Research Chemicals

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
I know i have seen these threads before and with regards to the rules can someone PM me a trusted site to buy from. looking mainly for JWH (i know they are still legal) but would like to try the RC line.... i found a couple but have no idea what to look for to see if they are legit or not...dont want to get ripped off or have the DEA pizza van outside my house...

You could buy pure Jwh off of the internet, be careful though that stuff needs only about a drop added to your buds and your set, it's pretty cheap per gram so try that.
I know i have seen these threads before and with regards to the rules can someone PM me a trusted site to buy from. looking mainly for JWH (i know they are still legal) but would like to try the RC line.... i found a couple but have no idea what to look for to see if they are legit or not...dont want to get ripped off or have the DEA pizza van outside my house...

C'mon now people. You want to buy JWH-018 right? I'm sure if you Google that and pick the first link it'll be a vendor of it and you'll get your order no problem.
JWH is easy, others not so much, especially the 2c's which i find vendors of from time to time but never know if they're legit
RCS-18 it's a new synthetic cannabinoid being synthesized by a JWH supplier and they put the initials of their company in the name of the product... I hope that's a big enough hint. Oh and like Crypt said you can find vendors on the first google page. An wouldn't it have been easier to just look at the individuals who responded to those threads with intelligent/worth while answers and PM them instead of making another thread about it, not trying to come across as a dick even though I probably did but I just think it could have saved you some time...
looking mainly for JWH (i know they are still legal) but would like to try the RC line....

Do you have a .001G Scale? If not, buy one. Don't have a lot of cash? Buy this one:

American Weigh Gemini-20

i found a couple but have no idea what to look for to see if they are legit or not...

Hit up google for a while.. you got a way to go.

Switch up key words and try things like:

"website name" legit, or
"website name" scam

Utilize Cas Numbers, IUPAC Naming, and Common Names. Also switch up quantities:

.5G / 500mg
1G / 1 Gram (1000mg)

Or whatever quantity you are looking for.
Why is RCS 4 so cheap all of a sudden (compared to RCS 8 ? I know it appears to be shorter duration that jwh 18, but people still like it. Anyone have experience with any RCS-XX?
Why is RCS 4 so cheap all of a sudden (compared to RCS 8 ? I know it appears to be shorter duration that jwh 18, but people still like it. Anyone have experience with any RCS-XX?

I was wondering the same too. Made me actually think about ordering some even though I finally have herb... Though I read it could be compared more to 250 than 018 which really is not that potent compared to 018 from my experience but has a unique sort of "trippy" like feeling to it even at normal doses. It's probably just because it is not potent enough compared to the other synthetic cannabinoids availible on the vendors website making it less profitable so they just decided to scrap it and are just trying to get rid of what they still have.
Why is RCS 4 so cheap all of a sudden (compared to RCS 8 ? I know it appears to be shorter duration that jwh 18, but people still like it. Anyone have experience with any RCS-XX?

Supply & Demand more than likely. Many JWH vendors stopped stocking:


the demand for other products has risen, hence, the production of others has as well. Higher quantity production = lower prices.
Supply & Demand more than likely. Many JWH vendors stopped stocking:


the demand for other products has risen, hence, the production of others has as well. Higher quantity production = lower prices.

Yeah but the vendor's prices haven't seemed to lower on anything else. Also care to shed some light on what JWH-5C is good sir? I was going to look on BL but I really don't want to search through 37 pages of the synthetic cannabinoid Mega Thread...
hey guys,

I know all this searching for jwh gets annoying so ill get straight to it
got scammed by the first google page yesterday ( is bullshit) and that looked to be the most reliable to me after got shut down
I just need a reliable supplier, cant waste any more cash.
small quantities (1-2 g) at a time

any help appreciated
You live in Sunny California. Why would you want to worry your head with various blends of JWH?

Is it for the sure novelty of obtaining the substance?

Sorry for the minor intrusion. But I can be a curious monkey at times! ;)
its not as easy as it sounds, I cant seem to get ahold of anything, either its back ordered or the people dont get back to you. Alot of they seem like scams. I cant see why I gotta wait months and months just to get some apdv or blue lotus.
Safe and Scam is not applicable to everyone. And for good reason. Vendors are meant for people who have respect and scientific notation for the psychedelic community. Not simply for those who just want to get high!