Ron Paul 2012

Let it happen to you and then tell me if you feel the same way

Laws and individual rights have nothing to do with feelings. Seriously if some one refused me service I would totally GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! This world is full of pussies who think that everything is about feelings. I'm not claiming your guilty of that but thats how people make decisions.
Laws and individual rights have nothing to do with feelings. Seriously if some one refused me service I would totally GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! This world is full of pussies who think that everything is about feelings. I'm not claiming your guilty of that but thats how people make decisions.

Let someone deny you service on just the color of your skin and then tell me you feel the same...typical
Let someone deny you service on just the color of your skin and then tell me you feel the same...typical

It has happened and I don't give a flying you know what. Do you live in a large city? Well I will tell you there are some bars out there that were less then friendly to white when I was a kid. I didn't give a FU*& I just moved on and most the time laughed about it.
It has happened and I don't give a flying you know what. Do you live in a large city? Well I will tell you there are some bars out there that were less then friendly to white when I was a kid. I didn't give a FU*& I just moved on and most the time laughed about it.

typical..let me know when you have a clue what real discrimination is...maybe ask your wife being a woman she might have a better understanding....ask her what if she walked in a restaurant and the owner said I don't serve bitches...let me know what she would do and say...go ahead ask her..again you typical
all VERY good questions. i think you start to answer this in your next reply (based on the personal beliefs of the owner) and i would venture to extend it into another thing you touched upon, which is if it impinges on the rights of others.
I wonder if the supreme court would be fair and across the board or decide it based on what was on the shirt or such.
empirical evidence proves otherwise. there were plenty of shops before the civil rights act that had no problem staying in business with a 'no blacks' sign on the door.

like a lot of libertarian principles, it sounds good on paper..."the free market will sort it out". but it works out differently in reality.

sorry to be so civil. i will amp it up to increase interest at the next possibility.
Well, a large part of the population supported segregation. People had the mindset that eating next to a black person was akin to sitting next to a pig who was eating slop and it was offensive to them. I am not supporting the mindset, but that would be the reason that those businesses continued to operate while being segregated/racist. There are a lot of people who won't go into a middle eastern store/restaurant even in these times because they have a very racist attitude towards people from the area.

Honestly, Id have to say the only thing that has changed is the method. Instead of a 'no blacks' sign, now they have a 'no blacks' attitude and let them know they don't appreciate their business. This is not just a white problem though. Everyone does it. People tend to not return to a place they got substandard/rude service at. While technically they can still go there - they are not welcomed. Id like to think that a majority of the country doesn't engage in this kind of practice, but I know it is out there. I see it daily, but I also deal with thousands of customers and employees a day.
What case was this ?????
In one more complicated case, a court held that a cemetery could exclude “punk rockers” from a private funeral service. A mother requested that the funeral service for her 17-year-old daughter be private and that admission to the service be limited to family and invited guests only. The cemetery failed to exclude punk rockers from the service. The punk rockers arrived in unconventional dress, wearing makeup and sporting various hair colors. One was wearing a dress decorated with live rats. Others wore leather and chains, some were twirling baton-like weapons, drinking, and using cocaine. The punk rockers made rude comments to family members and were generally disruptive of the service.

It took me a minute to actually find the court case. California Supreme Court: Ross v. Forest Lawn Memorial Park (1984) 153 Cal.App.3d 988, 992-993 [203 Cal.Rptr. 468, 42 A.L.R.4th 1049]
typical..let me know when you have a clue what real discrimination is...maybe ask your wife being a woman she might have a better understanding....ask her what if she walked in a restaurant and the owner said I don't serve bitches...let me know what she would do and say...go ahead ask her..again you typical

Getting upset or hurt isn't the definition of discrimination. There are entire college grants and scholarships that more or less have a openly 'no whites' sign on them. The government OKs that. Why? Excluding people based on race, religion, sex, ect is discrimination. Why is it ok for some parts of the government and some organizations to be discriminatory and not others? Its ok for an organization to give black kids thousands of dollars and go out of their way to exclude whites but it isn't ok to only allow white people into a store/business? I fail to see the actual difference. You might say it is for fairness, but if that was the case then the grants and scholarships would be based on income only.
Keep in mind that I am not saying private businesses and scholarship funds shouldn't be allowed to do that. It is their money, I don't care how they spend it. The issue is a business cannot do the same thing. Double standards. The Government should not be allowed to be discriminatory in any way. It should have to treat every citizen the same.
its the next few hours he is announcing his run


If Osama had changed, I doubt anyone would of thought differently about him. I know about him, I don't see him as a good role model though.

Are you really trying to compare Osama to Malcom??? really??? are you really sure you know anything about Malcom a time when blacks were made to feel inferior to whites Malcom X showed black self-determination, self defense, knowledge, and the understanding of change..Funny how some whites feel its OK to rape,murder,beat.and deny basic human rights to others, but when others start fighting back poor white person what to scream foul and start the slander scandel...I suggest you go do some reading on MalcomX.... I feel his years after his trip to Mecca shows exactly what a role model should be...oh by the way can you show me one example of Malcom X as a terrorist...

"You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."
— Malcolm X (By Any Means Necessary)
Getting upset or hurt isn't the definition of discrimination. .
I think once again you missed the point... not serving a woman based on the fact that she is female is discrimination...I used calling her a bitch to add a little sting to the insult..
lets see ron paul vs obama's best buddy today:

This one kind of belongs in my thread "ron paul kicks another propaganda pusher between the legs" as it seems appropriate. In this interview obama re-slings the political mud he is using against Ron Paul. RP is able to touch briefly on these issues before being interrupted, including the twisted rumors that he is a racist and a radical among others. Matthews once again displays his loyalty to the Obama administration with his unyielding support and vast armament of well spun fairytale stories.
Are you really trying to compare Osama to Malcom??? really??? are you really sure you know anything about Malcom a time when blacks were made to feel inferior to whites Malcom X showed black self-determination, self defense, knowledge, and the understanding of change..Funny how some whites feel its OK to rape,murder,beat.and deny basic human rights to others, but when others start fighting back poor white person what to scream foul and start the slander scandel...I suggest you go do some reading on MalcomX.... I feel his years after his trip to Mecca shows exactly what a role model should be...oh by the way can you show me one example of Malcom X as a terrorist...

"You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."
— Malcolm X (By Any Means Necessary)

Osama blew up the twin towers because he believed it was necessary to end the oppression of the middle east by the west. Malcom X said "by any means necessary" and meant that if needed to serve the cause you should do whatever was necessary. The IRA did the whole 'by any means necessary' too. They were labeled terrorists. The only difference was Malcom X never was caught doing anything. Malcom X openly said terrorism was an acceptable means to gain the end. I am not saying I would not resort to terrorism if necessary - but I would be labeled as a terrorist. Malcom X is no difference. He was one explosion away from being a McVeigh. If you kill for a just reason or a injust reason, you still become a killer. Osama never actually killed people, he just promoted it. Manson never physically killed anyone, he just promoted it. What is the difference between those actions and that of Malcom X?

It is amazing Ron Paul can be labeled a racist but Malcom X is a fucking role model. Seriously? Ghandi is a role model. King was a role model. Malcom X was a thug who blamed the white man for his races problems. Whitey caused it all. Newsflash - Whitey didn't invent slavery and all whites weren't slave owners.

Where did anyone say rape and murder of minorities was ok? This is a good example of people using emotions to sway an argument instead of facts.
Im not missing the point. You are twisting the situation so it sounds worse and worse. We weren't talking about name calling. Calling someone a nigger and refusing them service for being black isn't the same thing. Is it illegal to call someone a nigger? Once again - if people refused service to women they would lose half their customers and probably more since the husbands might not take kindly to their wives being refused service. OMG - the market might actually take care of it?!?!?!?! The fact that the person owns the store and shouldn't be forced to do anything on his/her private property means nothing to you. That isn't a big surprise since you are about as left as it gets. Why should you have any right over someone's property?
Im not missing the point. You are twisting the situation so it sounds worse and worse. We weren't talking about name calling. Calling someone a nigger and refusing them service for being black isn't the same thing. Is it illegal to call someone a nigger? Once again - if people refused service to women they would lose half their customers and probably more since the husbands might not take kindly to their wives being refused service. OMG - the market might actually take care of it?!?!?!?! The fact that the person owns the store and shouldn't be forced to do anything on his/her private property means nothing to you. That isn't a big surprise since you are about as left as it gets. Why should you have any right over someone's property?

I own my businesses so what you saying is BS point blank...My business is open to all unless you drunk or naked ( a naked emergency is allowed and clothes can be provided ). The argument that would allow people to not allow others into their business "just because" is a lost cause with me...makes me look at that person alot different:?..take a break from scanning at Wal Mart and venture out
like Ron Paul said in the video above, its part of the free market there can't be exceptions, if someone doesn't want to serve somebody well then its their loss, its not 1965 anymore.
It is amazing Ron Paul can be labeled a racist but Malcom X is a fucking role model.
Ron Paul would be against the civil rights vote of 64..out his own his reasoning I say is still BS and stand against it as a business is he a racist don't know don't care ...will not vote for him as POTUS to find out...his idea along that a business owner could allow racism ( on both sides in this day and age) say HELL NO...but I like that he would let us all get high...but sorry not enough...continue if you must but it only get on a peaceful note follow Malcom after his journey to Mecca ...and again you never showed any proof on Malcom be a terriost...lot of words it writes but hmmmm no proof...FAILED