Republicans Don't Care if Trump Shoots Someone on Fifth Ave

Two people can see the same facts and decide differently what they mean.

I claim you repeat falsehoods as evidenced by your repeated "corrupt democrats" and "opposed to Universal healthcare" claims. I can't agree to disagree about falsehoods.

The facts:

There are no real corruption investigations or charges on any Democrats in office in DC. I include Sanders in this.

Democrats are on record of writing, sponsoring and voting for bills that would have enacted Universal healthcare coverage. Republicans are on record of opposing and stopping those bills.

Failing enacting universal healthcare laws, Democrats have expanded access to cover the poor. To the point of eroding their leadership position in DC, Republicans are doing their utmost repeal everything Democrats have done to provide coverage for the poor.

Do you agree that these are facts?
But they are not quite as pure as ivory soap. You know, the way grandpa's politicians were. Therefore we should rip yourself to shreds in self flagellation allowing Republican victory.
Just because the republicans don't have the stomach to go after the corrupt Democratic machine (Hillary/Obama/Holder/Rice), it doesn't mean they are any less corrupt than the Republicans, investigations or not.

And screw Universal Health Care- it just takes it down 6 notches to the lowest common denominator, meaning longer wait times, poorer quality care, less testing, higher costs, etc........can you say V.A.?
Just because the republicans don't have the stomach to go after the corrupt Democratic machine (Hillary/Obama/Holder/Rice), it doesn't mean they are any less corrupt than the Republicans, investigations or not.

And screw Universal Health Care- it just takes it down 6 notches to the lowest common denominator, meaning longer wait times, poorer quality care, less testing, higher costs, etc........can you say V.A.?
Yeah, those principled Republicans voted to decapitate the independent ethics office so they won't be forced to investigate Democrats.

Canada has a pretty good health care system. Why can't we?
I see a divide forming. Its what they want.
In my opinion, there has always been a divide. There has always been great inequality. People are just now starting to notice and care. Some of those people are starting to come from the groups less affected by it and they are not at all good at talking about it or describing it or even really identifying it. It's always been there and it has been even getting better somewhat but disaffected and disgruntled demographics are starting to gain a voice. It is frustrating when people who are only starting to notice it try so hard to deny that it has always been there. I'm not saying you are but some of the so-called newly radicalized left are utterly unable to accept that there has always been an element struggling to gain a voice. Some of them seem to desire for that element to get inline and shut up and join their new movement. It's really frustrating when this new movement on the left even goes so far as to co-opt the vernacular that was designed by that element yet continue to refuse to give credit for actually getting the ball rolling for social awareness.

In fact that element has more in common with regular working class people like you than any of those bernard worshippers I have quoted in my sig.
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A summary of scandals that led to corruption convictions broken down by party
Obama's term of office

Fattah, D PA...............Hastert R PA
Jackson, D IL..............Schock R IL
Richardson D CA........Rivera R FL
....................................Renzi R AZ
....................................Ensign R NV
....................................Grimm R NY
....................................DesJarias R TN

Shrub's term of office

Rangel D NY...............Treffinger R NJ
Ballance D NC............Stevens R AK
Jefferson D LA............Renzi R AZ
Torricelli D NJ..............DeLay R TX
Trafficant D OH...........Doolittle R CA
....................................Cunningham R CA

Democrats: 8...............Fucking Republicans: 13

So, yeah, as @Unclebaldrick says, congress isn't as clean and pure as in our grandfather's most notably pure and incorruptible government who also killed Nazis and did superhero acts to save the world. And look at those Democrats. Corrupt. tsk tsk. I think I'll change my registration to Republican.
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Expanding. Widening. That work better?
That divide has been there for longer than either of us have been walking this Earth.

It's useful to divide the People, and thereby both manipulate them and keep them from realizing their power.
I amended my statement.
In my opinion, there has always been a divide. There has always been great inequality. People are just now starting to notice and care. Some of those people are starting to come from the groups less affected by it and they are not at all good at talking about it or describing it or even really identifying it. It's always been there and it has been even getting better somewhat but disaffected and disgruntled demographics are starting to gain a voice. It is frustrating when people who are only starting to notice it try so hard to deny that it has always been there. I'm not saying you are but some of the so-called newly radicalized left are utterly unable to accept that there has always been an element struggling to gain a voice. Some of them seem to desire for that element to get inline and shut up and join their new movement. It's really frustrating when this new movement on the left even goes so far as to co-opt the vernacular that was designed by that element yet continue to refuse to give credit for actually getting the ball rolling for social awareness.

In fact that element has more in common with regular working class people like you than any of those bernard worshippers I have quoted in my sig.

I don't deny there has always been a divide.

I meant that there are fractures starting in other groups, further division among people that were once united.
Expanding. Widening. That work better?

I amended my statement.

I don't deny there has always been a divide.

I meant that there are fractures starting in other groups, further division among people that were once united.
totally agree. it's more than divides. people are becoming radicalized. Trumps supporters don't care at all what he does. Christians bargained their souls for a supreme court justice they hope will turn the tide against abortion. Liberals celebrate Trump because -- I don't understand -- but they do for some voiced anger about establishment democrats. None of these "radicals" care about people outside of their groups.

Not to mention that all these so-called radicals aren't saying boo over what's going on in Imperial America's conflicts. They are willing to figuratively cut the throats of perceived political adversaries over some legislation. Yet, for example, Saudi depredations of their neighbors are universally endorsed by silence from all the so-called radicals, left and right. Trump did not alter the strategy Obama put in place one bit. In spite of pre-election rhetoric from his ardent morally zombified supporters, they are overjoyed with the Muslim ban and don't care one bit that Trump is carrying Obamas strategy forward.
totally agree. it's more than divides. people are becoming radicalized. Trumps supporters don't care at all what he does. Christians bargained their souls for a supreme court justice they hope will turn the tide against abortion. Liberals celebrate Trump because -- I don't understand -- but they do for some voiced anger about establishment democrats. None of these "radicals" care about people outside of their groups.

Not to mention that all these so-called radicals aren't saying boo over what's going on in Imperial America's conflicts. They are willing to figuratively cut the throats of perceived political adversaries over some legislation. Yet, for example, Saudi depredations of their neighbors are universally endorsed by silence from all the so-called radicals, left and right. Trump did not alter the strategy Obama put in place one bit. In spite of pre-election rhetoric from his ardent morally zombified supporters, they are overjoyed with the Muslim ban and don't care one bit that Trump is carrying Obamas strategy forward.
Big ole shit sandwich.

It makes be wonder what happens now. Bad things may be on the horizon.
Big ole shit sandwich.

It makes be wonder what happens now. Bad things may be on the horizon.
Could be near a turning point. Like a rock thrown in the air. Anybody riding that rock on the way up would think they were headed to outer space. A couple more years and we'll see if the trajectory is actually turning.

The radicalization of the US isn't without analogues in other nations. The French seem to be the only rational nation standing. Maybe Germany. France and Germany unified to show the rest of the world how to do it right. Who'd of thunk it?
That divide has been there for longer than either of us have been walking this Earth.

It's useful to divide the People, and thereby both manipulate them and keep them from realizing their power.

Typical MOP strategy..introduction of a third in order that sides further divide.

Two employees are great but wish to keep them in line? Get a 3rd:wink:
Two people can see the same facts and decide differently what they mean.

I claim you repeat falsehoods as evidenced by your repeated "corrupt democrats" and "opposed to Universal healthcare" claims. I can't agree to disagree about falsehoods.

The facts:

There are no real corruption investigations or charges on any Democrats in office in DC. I include Sanders in this.

Democrats are on record of writing, sponsoring and voting for bills that would have enacted Universal healthcare coverage. Republicans are on record of opposing and stopping those bills.

Failing enacting universal healthcare laws, Democrats have expanded access to cover the poor. To the point of eroding their leadership position in DC, Republicans are doing their utmost repeal everything Democrats have done to provide coverage for the poor.

Do you agree that these are facts?

No. I don't agree. there another answer other than 2?
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they spent $30 million dollars going after BENGHAZI! and literally admitted it was just to damage clinton politically, you are fucking retarded.

Well you have to be creative when the only thing you've got going for yourself is that the other side prefers Grey Poupon on their burger.

Obama on his own and it was always a slow news day..but add Fox, Breitbart?
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Then we'll agree to disagree.

I'll even take the blame for being unable to fully articulate my concerns.

That said, I have real trouble with the notion that the Democratic Party has been fully truthful.

Don't apologize to him.

You articulate well; you can't be held responsible for the denseness of those who read your posts, Tty.
No. I don't agree. there another answer other than 2?
tty and I aren't even agreeing on the facts.

Referring to the idea that two intelligent people can look at the same facts and disagree about what to do. I think we agree is that wealth and income has become skewed in this country to the point of degrading the well being of the majority of this country. Also that this is causing strife, in this country. Also that unlimited campaign donations give wealthy undue influence in DC. These are facts we can agree upon. They are available to analyse, discuss and verify.

Is what to do about that so clear? So many options but we can only pick a few. We can disagree about those.

There are unknown facts too. Is corruption endemic in Washington and nothing can be done without crossing palms? If so, then that affects what to do. If not then other courses of action might be open to us. We disagree that there is enough evidence of widespread corruption in the legal sense. And so, there are different solutions open to us.

I support Bernie's policies because they can solve the problem of undue influence from unlimited campaign financing from the wealthy. Ironically, if Washington is so corrupt that nothing can be done without paying officials off, then Bernie's solutions will not solve anything.