Well-Known Member
Winning Massachusetts (Rmoneys home turf):
41 total delegates
27 delegates decided at 9 district caucuses
Rmoney has the 14 delegates binding to the popular vote.
Ron Paul is winning the majority of the caucus delegates which will be finalized in June.
"Less than half of Romneys 27 chosen delegates won, and the losers included some notable Massachusetts Republicans - including Kerry Healey, the former lieutenant governor, and the House minority leader, Bradley H. Jones Jr., according to two Republican State Committee members who did not want to be named." (Boston Globe)
"Its also the latest instance of Ron Paul supporters aggressive delegate strategy at work, which throws an element of unpredictability into the convention process." (Washington Post)
Article on Ron Paul sweep of one of the conventions:
28 unbound delegates
4 districts
District 1:
2 acknowledged Ron Paul supporters
1 acknowledged Rick Santorum delegate
1 unrevealed support
District 2:
2 acknowledged Ron Paul supporters
1 acknowledged Bachmann supporter
1 unrevealed
District 3:
2 acknowledged Ron Paul supporters
1 acknowledged Bachmann supporter
1 unrevealed
District 4:
1 acknowledged Ron Paul supporter
1 acknowledged Rick Santorum supporter
1 acknowledged Newt Gingrich supporter
1 unrevealed but has past of an Rmoney supporter
State Nominating Comittee:
3 Ron Paul Supporters
1 Rick Santorum supporter
"The growing Paul faction in leadership positions at the Republican Party of Iowa including the new chairman, A.J. Spiker, who was the Paul campaigns Iowa vice chairman and can break ties in central committee votes has created tension with Iowa Republicans who dont share their affection for the Texas congressman or share some of his views." (Des Moines Register)
"I think Ron Paul just won Iowa" (Rachel Maddow)
40 total delegates
24 have been decided from conventions where PAUL WON 20/24
16 allocated based on straw vote which has not been decided. (Paul close second behind Santorum)
"Paul took home 20 of the 24 possible delegates and nearly all the alternative delegates Saturday during the Minnesota congressional district conventions, according to a tweet by Minnesota Republican National Committeewoman Pat Anderson. " (The Hill)
20 delegates based on primary (Santorum dominated with 49%)
26 delegates based on caucuses
Ron Paul won 74% of delegates elected at the Congressional District level.
The State convention is in June
"Yesterday, 111 out of 150 or 74 percent of delegates elected today were in fact Ron Paul delegates...This means Ron Paul supporters won about four and a half of the six Congressional District caucus conventions held yesterday." (Reuters)
More to come.....
Conclusion: Anything can happen in politics.
41 total delegates
27 delegates decided at 9 district caucuses
Rmoney has the 14 delegates binding to the popular vote.
Ron Paul is winning the majority of the caucus delegates which will be finalized in June.
"Less than half of Romneys 27 chosen delegates won, and the losers included some notable Massachusetts Republicans - including Kerry Healey, the former lieutenant governor, and the House minority leader, Bradley H. Jones Jr., according to two Republican State Committee members who did not want to be named." (Boston Globe)
"Its also the latest instance of Ron Paul supporters aggressive delegate strategy at work, which throws an element of unpredictability into the convention process." (Washington Post)
Article on Ron Paul sweep of one of the conventions:
28 unbound delegates
4 districts
District 1:
2 acknowledged Ron Paul supporters
1 acknowledged Rick Santorum delegate
1 unrevealed support
District 2:
2 acknowledged Ron Paul supporters
1 acknowledged Bachmann supporter
1 unrevealed
District 3:
2 acknowledged Ron Paul supporters
1 acknowledged Bachmann supporter
1 unrevealed
District 4:
1 acknowledged Ron Paul supporter
1 acknowledged Rick Santorum supporter
1 acknowledged Newt Gingrich supporter
1 unrevealed but has past of an Rmoney supporter
State Nominating Comittee:
3 Ron Paul Supporters
1 Rick Santorum supporter
"The growing Paul faction in leadership positions at the Republican Party of Iowa including the new chairman, A.J. Spiker, who was the Paul campaigns Iowa vice chairman and can break ties in central committee votes has created tension with Iowa Republicans who dont share their affection for the Texas congressman or share some of his views." (Des Moines Register)
"I think Ron Paul just won Iowa" (Rachel Maddow)
40 total delegates
24 have been decided from conventions where PAUL WON 20/24
16 allocated based on straw vote which has not been decided. (Paul close second behind Santorum)
"Paul took home 20 of the 24 possible delegates and nearly all the alternative delegates Saturday during the Minnesota congressional district conventions, according to a tweet by Minnesota Republican National Committeewoman Pat Anderson. " (The Hill)
20 delegates based on primary (Santorum dominated with 49%)
26 delegates based on caucuses
Ron Paul won 74% of delegates elected at the Congressional District level.
The State convention is in June
"Yesterday, 111 out of 150 or 74 percent of delegates elected today were in fact Ron Paul delegates...This means Ron Paul supporters won about four and a half of the six Congressional District caucus conventions held yesterday." (Reuters)
More to come.....
Conclusion: Anything can happen in politics.