Russia is supporting Bernie Sanders as well as Trump again in 2020.

OK, so avoid the counter argument and stick to your excuse.

Bernie had five years to build bridges with the people who didn't vote for him in 2016 and he didn't even try. All he's done thus far is attract fewer votes than he got in 2016. It was this point in 2016 that he was at a high point and he's looking no better today than he did then.

Excuses are for losers.

You've pretty much made your argument about how hard it has been and are now just repeating yourself. I'll be glad to revisit this argument after Super-Tuesday.
avoid??? I just showed you as a liar, in which you called it paraphrase. Do you not know what paraphrase mean. You had not one single word I said so it was not a quote nor paraphrase from me. I don't indulge liars. You starting to remind me of someone again.
Yes it will be best to wait until after Super Tuesday to see even more numbers. Just don't come with lying to hold an argument.
avoid??? I just showed you as a liar, in which you called it paraphrase. Do you not know what paraphrase mean. You had not one single word I said so it was not a quote nor paraphrase from me. I don't indulge liars. You starting to remind me of someone again.
Yes it will be best to wait until after Super Tuesday to see even more numbers. Just don't come with lying to hold an argument.
didnt you say that my wife was leaving me one day then threaten to prove that I once wanted to leave my wife the next day?

That makes you either a liar or soup-brained
Just a reminder that Bernie knew about Russians attacking his fellow Democrats for over a month and said nothing about it.

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And has been getting help from them for over 4 years now, and has not tried to stop it:
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To the point that he is leaving our Mexican American communities, as well as every other person in America under a constant assault from foreign military propaganda:
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He might be better than Trump by a mile, but he is still willing to step over us to get what he wants.
didnt you say that my wife was leaving me one day then threaten to prove that I once wanted to leave my wife the next day?

That makes you either a liar or soup-brained
That makes me in error in which I said I had it wrong. In which I admit, Truthfully you said you were ready to leave your wife and then started hitting on Sky. I have zero problems admitting error. I don't double down like yourself. Glad to see you stuck around for the kid.
always classy to include more lies when apologizing for previous lies
Classy ??? are you going to share another story about your dream of your WIFE eating another woman pussy. Everyone kept trying to ignore you but you kept think it was info we wanted to know. good grief. have some respect for the women who bore your child
Didn't UB used to live in Oregon . Hey @UncleBuck did you know fog when you lived in Oregon
I've never gone personal on you, London. Actually respected you. Just because we have a difference over who we'd like to win the primary is no reason to start now. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens on Super Tuesday. Whatever happens, I won't be making excuses for the candidates I'd like to win.
I've never gone personal on you, London. Actually respected you. Just because we have a difference over who we'd like to win the primary is no reason to start now. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens on Super Tuesday. Whatever happens, I won't be making excuses for the candidates I'd like to win.
Stop crying you and I have got into it always leave playing victim

Yeah the McConnell and the Republicans are salivating over this guy. He is their best hope at keeping their power in the Senate and regaining the house so they can go back to investigating Benghazi and Clinton's emails, which they were right up until 2019 when the Democrats took the House from them.
and a chicken in every pot....
John King breaks down Bernie Sanders' effect on polls after Nevada

CNN's John King discusses the poll numbers around the Democratic presidential candidates following Sen. Bernie Sanders' projected victory in the Nevada caucuses.
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How long until after the Republicans impeached Joe Biden in the Senate was it that his polls took to drop?

Yeah the McConnell and the Republicans are salivating over this guy. He is their best hope at keeping their power in the Senate and regaining the house so they can go back to investigating Benghazi and Clinton's emails, which they were right up until 2019 when the Democrats took the House from them.
Here you are holding Republican water, doing exactly the same thing you project onto others. This is the clearest case yet you're nothing but a staunch propagandist for the political establishment. Here's the quote in context;

Sanders has no chance in a general election, though. He panders to the kids. He wants teachers to get raises while making college free. This is impossible, also the Dems lose the House if a socialist wins the Presidency......He's fake news, like Trump. If the Dems are dumb enough to elect Sanders prepare for a Trump re election with a GOP majority in both the House and Senate. Scary times.
Here you are holding Republican water, doing exactly the same thing you project onto others. This is the clearest case yet you're nothing but a staunch propagandist for the political establishment. Here's the quote in context;

The Russians keep filling that glass for the Republicans, I will keep emptying it. The Democrats can't afford to have everything hit once the Russian propaganda on everyone else takes hold (like your last little bit you tossed out there a few minutes ago against Biden) and Trump, MBS, and Putin get the nominee they chose. And his trolls like yourself push.

Are you an American, for real once and for all.
Classy ??? are you going to share another story about your dream of your WIFE eating another woman pussy. Everyone kept trying to ignore you but you kept think it was info we wanted to know. good grief. have some respect for the women who bore your child
oh shit I forgot about that

What a great dream that was