Russia is supporting Bernie Sanders as well as Trump again in 2020.

I never shit on him for pointing out Russian interference, just trying to inject a bit of moderation into the discussion, fight for your guy. Bernie has his extremist too, the far left is coming out of the woodwork as hope springs anew. The Russians are not encouraged by or co ordinating with Bernie, they are with Trump and it's in plain sight. The Russians are focused on dividing Trump's opposition as much as they can, they and Trump bet heavily on fucking over Biden, time for plan B, B is for Bernie or Bloomberg or anybody else who wins the nomination, that plan is gonna be the same, divide and conquer.
I found your post illuminating and not in one bit negative. It's clear to me that these new marketing tools are being used by all actors. The difference is the level at which they use fake news, propaganda and deception in order to win. Putin is definitely on the far side of darkness in this as are Republicans. What I'm coming to realize is that Bernie's campaign is doing the same.

It's not the act of using Facebook's tools that is wrong, it's the use of deception and propaganda that is bothering me. Facebook amplifies its effect.
Let's see if the Russians change tack on Bernie, if the democratic party unites behind him, I figure their propaganda will echo Trump's and vise versa. Bernie is not the nominee, but super tuesday will tell the tale I figure, but the convention is where the delegates are counted. The number of moderates in the field is helping Bernie by dividing moderate support, that could change as some drop out, or with a brokered convention and the perception at least, of Bloomberg pulling the strings, Russia will exploit that for sure.

Let's see if the Russians change on Bernie? That is classic, wait until he is the nominee, and then lets just see how they rig it for Trump.

Of course they want their golden goose sitting in the Oval Office, he is giving them everything that they want so they continue to support him.

That does change shit, all the Russians are doing to pump up his support (using Trump's American voters to pump up Bernies numbers too), just fades away leaving him a 78 year old socialist with a bad ticker and all the (edited/context free) cannon fodder that Trump trolls could possibly want on him. His supporters are getting duped and he is doing nothing but allowing it.

I never shit on him for pointing out Russian interference, just trying to inject a bit of moderation into the discussion, fight for your guy. Bernie has his extremist too, the far left is coming out of the woodwork as hope springs anew. The Russians are not encouraged by or co ordinating with Bernie, they are with Trump and it's in plain sight. The Russians are focused on dividing Trump's opposition as much as they can, they and Trump bet heavily on fucking over Biden, time for plan B, B is for Bernie or Bloomberg or anybody else who wins the nomination, that plan is gonna be the same, divide and conquer.
This is not about 'fighting for your guy' this is about fighting for our democracy and not allowing Russia and other Foreign countries flood us with this bullshit when it come to our elections.

They were encouraged when Bernie knew for a month and did or said nothing to expose it.

Where has Bernie been after the last election? Did he come out and try to stop the Russian/Foreign nations attacking us? How many bills on it did he introduce to the Senate?

The Russians did not just not attack Bernie, they have been actively supporting him since at least 2014.
Screen Shot 2020-02-23 at 4.55.46 PM.png

Also it doesn't go unnoticed by me how he supported the NRA, which just happens to have been/is a Russian front in our country. Because of his help, they get that nice little can't be sued by victims of their weapons status.

I gave him the benefit of a doubt, but no more. We cannot afford to.
That will be interpreted as a false equivalency with Trump, who has far more extensive Russian connections, I don't think Donald will be talking too much about Russians, he's too easy a target himself. No sensible candidate would mention that Vlad favors him or is acting without permission in his interest, only Trump would do that because his base are single issue and blind to all else.

If Bernie wins, wait for the polls in a head to head with Trump before losing hope. I know that you don't agree with Bernie ideologically, but he will be tamed by congress, many of whom share your concerns. Congress will suddenly rediscover bipartisanship again and a democratic landslide will soon devolve into factions.

You are acting like I have not time and time and time again said I will vote for him if he wins the Democratic nomination.

It is not about disagreeing ideologically with his 'platform', this is about him allowing the American people to continue to get attacked because it helps his election. You are acting like coming out on the offense on Russians attacking our citizens is a bad thing for American voters, it is not.

The only logical reason for him to not warn us Americans about the Russians is that Sanders was just scared to lose the support and tank his chances at being elected. He accepted their support until he got caught.

If Nazi's toss you their support, you toss that shit right back at them, every single time. Swap in foreign murderous dictators and you get the same thing.

If Bernie wins, there is no hope. He won't get shit done, and it will leave a completely dejected electorate in 2024, and 4 more years of Russians/Foreigners attacking our democracy to get their favorite (aka our worst) candidates elected.
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You are acting like I have not time and time and time again said I will vote for him if he wins the Democratic nomination.

It is not about disagreeing ideologically with his 'platform', this is about him allowing the American people to continue to get attacked because it helps his election. You are acting like coming out on the offense on Russians attacking our citizens is a bad thing for American voters, it is not.

The only logical reason for him to not warn us Americans about the Russians is that Sanders was just scared to lose the support and tank his chances at being elected. He accepted their support until he got caught.

If Nazi's toss you their support, you toss that shit right back at them, every single time. Swap in foreign murderous dictators and you get the same thing.

If Bernie wins, there is no hope. He won't get shit done, and it will leave a completely dejected electorate in 2024, and 4 more years of Russians/Foreigners attacking our democracy to get their favorite (aka out worst) candidates elected.
There is a change in demographics underway. By the end of this decade the change will be nearly complete. The first five years will be dynamic and it's going to be rough. The current status quo, and the one that has prevailed for about a hundred years is declining and the power-elites who are mainly old white males are fighting to maintain their status.

Trump has put a poison pill in this economy and will either use the recession to consolidate Republican power or Republicans will use the recession they caused to take down whatever Democrat is in charge. Bernie is the perfect set-up and clown for them. Same thing happened when Jimmy Carter took office. OK, not the same but there are echoes from that past.
You are acting like I have not time and time and time again said I will vote for him if he wins the Democratic nomination.

It is not about disagreeing ideologically with his 'platform', this is about him allowing the American people to continue to get attacked because it helps his election. You are acting like coming out on the offense on Russians attacking our citizens is a bad thing for American voters, it is not.

The only logical reason for him to not warn us Americans about the Russians is that Sanders was just scared to lose the support and tank his chances at being elected. He accepted their support until he got caught.

If Nazi's toss you their support, you toss that shit right back at them, every single time. Swap in foreign murderous dictators and you get the same thing.

If Bernie wins, there is no hope. He won't get shit done, and it will leave a completely dejected electorate in 2024, and 4 more years of Russians/Foreigners attacking our democracy to get their favorite (aka out worst) candidates elected.
I realize that you will vote against Trump.

Tell ya what, if say John Brennan and the intelligence community (alumni) endorse Bernie (if he is nominated) will your concerns be addressed? He has to get by the convention first, then the party has to unify behind whoever wins, let the chips fall where they may. If it's bernie especially, he's VP pick is crucial and I figure he should name his perspective AG and DNI picks right at the convention and run with them for the rule of law and national security.
I realize that you will vote against Trump.

Tell ya what, if say John Brennan and the intelligence community (alumni) endorse Bernie (if he is nominated) will your concerns be addressed? He has to get by the convention first, then the party has to unify behind whoever wins, let the chips fall where they may. If it's bernie especially, he's VP pick is crucial and I figure he should name his perspective AG and DNI picks right at the convention and run with them for the rule of law and national security.
Seems a day late and a dollar short IMO. Bernie needs to make this right immediately, before it is used to get him the Democratic nominee. People need to be warned that damn near everything they are reading online is lies created by the Kremlin to tear our society apart.

While he has Warren and Klobuchar propping him up on the debate stage so he can hang back and watch his competition get picked off and their support get spread out. He has also had freshmen congresswomen in districts they should be extremely safe for a long time doing the same.

He has been pushing the same messages that the Russians have also been using behind the scenes to hurt the people they know have American interests first and foremost. Causing divisions in our societies, setting up conflicting rallies in hopes that the hate boils over and Americans get hurt and die in our streets, which they will then use to push us even further apart.

What you are advocating, is exactly what just occurred in the UK, and there is no reason to think that somehow it won't end up with the same results here. Republicans with a super majority in the Senate, control of the House, and the would be king as President for 4 more years.
Seems a day late and a dollar short IMO. Bernie needs to make this right immediately, before it is used to get him the Democratic nominee. People need to be warned that damn near everything they are reading online is lies created by the Kremlin to tear our society apart.

While he has Warren and Klobuchar propping him up on the debate stage so he can hang back and watch his competition get picked off and their support get spread out. He has also had freshmen congresswomen in districts they should be extremely safe for a long time doing the same.

He has been pushing the same messages that the Russians have also been using behind the scenes to hurt the people they know have American interests first and foremost. Causing divisions in our societies, setting up conflicting rallies in hopes that the hate boils over and Americans get hurt and die in our streets, which they will then use to push us even further apart.

What you are advocating, is exactly what just occurred in the UK, and there is no reason to think that somehow it won't end up with the same results here. Republicans with a super majority in the Senate, control of the House, and the would be king as President for 4 more years.
If Bernie is good enough fur Jesus and the saints (John Brennan & the alumni), he's good enough fur me!
They were encouraged when Bernie knew for a month and did or said nothing to expose it.

Where has Bernie been after the last election? Did he come out and try to stop the Russian/Foreign nations attacking us? How many bills on it did he introduce to the Senate?

The Russians did not just not attack Bernie, they have been actively supporting him since at least 2014.
It was classified, and all you're doing by spreading propaganda is helping Trump win reelection and helping Russia create chaos and diminish the integrity of the political process


It was classified, and all you're doing by spreading propaganda is helping Trump win reelection and helping Russia create chaos and diminish the integrity of the political process

View attachment 4487978

Right its me that is the problem, not the Russians attacking our democracy.

And he could have came out against it, it has been in the Mueller report which has been released for months. He has not, he knew they were attacking his competitors and he did not say anything.

The fact that the Russians are supporting Bernie again came out because Trump fired his DNI after he told congress about our elections being once again attacked. And all he could do was give a half asses 'stop it' message (that Trump parroted the next day) and then attack the News for reporting to people that our democracy is once again under attack to the benefit of Trump, Bernie Sanders, and the Republicans.
And you're one of the useful idiots helping them achieve it
By pointing out that the Russians have been attacking our communities with online disinformation, I am the problem, right....

But coming from a foreign propagandist like yourself, I guess it is kind of a complement.
Right its me that is the problem, not the Russians attacking our democracy.

And he could have came out against it, it has been in the Mueller report which has been released for months. He has not, he knew they were attacking his competitors and he did not say anything.

The fact that the Russians are supporting Bernie again came out because Trump fired his DNI after he told congress about our elections being once again attacked. And all he could do was give a half asses 'stop it' message (that Trump parroted the next day) and then attack the News for reporting to people that our democracy is once again under attack to the benefit of Trump, Bernie Sanders, and the Republicans.

By pointing out that the Russians have been attacking our communities with online disinformation, I am the problem, right....

But coming from a foreign propagandist like yourself, I guess it is kind of a complement.
You're spreading the lie that Russia wants Sanders to defeat Trump. This sows division within the Democratic party, exactly what Russia actually wants. It's a little shocking how well this works on you and how your hatred of Sanders and his supporters and your giant ego gets in the way of actual truth. You're doing everything the Russian strategy says you'll do, and you're too damn dumb to even realize you're doing it.

This is the part where you go on ignore. Bye bye
You're spreading the lie that Russia wants Sanders to defeat Trump. This sows division within the Democratic party, exactly what Russia actually wants. It's a little shocking how well this works on you and how your hatred of Sanders and his supporters and your giant ego gets in the way of actual truth. You're doing everything the Russian strategy says you'll do, and you're too damn dumb to even realize you're doing it.

This is the part where you go on ignore. Bye bye
You are lying that I ever said that. I don't claim to know what Russia wants from their support of Bernie Sanders.

My guess is that they want Sanders because they know they can rip his support from under him and have the Republicans win in a landslide in the upcoming elections because he is weak and being propped up by Russian military trolls attacking our citizens online.

You sound just like a Trump troll now, it is telling what your handlers are going to do for the next level of their propaganda, they are going to call everyone that have been Democrats all their lives "Never-Sander-ers" and say they hate Bernie to try to create a division of them against us just like Trump has done to harden his cult.

And I find it a badge of honor to be put on ignore list by the people pushing Russian propaganda on this website. You know you have nothing, and by pushing your would be comebacks you are exposing each and everyone of what will be your go-to's in the months to come.

But guess what, I still get to respond to you and your bullshit lies.
Wow, what an amazing exchange.
It was classified, and all you're doing by spreading propaganda is helping Trump win reelection and helping Russia create chaos and diminish the integrity of the political process

View attachment 4487978

Right its me that is the problem, not the Russians attacking our democracy.

And he could have came out against it, it has been in the Mueller report which has been released for months. He has not, he knew they were attacking his competitors and he did not say anything.

The fact that the Russians are supporting Bernie again came out because Trump fired his DNI after he told congress about our elections being once again attacked. And all he could do was give a half asses 'stop it' message (that Trump parroted the next day) and then attack the News for reporting to people that our democracy is once again under attack to the benefit of Trump, Bernie Sanders, and the Republicans.

By pointing out that the Russians have been attacking our communities with online disinformation, I am the problem, right....
And you're one of the useful idiots helping them achieve it

But coming from a foreign propagandist like yourself, I guess it is kind of a complement.
You're spreading the lie that Russia wants Sanders to defeat Trump. This sows division within the Democratic party, exactly what Russia actually wants. It's a little shocking how well this works on you and how your hatred of Sanders and his supporters and your giant ego gets in the way of actual truth. You're doing everything the Russian strategy says you'll do, and you're too damn dumb to even realize you're doing it.

This is the part where you go on ignore. Bye bye

It is verifiable fact that Putin's government agents were using Sanders and his army of Sanders Bros to sow division among Democrats in order to favor Republicans. Reports on that have been available since 2017. Also new reports from investigations into the 2018 campaigns as well as reports about the current campaign show that nothing has changed. It is verifiable fact that Sanders did not disown this help until now, when he seems to have gotten the upper hand in the race. On top of tacitly accepting Putin's help, It is verifiable fact that Bernie has a cozy history with Putin and other dictators. These are facts that can and should be discussed. I'd prefer that my president not be so weak on human rights in other countries. Or that he have the appearance of being yet another Putin candidate. Given a choice, I'd pick somebody who doesn't carry that baggage. Yet here in this thread we see Bernie's supporters demand that we "get in line" with them. What I see here is that Bernie's movement wants to take away our choices whether that is at the ballot box or in our healthcare. Also that Bernie's movement has almost a Republican distaste for facts.

It's too bad for Bernie's bros that they can't take the heat and instead lose their minds when facts are discussed about their guy. It's not as if they were lax about broadcasting to all every negative report regardless of facts against Bernie's opponents.
You're spreading the lie that Russia wants Sanders to defeat Trump. This sows division within the Democratic party, exactly what Russia actually wants. It's a little shocking how well this works on you and how your hatred of Sanders and his supporters and your giant ego gets in the way of actual truth. You're doing everything the Russian strategy says you'll do, and you're too damn dumb to even realize you're doing it.

This is the part where you go on ignore. Bye bye
what a childish tantrum

Bernie is getting help from Putin

He knew it for a month and said nothing
Wow, what an amazing exchange.

It is verifiable fact that Putin's government agents were using Sanders and his army of Sanders Bros to sow division among Democrats in order to favor Republicans. Reports on that have been available since 2017. Also new reports from investigations into the 2018 campaigns as well as reports about the current campaign show that nothing has changed. It is verifiable fact that Sanders did not disown this help until now, when he seems to have gotten the upper hand in the race. On top of tacitly accepting Putin's help, It is verifiable fact that Bernie has a cozy history with Putin and other dictators. These are facts that can and should be discussed. I'd prefer that my president not be so weak on human rights in other countries. Or that he have the appearance of being yet another Putin candidate. Given a choice, I'd pick somebody who doesn't carry that baggage. Yet here in this thread we see Bernie's supporters demand that we "get in line" with them. What I see here is that Bernie's movement wants to take away our choices whether that is at the ballot box or in our healthcare. Also that Bernie's movement has almost a Republican distaste for facts.

It's too bad for Bernie's bros that they can't take the heat and instead lose their minds when facts are discussed about their guy. It's not as if they were lax about broadcasting to all every negative report regardless of facts against Bernie's opponents.
I cannot stand that he sat back and watched as Putin unleashed his military into our minority communities, so he could push a few hot button phrases that he knew would work to get their votes, and he said nothing to warn us.

And it is still ongoing. And he is saying nothing.
Shit I see all kinds of anti Bernie folks on TV, most of the morning Joe crew for instance, nobody in the media seems to have an issue with this stuff and I've seen no mention of it. They would be shouting it from the rooftops if there was any importance to it. Hanimmal your see a Russian lurking in every bush, this shit has got ya spooked. I know it's important, but I don't think it's Bernie's fault, to the extent that it might be made out to be, I haven't seen it mentioned by his opponents either. If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me.

You seem to display a greater vehemence over Bernie than Trump sometimes, perhaps because you have family who are Trumpers and come from a right wing background and perhaps can empathise with them more. I know, you'll hold yer nose and do the right thing if ya gotta, fight for yer guy in the meantime. If Bernie is the chosen one I'll jump in with both feet for him, or any other democratic candidate who wins the brass ring.
Yup, they were also impeaching Biden at the time too.

That is the problem, they need to start shouting it. No matter how much you feel about it.

You are not seeing it because trolls are flooding the zone with anything but this issue and anytime it is brought up 10 people jump out of the troll woodwork to shout that person down and say there is no such thing as Russia. And you are just doing Trump's and Putins work.

Which is exactly what you did, sometimes I do feel like I see Russians in everyone too. But when you say stupid shit and ignore what is going on, and then tell me to do the same, yes I suspect you too. But at least you are upfront about not being an American.