Royal Wedding, anyone watching??

I post for niether likes nor rep. In fact i only liked the one comment in this thread. Are you now going to tell me that it is ignorant to believe that all human beings are equal? I mean killing iraqi children could certainly be a lot easier if i'm wrong in this belief, but you know what, no, i think that i am just as good a human as the so called royals. I'm a bit shocked where that attitude might have come from, you have to be failry irrational and well, mad to think that the royals are superior human beings top us in any way. they are people, we are people. If i punch him in the mouth his teeth are gonna come out no different to anyone else.
Am i right in thinking the queen is the largest private land owner in the world? All from illegal means. Imagine you were able to prove without a question of a doubt that the house of windsor had no legal claim to the throne, how in hell would you go about getting that one in court haha

yeah stole everything they so called own................well i want mine
did you see all the people who camped out for 48 hours to get a spot on the pavement to wave..............more mental health problems in this country than i thought....
I post for niether likes nor rep. In fact i only liked the one comment in this thread. Are you now going to tell me that it is ignorant to believe that all human beings are equal? I mean killing iraqi children could certainly be a lot easier if i'm wrong in this belief, but you know what, no, i think that i am just as good a human as the so called royals. I'm a bit shocked where that attitude might have come from, you have to be failry irrational and well, mad to think that the royals are superior human beings top us in any way. they are people, we are people. If i punch him in the mouth his teeth are gonna come out no different to anyone else.

I post for niether rep nor likes. If me liking a comment causes a prejudice against someone under the idea of karma, it doesn't really bother me too much
i know when to listen to criticism and when to see it as bunk. People make good and bad statments all the time, i do not let a single instance distort my view of them. It's a weed grower and smokers forum, i try to give as much leeway as i can, even when accused of being bi-polar for not agreeing with an opinion. I certianly don't see the point in the ability of negative rep, but i've not stated any opinion on that publicly prior to now

above comments are still from same person, he just changed it but not before my copy and paste
dude get your comments organized lmfao i'm so confused your ranting about so much random shit i never even mentioned or said

who called you bi polar lmfao? And way to change your comments all around lol ,
See4 i think :D and yes, my edit all got cocked up. I do normally try and take time to write what i'm relaly trying to say, it often takes many edits when i'm smoking. When forums get busy it sometimes starts going to pot haha in this case i started again from scratch, i don't tend to apologise for not ebing perfect though.
See4 i think :D and yes, my edit all got cocked up. I do normally try and take time to write what i'm relaly trying to say, it often takes many edits when i'm smoking. When forums get busy it sometimes starts going to pot haha in this case i started again from scratch, i don't tend to apologise for not ebing perfect though.

See4 lol honestly your going to take his joking comments as in insult, just let it go, read his posts his all jokes but i never said anything rude or mean, i was joking about the rep, learn how to take what you dish out sweety, How is liking ignorant comments from Socata showing your true colours, think about it. Seems like Socata wont last long, if other members get banned for making comments like his why not him? Oh ya he thinks giving the website 5$ makes him "Elite", hell i have an extra penny i could send to get my name in red, honestly if being elite means giving people negative rep because they can i call him a hypocrite,buying a title and giving negative rep to a women who gets rep for free, seems like he's acting like royalty? Irony
Haha it's all good :D i have no beef against you, i question you wanting to be a princess but hey, some people live to stick their hands down mud holes after catfish :D I'm now sat watxching all of monty pythons flying circus and my my, well, probably best to start ignoring me haha. Carribou nibbling at the croquet hoops!

not even relevant but i'm off on a bender now haha
do i disagree with primogeniture and all that other stuff that royalty symbolises? yes.
would i trade places with the *trappings* of royal life? hell yes. (i mean c'mon, those people have *drapes that cost triple my entire wardrobe...)
does that make me a hypocrite? oh, more than likely.
do i care? 3 guesses.....
your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of ELDERBERRIES!!! *dun dun du~n*
fetchez la vache!
*fetchez la vache*!!
As i say, it's all personal preference. I'm likely the only one on the forum with my mind set. I hate money. I can't understand the inability just to make do and enjoy life and living in this amazing (the non concrete parts) planet, everything is about striving for growth. As i say, i'm alone in this one haha but i just want a bow a gun (what can i say, i'm often too retarded to use a bow :p) and to enjoy life. Love the film humboldt county and it's concepts

Only even semi relevent, but i was in the shops just last night pulling myself away from buying some vache qui ri :D yummy stuff, don't need to be royal to buy that shit! :) i've eaten a bowl of pasta and a bowl of mushroom since sunday, somehow you've inadvertedly gotten me hungry and craving, shop shuts in 45, legggg it!
I just heard that Prince Charles has never even put toothpast on his own toothbrush
Now i question who wipes??
As i say, it's all personal preference. I'm likely the only one on the forum with my mind set. I hate money. I can't understand the inability just to make do and enjoy life and living in this amazing (the non concrete parts) planet, everything is about striving for growth. As i say, i'm alone in this one haha but i just want a bow a gun (what can i say, i'm often too retarded to use a bow :p) and to enjoy life. Love the film humboldt county and it's concepts

Only even semi relevent, but i was in the shops just last night pulling myself away from buying some vache qui ri :D yummy stuff, don't need to be royal to buy that shit! :) i've eaten a bowl of pasta and a bowl of mushroom since sunday, somehow you've inadvertedly gotten me hungry and craving, shop shuts in 45, legggg it!

im with you mate.keep lifes needs simple.....
vache qui rit! are you cubes or wedges? (we're cubes, whenever we get the wedges the kid ends up smooshing them into something...)