Russia is supporting Bernie Sanders as well as Trump again in 2020.

Spoken like a true Muppet. I'm sure you let your wife fuck another man. Another reason she left you. She wanted to sex and you wanted to drink and beat her. Not a good match
Nah, it was quite amicable and I'm at complete peace with the way it worked out. It was a bright spot in a dark and difficult time after deploying to Afghanistan and Iraq with an elite airborne unit. She wasn't up to the difficulty and I made it as easy as possible for her to go on with a life she preferred. She's quite happy now. Thanks for your concern.
Nah, it was quite amicable and I'm at complete peace with the way it worked out. It was a bright spot in a dark and difficult time after deploying to Afghanistan and Iraq with an elite airborne unit. She wasn't up to the difficulty and I made it as easy as possible for her to go on with a life she preferred. She's quite happy now. Thanks for your concern.
he sounds like he has control issues throughout his entire life and especially with women. Typical of a bernout

I can only imagine his wife has it pretty rough
So, in 2016, you were all hot and bothered about Bernie raising taxes. Not this time though it's clear that's where we are headed. What's different for you this time?
I did the math and realized what me and my wife could do where it would not hurt us. Four years ago I was still trying to get one of my shop to make a constant profit. That problems is solved. I also will add about 75 cent to certain services and not hire as many people once 3 leave. Other areas with cuts will help as well. I will be all right with Bernie tax increase on me.
WOW RIU is really you guys life. DO you really think I care about how people feel or think about me here ? Seriously
No, watching your decay is more like watching a dog descend into madness. Morbid curiosity. Something snapped in your brain sometime in the past few months.

So, about those taxes you raved over in 2016 and said you wanted your contribution that you made to Sanders back. Why don't they bother you this time?

Also, do you really think that Trump will be defeated by somebody who can't manage a majority of Democrats to vote for him?

Math Meister, please help.
Oh look at how easy it is thanks to companies like Facebook for propagandists to attack (insert community here) with propaganda:
Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 5.03.16 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-02-24 at 5.03.22 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-02-24 at 5.03.45 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-02-24 at 5.04.18 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-02-24 at 5.04.29 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-02-24 at 5.04.37 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-02-24 at 5.04.48 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-02-24 at 5.05.04 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-02-24 at 5.05.16 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-02-24 at 5.05.35 AM.png

Add to this the data analysis and AI the Russians are using to attack our citizens with, and they can use this to micro target pro-Bernie propaganda, while slamming them with the actual events that take place that harden the anti-establishment stance by amplifying the worst things in a way that makes everything seem like it is getting worse and not far better.
I was looking at the AP article about Bernie's political machine, and came across a name Norman Solomon:
Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 6.33.24 AM.png

Interested since now we know how hard the Russians were hammering the Latino community after 2016, here is this guy saying that they were growing the Sanders cult at the same time. It is also telling how they are saying how Sanders wasn't doing well, and how he wasn't well known after 4 years running for President.

So I decided to just key word search this Solomon on google to see if he has ties with Russia:
Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 6.37.05 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-02-24 at 6.37.19 AM.png

Surprise surprise, he is trying throw smoke for Russia interfering in our elections and attacking democracies around the world hard core. So I go to the story (the purple'd one in the google results, 'Frenzy') and after exiting out of the 'secret group log in, I got to the story:
Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 6.39.30 AM.png

And was immediately hit with donation links of course. And then after clicking out of those, I see the story is dripping with Russian 101 language like attacking the media. And finding it impossible to understand that why Clinton would be upset that Russia attacked our elections to take her down in 2016.

Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 6.39.56 AM.png

But I continued on, and realized that this is just like the @Bugeye propaganda pages he used to link all the time:
Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 6.40.28 AM.png

A Russian propaganda story that is designed to attack the establishment, but more devious is the Russian benefiting stories in the 'Reading list' box (on the left). Just like this Russian propaganda page here with Butina. Protesting Assange being released, Pro-gas line (aka Russian black gold), more division story on Climate Change nudging people to extreme ends of the spectrum (either it doesn't exists or everything dies immediately), and a kit piece on Pelosi attacking progressives.

It is becoming very obvious that Bernie is surrounded by people who understand and are using the Russian attacks on our democracy to their benefit. Especially in the Latino communities (at the very least, let's see how it goes in areas like Dearborn MI, which have a high % of Middle Eastern people).

If this works and he gets to cheat the system by benefitting from Russian election interference the same way that Trump did, are we just supposed to hope that he does something to stop it? Are we just supposed to hope that he doesn't pick Gabbard for his running mate leaving her to become the heir to the Presidency after Trump has demonstrated how to use it as his personal Re-election platform?

This is scary stuff, and everyone living in a democracy needs to wake up.
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I was looking at the AP article about Bernie's political machine, and came across a name Norman Solomon:
View attachment 4487658

Interested since now we know how hard the Russians were hammering the Latino community after 2016, here is this guy saying that they were growing the Sanders cult at the same time. It is also telling how they are saying how Sanders wasn't doing well, and how he wasn't well known after 4 years running for President.

So I decided to just key word search this Solomon on google to see if he has ties with Russia:
View attachment 4487660View attachment 4487661

Surprise surprise, he is trying throw smoke for Russia interfering in our elections and attacking democracies around the world hard core. So I go to the story (the purple'd one in the google results, 'Frenzy') and after exiting out of the 'secret group log in, I got to the story:
View attachment 4487662

And was immediately hit with donation links of course. And then after clicking out of those, I see the story is dripping with Russian 101 language like attacking the media. And finding it impossible to understand that why Clinton would be upset that Russia attacked our elections to take her down in 2016.

View attachment 4487665

But I continued on, and realized that this is just like the @Bugeye propaganda pages he used to link all the time:
View attachment 4487670

A Russian propaganda story that is designed to attack the establishment, but more devious is the Russian benefiting stories in the 'Reading list' box (on the left). Just like this Russian propaganda page here with Butina. Protesting Assange being released, Pro-gas line (aka Russian black gold), more division story on Climate Change nudging people to extreme ends of the spectrum (either it doesn't exists or everything dies immediately), and a kit piece on Pelosi attacking progressives.

It is becoming very obvious that Bernie is surrounded by people who understand and are using the Russian attacks on our democracy to their benefit. Especially in the Latino communities (at the very least, let's see how it goes in areas like Dearborn MI, which have a high % of Middle Eastern people).

If this works and he gets to cheat the system by benefitting from Russian election interference the same way that Trump did, are we just supposed to hope that he does something to stop it? Are we just supposed to hope that he doesn't pick Gabbard for his running mate leaving her to become the heir to the Presidency after Trump has demonstrated how to use it as his personal Re-election platform?

This is scary stuff, and everyone living in a democracy needs to wake up.
Let's see if the Russians change tack on Bernie, if the democratic party unites behind him, I figure their propaganda will echo Trump's and vise versa. Bernie is not the nominee, but super tuesday will tell the tale I figure, but the convention is where the delegates are counted. The number of moderates in the field is helping Bernie by dividing moderate support, that could change as some drop out, or with a brokered convention and the perception at least, of Bloomberg pulling the strings, Russia will exploit that for sure.
Let's see if the Russians change tack on Bernie, if the democratic party unites behind him, I figure their propaganda will echo Trump's and vise versa. Bernie is not the nominee, but super tuesday will tell the tale I figure, but the convention is where the delegates are counted. The number of moderates in the field is helping Bernie by dividing moderate support, that could change as some drop out, or with a brokered convention and the perception at least, of Bloomberg pulling the strings, Russia will exploit that for sure.
Hanimal pointed out very clearly that Bernie and his campaign are using the same tactics that Putin is using. It's not just Russians and Republicans who are putting this democracy at risk by using the vastly improved tools of manipulation and propaganda available now online.

At the root of it all, liars are lying to get what they want.
Hanimal pointed out very clearly that Bernie and his campaign are using the same tactics that Putin is using. It's not just Russians and Republicans who are putting this democracy at risk by using the vastly improved tools of manipulation and propaganda available now online.

At the root of it all, liars are lying to get what they want.
I never shit on him for pointing out Russian interference, just trying to inject a bit of moderation into the discussion, fight for your guy. Bernie has his extremist too, the far left is coming out of the woodwork as hope springs anew. The Russians are not encouraged by or co ordinating with Bernie, they are with Trump and it's in plain sight. The Russians are focused on dividing Trump's opposition as much as they can, they and Trump bet heavily on fucking over Biden, time for plan B, B is for Bernie or Bloomberg or anybody else who wins the nomination, that plan is gonna be the same, divide and conquer.