Ron Paul: Winning

I wouldn't insult special needs children by comparing them to Captain Buckfast there.

$10,000 says he quotes me and includes the word "potato" in his post, his creativity is fucked recently.

LOL, no thanks, I would NEVER risk money over what the Buckster might bleat out next.
LOL, no thanks, I would NEVER risk money over what the Buckster might bleat out next.
Beware tho man, he's probably reading this right now rubbing the stomach off himself at the repeated mention of his name by other men on the Internet...depraved guy all together.
You have to be retarded to even consider this guy for president lol. Any person who think legalizing crack, cocaine, and meth is not sane. That one sentence he said that should have made any non retarded person go "ooooohhhh I see well Im done with you wack job."