RIU, GOOGLE..... your posts arent just on this site!!!


Active Member
If you use a handle on RIU that you use elswhere on the web try this....

Google your RIU nickname, go through the results and see how many steps it takes before you get to personally identifiable information.....

Why doesnt RIU close the posts section so that they cant be indexed or cached by google etc, seems to me like RIU doesnt really care about your privacy.....

Im glad now that i chose a random handle... but spare a thought for those people that use there usual handle's.... silly silly.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Why don't you Google my username? :) It's the unique usernames such as the one you have that reveal identities through Google. :) Mines not random. It's a very identifiable name. There are hundreds of thousands of Google results for it. ;)


Active Member
yeah i agree.... but im reffering to people who use similar handles on and off riu, doesnt matter if they are common or not.


Pickle Queen
LMFAO. Over 2.3 billion results. xD You got me beat by nearly 1000x. :D

Best part is i posted my pic and use my name on this site, I'm not into social networking like most i have this account and FB(for family ) so i'm not plastered all over the internet like most young women


Well-Known Member
Your search - ...... - did not match any documents.


Try different keywords.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
If you're a black high school student then you're pretty much screwed.
i'm black (i don't hide this) but waaaay out of HS ..LOL but that is very close
in the BING search the first two suggestion is related to this site
- there a youtube video with my name, that comes up in the BING search but it doen't play anything (i have no sound on my pc so i dont know if it has sound but the video plays blank)

The Stig

Well-Known Member
I get like 8 million websites... and I don't see RIU :mrgreen:

but not as much as April.. 2.3 billion damn... I think someone is using your name!! :shock: :lol:
