Well-Known Member
UB you know that every president almost never gets to do what they want because of congressional grid lock. The biggest influence they have is spreading their methodology to the public through mass media coverage. I support Ron because he has the best methodology compare to the other candidates. The methodology of responsibly, to be responsible fiscally and morally when things get tough. To not let the government do things that they themselves claim is wrong.
What is wrong with morality being the driving force to help others in need. You claim that it would have to be a Utopian society and you fight it at every turn. Are you to full of pride to turn to a neighbor for help or that you know deep down you wouldn't help someone else out. The people who fight the possibility of utopia are the very reason it can not be reached. It seeds the belief in people that everyone is out to cut each other's throats. Ron Paul isn't going to "end the fed", cut government departments , or throw people out of hospitals because they can't afford the bill. Congressional gridlock wouldn't let it happen.
However he will try to show people that big brother does not need supervise every interaction. That not everyone out there is a backstabber and you can turn to people for help without fear of a hidden agenda. His corny slogan of watering the tree of liberty may sound funny ,but all he is doing is pointing to utopia and saying why don't we go over there?.
no i am not saying that but to me he is point over there and we need to keep looking that way.
I am an alternate precinct delegate for the state convention along with about 20 other RP supporters, winning.![]()
so, you're not even going to the state convention? lol. winning indeed.
Yes as an alternate.
so you're going but not needed unless?
wow, you really matter.
Grow weed and collect some bama money (AKA 99 Weeks of unemployment)What have you done besides sit on the forums and play intelligent?
Grow weed and collect some bama money (AKA 99 Weeks of unemployment)
Grow weed and collect some bama money (AKA 99 Weeks of unemployment)
If Bucky is your friend, are the ones who aren't part of some building's foundation?
i have very little idea what this means. i think you are saying that ND gets on my case hard, like i do with others, so if i am friends with him, imagine what treatment my enemies get.
i respect intelligence even when it disagrees with me. that's why i like you canna. maybe me, you, ND, and carne can all have a special "boy's night out".
i actually skipped out on the last 5 months of UI for a shitty, low paying job.
i was getting about $370 a week in UI, i took a job at $10.50 an hour with no benefits instead (managerial position, to boot. had up to a half dozen people at my direct command). now do the math, i was making $420 a week before taxes, factor in gas to get there and back ($7 a day) and increased caloric intake from hard, manual labor ($5 or so a day), that is $60 a week extra just to be able to work. that effectively meant i was getting paid less than UI by $10 a week, and chose to do it anyway.
and you know what? i chose to up and quit the job 4 or so months later, ending any chance i had at collecting UI again.
i made less than the standard deduction last year, you tell me what my IRS bill was.
How much intelligence exactly did it take for you to be able to work at a nursery? All to just throw it away cause your fingers got dirty (this is Mexican work and I'm better then this). How awful !! And now I can't collect from the UI system !!
You poor poor thing, UncleBuck.