obama will win in a head to head match or a three way match, so go cry in your corn flakes.
The only reason that Obama stands any chance of winning in a head to head match is because the Republicans have a field of weak candidates. If there was on standout in the crowd that had national appeal, Obama might as well start packing his bags today so he'd be ready to move out after taking a beating at bad as Reagan handed Mondale.
What put Obama in the White House was the Independent vote. He has lost much of it and it will take either a miracle or a terrible Republican candidate for Independents to be able to bring themselves to vote for Obama again. He has even lost a small amount of support among Democrats. Add those things together and if the Republicans had one candidate with the appeal of a Ronald Reagan, Obama would be toast.
If Obama remains in the White House after a head to head election it will be because the Republicans lost themselves the election due to stupidity and a terrible candidate rather than Obama actually having earned the win.
in the meantime, my wife, who has a pre-existing condition, has been able to purchase health insurance thanks to that piece of legislation.
what a nightmare.
The nightmare, in part, is the unimaginably massive unsustainable debt that comes with the legislation. ObamaCare was in part sold as legislation that would reduce the cost of health insurance. Rather than the cost of health insurance going down, in 2011 health insurance has increased 9%. While your wife now can have insurance many others who in the past could afford good coverage have, or will, have to reduce their coverage, way up their deductibles and in many cases drop the insurance they had for years and go with MediCare-MediCaid, which further adds to the taxpayers burden of paying for everything in this nation.
do you care to discuss how this 'single worst piece of legislation' was originally a heritage foundation idea?
If it was in the same form as what we now have, and not in a very different form but gave basically the same things to health patients, then regardless of where it came from it was, like Obama, an unmitigated disaster.
I am not the hardcore Republican that you evidently believe me to be. I have always been one to vote for the very best candidate, as long as it was one who stood a chance of winning so I would not be throwing away my vote on someone who ends up with 18% of the vote, or something. If Obama were not up for reelection and the Democrats were fielding a spectacular candidate, I would be all for them. If there was a viable third party that was fielding a spectacular candidate, I would be behind that candidate.
But in this election our choice will be between 'proven himself to be horribly inept' and 'might only be slightly better than the last bozo.' That is of course excluding Ron Paul because he has some great ideas but no chance of implementing them, he would have virtually no political capital to spend to get what he asked for from congress, even if elected, so it should, hopefully, come down to a two candidate race.
In reality each rational person's vote will be based on if they are more comfortable giving the worst president in modern history another four years or risk that someone they do not have a lot of faith in might only turn out to be marginally better, which wouldn't be difficult since my cat would be a better president than Obama, or they could even turn out to be much better.
You, in part, need to look at the entire picture. If history repeats itself, like it has ever since some time in the late 1920's, Republicans will end up controlling both houses of Congress, both the Senate and the House. If that happens Obama will, as unimaginable as it might sound, be even less effective than he has been. But with a Republican president things could get done.
Of course you can argue, most likely based on your political leanings alone, that the things that would get done would be bad things. But you nor I know what would be done and right now the nation is to a point where something needs to happen, something different than what has occurred since Obama took office has to be tried because he has not only not improved things, he has made them worse, and the nation cannot suffer through four more years of such totally inept leading from behind, as Obama has become famous for, or maybe that should be as Obama has become infamous for.
When people go to vote they need to keep this in mind.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
Insanity is what a vote for Obama would be because it would be repeating the same proven grievous error, but expecting different results.