Rippers... guard your plants


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so I just had someone trespass into my backyard and steal from my legal medical crop. Thankfully the piece of shit could only take about 4 plants worth of premature buds, but I'm so bleeping upset... Never again am I doing outdoors.

I have a camera setup, I have a rough picture of the guy, but sadly not enough for the face. Putting up more cameras. What *REALLY* sucks is having to move them/chop the rest of them, I honestly hope there's a special spot in hell for people that steal from others, particularly on their own property.

TL;DR, don't be like me, setup your cameras closer so you can give the cops a picture of the scumbag
Hey guys, so I just had someone trespass into my backyard and steal from my legal medical crop. Thankfully the piece of shit could only take about 4 plants worth of premature buds, but I'm so bleeping upset... Never again am I doing outdoors.

I have a camera setup, I have a rough picture of the guy, but sadly not enough for the face. Putting up more cameras. What *REALLY* sucks is having to move them/chop the rest of them, I honestly hope there's a special spot in hell for people that steal from others, particularly on their own property.

TL;DR, don't be like me, setup your cameras closer so you can give the cops a picture of the scumbag
cams suck for preventing rips.what ya need is motion detectors can have all the pics u want shit still gone!by the way they will be back:|
Oh I pray they come back.

It's legal, motion light and camera are setup. They'd have to be seriously stupid to come back. I have the guy on camera, it's legal and the police even have the recording.

Would be real nice if they show up with a few pounds of my premature weed
Wireless alarm. Get the extended warranty for $4.65 too.
(I'll) Let us know how it works. Sorry for your loss. The sneak-thief's on the "steal now - pay w/ karma later plan", and it's hard to outrun.
Ordered this solar spot too, for the gable over the GH. I'll be covered by Thursday. Thanks for the tip-off. Hope the remaining plants pop-big for you.
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Rippers suck.. plain and simple. But rippers always only get preme bud lol the can't wait for it to be done because we might chop first so they come a few weeks early and get some free headache weed and wares your crop lol stupid ..

I just bring my in every night now, my living room is filled with plants and I spend a half hour moving them every night and morning but at least they are safe
Rippers suck.. plain and simple. But rippers always only get preme bud lol the can't wait for it to be done because we might chop first so they come a few weeks early and get some free headache weed and wares your crop lol stupid ..

I just bring my in every night now, my living room is filled with plants and I spend a half hour moving them every night and morning but at least they are safe

How bout this?
wireless driveway alarms work well at notifying you is someone enters your garden. And can work as a deterrent if you place it where the thief can hear it too. he will know that you know some one is there...
When you and if you can get into my greenhouse I have the driveway alarm with a red blinking light looking right at you. I get the alarm , you get an education.
seems so easy to build a fool proof trap and bait these bstrds. not hurt them but ttly fuck up their week, maybe film the raucous too, post it everywhere. some idiot fumbling with a plant gets red ink poured on him when the lights go on and cam is rolling something
A gang of rippers posing with their stolen loot.

Appreciate the good vibes guys.

I have NEVER ripped anyone, I gave the police information about 2 of the suspects ( we've had bad neighbors that are alcoholics, bipolar, etc that were staggering around taking pictures of the front of my house days before, which was weird ), or ( neighbor is mentally disabled and wont fix her fence, or go in halfs or anything -- she hired a couple guys to come help pick up pieces of her fence, who I'm thinking are the real culprits... gave the police the guys names )

Check out this jackass, he comes in at 1:27 in the video.

edit; I've been growing it here for years without issue, last year her fence was down too even and I had no issues

google north vietnamese booby traps for some inspiration.

In some ways, I really wish I lived in somewhere like Texas or Florida. Unless they've changed it, you used to be able to shoot the intruders.

In other ways, I'm *REALLY* glad I don't, because as much as I'd love to pound the shit outta this guy, deep down I don't think he deserves death (but man am I still fucking pissed)
wireless driveway alarms work well at notifying you is someone enters your garden. And can work as a deterrent if you place it where the thief can hear it too. he will know that you know some one is there...
Looking into it, thanks.

Turns out my home insurance will likely cover up to $500 a plant. At least a couple pounds per, but I'll take it
In some ways, I really wish I lived in somewhere like Texas or Florida. Unless they've changed it, you used to be able to shoot the intruders.

In other ways, I'm *REALLY* glad I don't, because as much as I'd love to pound the shit outta this guy, deep down I don't think he deserves death (but man am I still fucking pissed)
If you were to shoot someone in any of the dark red states for stealing your pot, you would be charged with attempted murder in the commission of a felony {cultivation}.
If you were to shoot someone in any of the dark red states for stealing your pot, you would be charged with attempted murder in the commission of a felony {cultivation}.
You can't shoot a intruder on your property in Texas if you have a registered marijuana grow? Without the marijuana grow if the guy broke into your house, you can shoot them legally dead? Here in Canada you can defend your property with a firearm. I'm shocked that Canada is more laid back about people using guns to defend their homes than the conservative/republican states.