Ron Paul: Winning


Well-Known Member
Winning Massachusetts (Rmoneys home turf):

41 total delegates
27 delegates decided at 9 district caucuses

Rmoney has the 14 delegates binding to the popular vote.

Ron Paul is winning the majority of the caucus delegates which will be finalized in June.

"Less than half of Romney’s 27 chosen delegates won, and the losers included some notable Massachusetts Republicans - including Kerry Healey, the former lieutenant governor, and the House minority leader, Bradley H. Jones Jr., according to two Republican State Committee members who did not want to be named." (Boston Globe)

"It’s also the latest instance of Ron Paul supporters’ aggressive delegate strategy at work, which throws an element of unpredictability into the convention process." (Washington Post)

Article on Ron Paul sweep of one of the conventions:



28 unbound delegates
4 districts

District 1:

2 acknowledged Ron Paul supporters
1 acknowledged Rick Santorum delegate
1 unrevealed support

District 2:
2 acknowledged Ron Paul supporters
1 acknowledged Bachmann supporter
1 unrevealed

District 3:
2 acknowledged Ron Paul supporters
1 acknowledged Bachmann supporter
1 unrevealed

District 4:
1 acknowledged Ron Paul supporter
1 acknowledged Rick Santorum supporter
1 acknowledged Newt Gingrich supporter
1 unrevealed but has past of an Rmoney supporter

State Nominating Comittee:
3 Ron Paul Supporters
1 Rick Santorum supporter

"The growing Paul faction in leadership positions at the Republican Party of Iowa – including the new chairman, A.J. Spiker, who was the Paul campaign’s Iowa vice chairman and can break ties in central committee votes – has created tension with Iowa Republicans who don’t share their affection for the Texas congressman or share some of his views." (Des Moines Register)

"I think Ron Paul just won Iowa" (Rachel Maddow)




40 total delegates
24 have been decided from conventions where PAUL WON 20/24
16 allocated based on straw vote which has not been decided. (Paul close second behind Santorum)

"Paul took home 20 of the 24 possible delegates and nearly all the alternative delegates Saturday during the Minnesota congressional district conventions, according to a tweet by Minnesota Republican National Committeewoman Pat Anderson. " (The Hill)



20 delegates based on primary (Santorum dominated with 49%)
26 delegates based on caucuses

Ron Paul won 74% of delegates elected at the Congressional District level.
The State convention is in June

"Yesterday, 111 out of 150 or 74 percent of delegates elected today were in fact Ron Paul delegates...This means Ron Paul supporters won about four and a half of the six Congressional District caucus conventions held yesterday." (Reuters)


More to come.....

Conclusion: Anything can happen in politics.
You missed a bunch of states...Alaska, Washington, and Colorado to name a few, here is my list and tally from the other thread. Its a shame we have to do our own research as a lot of mainstream just not covering this...

Colorado -
Wasington -
Iowa and Minnesota -
Massachusetts -
Alaska -
Louisiana -

In coloroado he only took half actually, so heres my tally:

-Minesota - Ron Paul declared winner
-Iowa - Ron Paul declared winner
-Alaska - Ron paul Declared winner
-Louisiana - Ron Paul Declared winner

-Mas - Ron Paul Declared winner (Primarily a Primary State so these delegates only get to vote for Dr Paul in second round, there is Rumor that this rule could be contested)
-Maine - Ron Paul likely declared winner.
-Nevada - Ron Paul likely to be declared winner
-Colorado - Ron Paul and Mitt Romney split 50/50
-Missouri - Ron Paul likely to be declared winne
-Washington - Ron Paul very likely to be declared winner

I haven't substantied these rumors but:
-Mississippi - Ron Paul supposably doing well
-Virginia - Ron Paul supposably doing well
-Alabama - Ron Paul supposably doing well
Yup, I keep seeing this everywhere. I made a thread about it a while ago, but Paul haters dismissed it. Making things interesting.
Another point bound Delegates are able to abstain from 1st round voting and force it into a second round allowing them to vote for Ron Paul.

Rule 34 protects them, explained:

No matter what happens Ron Paul not really...I guess you don't get the point either..We have already won
The Libertarians and Centrists won, not Ron Paul. Ron Paul has the right general idea but his policies are mostly a joke. Gold standard? Cutting back the cheese-machine?

"If you keep robbing Peter to pay Paul, Paul will always side with you".

Theres too many cheese receipients for "small Government" to work now, so Ronald needs to come back to the real world and start making his fantasies (the non turtle related ones) into workable solutions...the Republican Fuhrers might have actually given him the nod in that scenario.
The Libertarians and Centrists won, not Ron Paul. Ron Paul has the right general idea but his policies are mostly a joke. Gold standard? Cutting back the cheese-machine?

"If you keep robbing Peter to pay Paul, Paul will always side with you".

Theres too many cheese receipients for "small Government" to work now, so Ronald needs to come back to the real world and start making his fantasies (the non turtle related ones) into workable solutions...the Republican Fuhrers might have actually given him the nod in that scenario.

Haven't you noticed how many Ron Paul supporters are being elected to gop positions and are running for legislatures?
The Libertarians and Centrists won, not Ron Paul. Ron Paul has the right general idea but his policies are mostly a joke. Gold standard? Cutting back the cheese-machine?

"If you keep robbing Peter to pay Paul, Paul will always side with you".

Theres too many cheese receipients for "small Government" to work now, so Ronald needs to come back to the real world and start making his fantasies (the non turtle related ones) into workable solutions...the Republican Fuhrers might have actually given him the nod in that scenario.

DERP DERP. :dunce:
Theres too many cheese receipients for "small Government" to work now, so Ronald needs to come back to the real world and start making his fantasies (the non turtle related ones) into workable solutions...

Yeah, you're probably right. There are too many foreign military actions going, too many anti pot laws laws, too much corruption in government, too much debt, too many oppressive law enforcement agencies, too many laws and regulations... we should just give up, shrug our shoulders and bend over and take it up the ass, like good little serfs.
Yeah, you're probably right. There are too many foreign military actions going, too many anti pot laws laws, too much corruption in government, too much debt, too many oppressive law enforcement agencies, too many laws and regulations... we should just give up, shrug our shoulders and bend over and take it up the ass, like good little serfs.

Leave it to the british to show us the way lol
The GOP continues to try to stop the Ron Paul campaign with idle threats but again fails in Washington. At least in this instance they didn't threaten violence as they have at other cauceses such as MO.

In king county washington The GOP tries to tell the Ron Paul delegates that they have to pay the rent and inusrance for the building to support Ron Paul because the newly elected chair was alleged a "Ron Paul Operative" even though she doesn't officially work for the campaign, the caucus then moved outside and gets all 12 delegates for Ron Paul. The fight for washington continues.
Interesting little show down
