Royal Wedding, anyone watching??

Ok i can't be the only one not sleeping and watching all this crap, shit i can't help it i wanna be a princess!!! :sad: , but it would suck if my prince was balding dude is rich, hello hair plugs!!

She's not a princess, she's a dutchess. I was personally hoping for some kind of assasinatiopn, that many people watching, it would be fantastic :lol: being british, i rather resent the useless selfish uncaring arseholes that the majority of the roayl family are. There were no celebrations of bunting in my area of the city, i woke up and it was life as normal, noone seemed to give two damns.

But hey, it's a fantastic day for britiain, it gives us hope. How they then quanitfy hope and fantastic, i do not know, because we;'re damend well still uteerly broke and our boys are still getting killed abroad for a lie. But yes, the roayl wedding gives us hope. I got fired and finding more work is hard, but the marriage of these two sure gives me hope for a new better life for myself.. i have no issue with them being married, all the best or whatever, just the idea that they are somehow important in any way whatsoever in our life, that's the scam. They've stopped teaching children in school in preference of having mock weddings with the kids. I'd be pulling my kids out of the education system! Bloody indoctrination. Hitler youth, catch them while they're youn g and impressionable.
Wow, then you must have been violently sick and near suicidal at the cost of your black presidents inauguration.

To be fair, the inauguration meant something, he was becoming president like. It's not like thi is a corronation, it's a freaking weeding between some random hotty and bloke who won't be important for the next 20 years, heck, 30 years the amount of money charles will have to spend on healthcare.

I'm now sat here trying to imagine how this would have all panned out if the benevolent prince had decided to marry a fat ugly spotty trout. That would have been amusing as fuck listening to the news trying to glamourise her :D

To be fair, the inauguration meant something

That's a biased comment, I'm no royalist but i can see how much they mean to a lot of UK people and beyond. They're both ceremonies for the people, and both could have been made more cost effective if they so wished.
That's a biased comment, I'm no royalist but i can see how much they mean to a lot of UK people and beyond. They're both ceremonies for the people, and both could have been made more cost effective if they so wished.

An inauguration is a guy becoming president of a conutry, such as a coronation is a guy becoming the monarch of a conutry. A weeding is a completely different event to celebrating smoeone becoming the leader of the state, i am not commenting on how much should or should not have been spent but you cannot compare the wedding of two people to someone becoming leader of one of the most powerful countries on earth.. :lol:
Wow, then you must have been violently sick and near suicidal at the cost of your black presidents inauguration.

you got it. there's just no need for it. i say take those dollars and pump it into something productive. it's not like it's HIS money they were spending. however becoming the supposed leader of the free world and a couple of nobodies getting married are two different events.
Still want to be a princess when this is the public perception of them April? :D

Personally i wouldn't say no to riches and wealth, but fuck if i'd give up my life for that. I'd rather be poor than never walk outside without a bodyguard again or be able to hit a pub with friends without secret service making sure noone is a terrorist or as has been seen today and yesterday, anything whatsoever potentially "non-royal loving". I think i'd kill myself. I enjoy being able to walk out my front door alone and have a quiet walk around the neighbourhood in the evening. I like having genuine friends.
You get the odd royal who everyone sais is a saint and that they do so much, but just the one or two. But you have to take a step back and ask yourself whether you would not be doing that as well if you have tens of millions of pounds to blow somehow. Most people don't have a duke of edimburgh foundation to their name because they can't afford it or don't have any public recognition to make it happen. In short anything good they do is simply because they can afford to do it, majority of the UK can't afford to be donating thousands or visiting mine victims on a spare weekend.

Still can't get enough of your avatar mate :D Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution.
Am i right in thinking the queen is the largest private land owner in the world? All from illegal means. Imagine you were able to prove without a question of a doubt that the house of windsor had no legal claim to the throne, how in hell would you go about getting that one in court haha
personally i'd rather be one of the 'lesser' princesses like beatrice, all the $$ and privilege, but WAY LESS "royal duty" and paparazzi.....
(all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others!! lmao....)

as a crafter it's all about the textile arts for me. (i effing KNEW it was gonna be mcqueen house, in spite of their sundry denials)
i woke up late, looked at pics of The Dress, (meh? at least she wasn't a meringue), went back to my coffee.
Thanks for the negative rep Socata, your true colours shine so bright in this thread
It's funny how people are proud to be rude and ignorant, and giving me negative rep? lmfao wow
personally i'd rather be one of the 'lesser' princesses like beatrice, all the $$ and privilege, but WAY LESS "royal duty" and paparazzi.....
(all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others!! lmao....)

as a crafter it's all about the textile arts for me. (i effing KNEW it was gonna be mcqueen house, in spite of their sundry denials)
i woke up late, looked at pics of The Dress, (meh? at least she wasn't a meringue), went back to my coffee.

I think most people assumed it would be Mcqueen, i did love the dress very classy and elegant i love ivory dresses, she looked liked a million bucks, i hope they have many babies and make a positive impact in the future.
I'm kinda tired of hearing about it myself. I saw on the news there was some lady in my state that wanted to go watchfrom the streets so bad that she quit her job when her boss wouldn't give her time off. That's just crazy if you ask me. But I wish em luck. Hope it turns out better than diana and big ears did.
I'm kinda tired of hearing about it myself. I saw on the news there was some lady in my state that wanted to go watchfrom the streets so bad that she quit her job when her boss wouldn't give her time off. That's just crazy if you ask me. But I wish em luck. Hope it turns out better than diana and big ears did.

Ok some people get a little obsessed lmfao, i'm currently not working so i had the option to stay up and watch, i like seeing things live because you never know whats gonna happen. No charles has the big ears, Diana was a wondeful women that helped so many, did u know she would dress as a bum and go out into the streets 3 nights a week and feed the homeless, i'm more annoyed with people hating such a happy occasion, Big hats, men all dressed up in uniform looking handsome, what's not to love, oh if i could only get all dressed up and party with royalty today!!!

Hey i'm a women i'm suppose to be all in this shit, so i am, don't hate