants I pulled more yield then not . in my set up I pull off those fan leafs . my set up is using an insane amount of light as possible . the light only traveled with leafs on 1 foot deep. and after about 3 feet . so I get a lot bigger buds on the bottoms. extra yield. the top buds are the same. so this trick works well for me . if your lights are week would not suggest to do so . also combine trimming fan leafs with a SOG and super cropping and topping major yield increases . more then double with all these steps being took. trimming buds off ? who the hell is stupid to do that ? I have trimmed a branch by mistake broke the bud site so the lower one was the same height as the one above it If you will ...and it was 2 times the size about 4 inches around . so basically both bud sites formed one major one.. friends were taking a lot of pics of that one.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
only one way to know if trimming the fan leafs works better or not. I did this on a few plants I pulled more yield then not . in my set up I pull off those fan leafs . my set up is using an insane amount of light as possible . the light only traveled with leafs on 1 foot deep. and after about 3 feet . so I get a lot bigger buds on the bottoms. extra yield. the top buds are the same. so this trick works well for me . if your lights are week would not suggest to do so . also combine trimming fan leafs with a SOG and super cropping and topping major yield increases . more then double with all these steps being took. trimming buds off ? who the hell is stupid to do that ? I have trimmed a branch by mistake broke the bud site so the lower one was the same height as the one above it If you will ...and it was 2 times the size about 4 inches around . so basically both bud sites formed one major one.. friends were taking a lot of pics of that one.
what is an insane amount of light?

how many watts/sq. ft. are you pushing in sog?


Well-Known Member
they look like some healthy little plants neo...good on you. Maybe you aren't just a troll
I wasn't completely dismissing your evidence joe, just questioning it's amount relativity to what we are discussing. If I was a scientist trying to use defoliation to increase yield then I would probably experiment more with manipulating the growing environment too, if you extend the vegging part of a sugar beet's life by giving it extra light hours and you defoliated the plant to grow extra leaves would this in turn increase the size of the sugar beet? Is the amount of the foliage related to size of the root? That's what I would be trying!

So you're right i'm not really the sort of person that sits and reads about something, I go out and experience things first hand. I'm more of a dooer!

All we are asking is one solitary thread on this huge forum where we can discuss this technique in peace, is that really asking too much?


Well-Known Member
I think there should be a thread where the 'pro-defoliation' crowd can exchange knowledge, technique, specifics about the subject without interuption. I would follow along and judge the contents without sticking my opposing opines in there. As long as I could drop the occasional sarcastic Haiku...

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I wasn't completely dismissing your evidence joe, just questioning it's amount relativity to what we are discussing. If I was a scientist trying to use defoliation to increase yield then I would probably experiment more with manipulating the growing environment too, if you extend the vegging part of a sugar beet's life by giving it extra light hours and you defoliated the plant to grow extra leaves would this in turn increase the size of the sugar beet? Is the amount of the foliage related to size of the root? That's what I would be trying!

So you're right i'm not really the sort of person that sits and reads about something, I go out and experience things first hand. I'm more of a dooer!

All we are asking is one solitary thread on this huge forum where we can discuss this technique in peace, is that really asking too much?
And who is WE? if WE didn't point out all the flaws, newbs might get the idea to go pull all their leaves.

the church man

Well-Known Member
IMO, newbs who dabble with advanced cultivation techniques deserve to get burned.

That link that you posted states that forum debates often end with frustration and ad hominem attacks. Seems about right...


Well-Known Member
IMO, newbs who dabble with advanced cultivation techniques deserve to get burned.

That link that you posted states that forum debates often end with frustration and ad hominem attacks. Seems about right...
Don't forget Godwin's law's_law
if Hitler were alive he would certainly support defoliation.
in fact it was most likely the Nazis that conceived of the idea in the first place


Well-Known Member
That's cheating. You may as well say 'sooner or later somebody's going to to post a picture of a bucket of sloths.'
And then do it.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Funny, Whenever NEO gets put in his place, he just ignores it. this is like the 3rd thread where he just goes silent after his theories get shot to hell. then He says WE want to be able to talk about plant molestation, Yet, No one else seems to back him up on that. Who is this "WE" he keeps talking about??


Well-Known Member
Funny, Whenever NEO gets put in his place, he just ignores it. this is like the 3rd thread where he just goes silent after his theories get shot to hell. then He says WE want to be able to talk about plant molestation, Yet, No one else seems to back him up on that. Who is this "WE" he keeps talking about??
So far i've dodged your insults, theories and hearsay.


I'm here to free the people of Zion and RUI and allow them to discuss this amongst themselves, if not i'll just discuss it with myself. Is that a problem?

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
So far i've dodged your insults, theories and hearsay.

View attachment 3030846

I'm here to free the people of Zion and RUI and allow them to discuss this amongst themselves, if not i'll just discuss it with myself. Is that a problem?

if defoliation is suppose to make a smaller denser more compact plant, How come red is taller than blue??? NEO????? WHO is "WE" NEO



Well-Known Member
Funny, Whenever NEO gets put in his place, he just ignores it. this is like the 3rd thread where he just goes silent after his theories get shot to hell. then He says WE want to be able to talk about plant molestation, Yet, No one else seems to back him up on that. Who is this "WE" he keeps talking about??
I think you'll find that my 'theories' are actually facts based on experience with photographic evidence to support them, which you have just seen. Your evidence consists of a load of unrelated and inconclusive scientific reports, hearsay and some old stoner in a video saying don't pull leaves off!!!

Yes it probably was unfair of me to keep the actual photographic evidence to myself for all of this time, and to let you and others produce enough rope to hang yourselves. You see that is how I know that you were all talking rubbish and have never actually tried defoliation for yourselves.

You and others have treated me like a c**t in this and other threads like you said, and now you want me to share my information with you and tell you all about defoliation!!

You claimed that defoliation stunted growth on plants and slowed them down increasing veg time, and I asked you to provide some evidence that it's true. You couldn't.

Even when provided with photographic evidence that defoliation does not slow growth you still don't believe it!! How can Red which was the smaller plant to start with now be bigger than Blue, when the only difference between them is that Red has been defoliated and Blue hasn't?

It must be making your tiny mind explode? Not everyone can handle being freed from the Matrix Chuck, may I suggest you take the blue plant and continue living in ignorance? You'll wake up in your bed tomorrow and believe what you want to believe.

I posted these two pictures in Profterpens thread on defoliation (yet another thread ruined by pages of moronic ramblings from your lot) which you thought would have given you a clue:

22 feb (1).jpg 26 feb.jpg

These pictures are just 4 days apart, and the plant had just been topped in the second picture so the top is missing. How is that amount of growth possible in just 4 days when I've just raped that plant of the very thing it needs to grow with?

The grown ups want to have a discussion about this but are not able when you insist on butting in every five minutes to troll, fling insults and post stupid pictures, so be a good boy and go and have your temper tantrums elsewhere.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I think you'll find that my 'theories' are actually facts based on experience with photographic evidence to support them, which you have just seen. Your evidence consists of a load of unrelated and inconclusive scientific reports, hearsay and some old stoner in a video saying don't pull leaves off!!!

Yes it probably was unfair of me to keep the actual photographic evidence to myself for all of this time, and to let you and others produce enough rope to hang yourselves. You see that is how I know that you were all talking rubbish and have never actually tried defoliation for yourselves.

You and others have treated me like a c**t in this and other threads like you said, and now you want me to share my information with you and tell you all about defoliation!!

You claimed that defoliation stunted growth on plants and slowed them down increasing veg time, and I asked you to provide some evidence that it's true. You couldn't.

Even when provided with photographic evidence that defoliation does not slow growth you still don't believe it!! How can Red which was the smaller plant to start with now be bigger than Blue, when the only difference between them is that Red has been defoliated and Blue hasn't?

It must be making your tiny mind explode? Not everyone can handle being freed from the Matrix Chuck, may I suggest you take the blue plant and continue living in ignorance? You'll wake up in your bed tomorrow and believe what you want to believe.

I posted these two pictures in Profterpens thread on defoliation (yet another thread ruined by pages of moronic ramblings from your lot) which you thought would have given you a clue:

View attachment 3031398 View attachment 3031399

These pictures are just 4 days apart, and the plant had just been topped in the second picture so the top is missing. How is that amount of growth possible in just 4 days when I've just raped that plant of the very thing it needs to grow with?

The grown ups want to have a discussion about this but are not able when you insist on butting in every five minutes to troll, fling insults and post stupid pictures, so be a good boy and go and have your temper tantrums elsewhere.