Research Chemicals

its not as easy as it sounds, I cant seem to get ahold of anything, either its back ordered or the people dont get back to you. Alot of they seem like scams. I cant see why I gotta wait months and months just to get some apdv or blue lotus.

So, I'm guessing your order has not arrived?

I would send them a kind but direct email stating the urgency of concern for your order. SWIM received an order from Thailand within a 2 week time frame. But theres been incidents where's its taken up to 2 months. It all depends. Remember, it's a grey market​!
i think anyone involved in the rc game has a slight gambling addiction... even SOS can be misleading.

but the payoff is great.

***777!!!*** ENLIGHTENMENT!!
You live in Sunny California. Why would you want to worry your head with various blends of JWH?

Is it for the sure novelty of obtaining the substance?

Sorry for the minor intrusion. But I can be a curious monkey at times! ;)

Actually, I live in Irvine CA during the summer and visit my dad in Sacramento a few times a year, but i go to school at UT in Knoxville Tennessee
I was raised in Tennessee, and if you didn't know, they have 0 tolerance for drugs (already done 50 days in jail JUST for weed)
I've been on probation for a year now, and will be until 2015, and i have to submit drug tests once a month
I can legally smoke in California, but not Tennessee; i'll be in BIG trouble if i fail one of these tests

I hope this makes sense ha, its quite a different environment here in the bible belt

Anyways, i realllly would appreciate a reliable connection
I'm getting out of this shithole and out to Cali once i've finished up my sophomore year but schools stressful and i need a way to relax!
by conducting extensive student research on various research chemicals of course...

feel free to email me if you want me to explain any further
I heard that anyone ordering rc lately may have a hard time getting it on time due to the chinese new year. I guess nobody works the last few weeks in jan. IDK for sure just what I heard
There are some better options than googling and using safeorscam. Not that I'm going to be telling anybody them. Just wanted you to keep that thought in mind before you give up searching and settle for something that you are unsure of.
You live in Sunny California. Why would you want to worry your head with various blends of JWH?

Is it for the sure novelty of obtaining the substance?

Sorry for the minor intrusion. But I can be a curious monkey at times! ;)

This is what I've been wondering. Though I can attest that regular drug tests can be a royal pain in the ass, using permanent ligands as substitutes for the "real deal" in high amounts (multiple times a day) and over extended periods (3 months or longer) of time can and probably will result in certain neurological dysfunction! I finally have access to all the high grade marijuana I could dream of smoking, imported straight from the dispensaries of Cali (apparently, I have only very limited connections with the "main" supply and am nothing more than a occasional consumer) but still cannot enjoy it the same as I used to enjoy cannabis because my last year's intense binge of synthetic cannabinoids has left me seemingly crippled to any agonism at the CB1 receptors. When ever I smoke any cannabinoid I get a constricting feeling around my throat as if someone is trying to choke me and I cannot breath (even though I can easily) along with a painful tightening in the chest.. all physical signs of an anxiety attack, I've had them checked out by my general physician and EKG an all signs point to simple anxiety issues. Its scary and down right agonizingly irritating even though I know it is simply a uncontrollable psychological issue rather than a physiological one. The only reason I do not give you any sources Masta is because I really do not want anyone to end up with the side effects I've incurred from their use. If you do get a hold of these chemicals please realize your not dealing with the usually benign after effects of natural psychoactives any longer. These are chemicals that were originally invented to map out the brain of dead lab rats!
Actually, I live in Irvine CA during the summer and visit my dad in Sacramento a few times a year, but i go to school at UT in Knoxville Tennessee
I was raised in Tennessee, and if you didn't know, they have 0 tolerance for drugs (already done 50 days in jail JUST for weed)
I've been on probation for a year now, and will be until 2015, and i have to submit drug tests once a month
I can legally smoke in California, but not Tennessee; i'll be in BIG trouble if i fail one of these tests

I hope this makes sense ha, its quite a different environment here in the bible belt

Anyways, i realllly would appreciate a reliable connection
I'm getting out of this shithole and out to Cali once i've finished up my sophomore year but schools stressful and i need a way to relax!
by conducting extensive student research on various research chemicals of course...

feel free to email me if you want me to explain any further

You should really look into the completely legal herbal alternatives Kratom & Kava Kava if you need a way to simply relax after a day of lectures and studying. Granted they don't produce the same effects as cannabinoids since they act on different receptors in the brain but I found them great alternatives to cannabis consumption while unable to use. Of course extended daily use of them results in worse withdrawal symptoms than what cannabis alone could produce but if used in moderation and for the same intended purpose I found they completely filled the void, though not entirely replaced it. I'd be more than happy to share my source with you but a quick google search will point you to a multitude of legitimate sources :).
It's a shame you have to leave us so quickly Swag! Your post hit so deep in hard before I have the chance to even evaluate there worthiness. ;)
ok whoever would put research chemicals on their bud is a idiot!!! i have experience working for a place that uses those and they are horrible!! this is what those true to the heart of cannabis should be against!!! this does not give cannabis a good rep. it makes it look like shit. you are the idiots that over dose on potent chemicals and do not know what the fuck you are doing when you have perfectly good marijuana that gives cleaner highs and longer lasting NONTOXIC effects. fight to make it legal for medical in your state if it isn't already, because you need it. good bud is better than any chemical.